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Mortimer's battle logs.

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And it is done. After I powered up 3 road hills consecutively at 30 km ish my left knee started complaining so I decided to walk uphill for the rest of the run. 



Elevation isn't accurate due to GPS bug, distance more or less is - I was aiming for 44.44km for 04.04.2021. But this is a trail/road hybrid marathon. Other runners reported about 500-600m of elevation gain through the course. 


Also as a treat I decided to go for weights shopping. And realized the following:


An 8 kg kettlebell costs $28

A 12kg Kettlebell costs $42

My initial idea of sticking 2 5 kg weight plates to the dumbell =$18/weight plate. 

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  • That's Metal 1
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44km :o 


Just WOW! :loyal:

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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June there will be a 66k challenge, august 88k challenge, October 110k challenge. I will go as far as I can go. I don't think there's really enough time to build a running base to cover 110k by October - solid running base takes time to build. Granted I'm not genetically gifted in this category, though in my own way, I do work hard at it. I don't know how I'm going to improve when I can't train running during weekdays though.


I would like to attempt the challenges because at least I have company that can look out for me for this kind of long runs.



Rest day. Really. I was aching in all kinds of places unexpected from running. Shoulders, abs. Knees, quads, ankles, glutes to be expected since there was quite some elevation and part trail.



10x 10 1 H swings @11.8kg

10x1 TGUs @11.8kg


And that's why I said I need more weights...

  • That's Metal 1
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2 pull ups x 3 sets

2 chin ups x 2 sets 

3 chin ups on final set



Bar + 15kg  per side x8

Bar +17.5kg per side x 8

Bar +20 kg per side x 6, had to take a break at 3


Back squat:

25 kg x 8, 3 sets, superset 


Overhead press:

Bar + 2.5kg per side x 7,3 sets,last set had to take a break at 5


Chest press:

Bar + 5kg  per side x6, 3 sets


Front squats:

30kg x8, 3 sets


Farmers walk :59 s with 20 kg weight plate. No 15kg plates so gotta make do...


Also did 31 push-ups in a min, 20 crunches in 1 min (not surprised at poor performance as I don't practice crunches. Ask me to hold a 2 min plank I'll do it for you), as part of the AIA Vitality fitness assessment. My sit and reach of 23cm was total crap though. Even felt a pulled muscle in my abdomens when I tried to sit and reach. Clearly simple and sinister isn't sufficient for flexibility training...


I mean the way I like to do my flexibility training is via the rock wall,but that's out now...



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Bad TGU day...


10x 10 1 H swings @11.8kg 

1 TGUs @11.8kg

9x1 TGUs @10.8kg




2 pull ups x 3 sets
2 chin ups x 3 sets 


No bonus today.


40kg x 12, 3 sets


Back squat:
25 kg x 8, 3 sets, superset


Overhead press:

25 kg x 7,3 sets, had to take a break on last rep last set.


Chest press:
Bar +5kg  x 6, 3 sets


Front squats:
No time,skipped


Farmers walk :1 min 42s with 15 kg weight plate. 


Not in the best of moods today. My in laws gave me short notice (Thursday) that they were going to be out all Sat. Then why the heck did they ask me to cook the sharks fins and dried abalone earlier in the week?! Both items require long prep time. First you ask me to cook stuff then you're not at home to eat it. WTF.


I told them frankly about my workload and how them giving me late notice and conflicting orders was stressing me and was told that I was exercising too much. Like I would have more time to do things I were supposed to do if I exercised less.  Normal people are supposed to be exercising only on weekends.  And I'm too stubborn and only want things my way. I don't understand why my husband can play genshin impact for 2h a night and I can't even get 20 min for simple and sinister or 1h for weights. Why can't I have nice things as well? Granted there's that travel time to the gym...


Then I get blamed that "oh it's your failure to control your husband to get him to play less computer games. As his mother I haven't had much success."


Look, you've been living with him most of his life(you're his mom ffs) and you say you don't have much luck. What makes you think I'll have more luck...


I don't want to interfere unduly with people's lives (I've had too many people telling me what I should do with my life) and I've been trying to get him more physically active but he refuses to budge. I sort of regret that he doesn't want to budge else I could combine running time with hubbie time(or not, because guys once trained properly,run much faster then ladies). I'm faster then him at this point of time since I've undergone my own version of training from hell. Sure I don't push myself for speed much, but at least I'm diligent about clocking distance, no matter how long it takes.


On one hand I feel bad about not pulling my weight in the house and not spending enough time with hubbie, but on the other hand it's not particularly productive to see him sleep till noon.


Is like people can handle kids,  Work, cook for family etc, but I can't even handle washing clothes and cooking for myself. Is there something wrong with me? Or am I just a useless loser who can't do things right?


Yeah I'm feeling particularly angsty atm.

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Giving advice is hard knowing just a bit of a problem, but I'll try.


1. Shark fins. Just put the meal in the fridge and force them to eat it later. If it isn't as good as fresh and they complain - tell them it's their fault they missed it when fresh. It's a bit passive-aggresive, but hey, they are the ones who asked for the meal in the first place.


2. Hubbie not exercising. No idea here other than - give him time and good example. My wife started doing some movement more than a year after I started exercising. The decision has to be theirs, otherwise everything will be temporary. And if he decides not to exercise, you might try find some sort of activity you both can do which will camouflage exercising as fun :)


3. Time management for house chores. Make a day plan of sorts, it may be as simple or as elaborate as you wish. Some people work better with strict planning other prefer loose timeframes. In this, set a small amount of time (like 15-20 minutes) every day for any house chore there will be to do. Even if there is anything to do (dishes are done, laundry already dries, floor is operating-room-clean) just take a cloth and dust the shelves for couple of minutes. This will establish a habit of doing something. And will shut ones mouth from complaining you're not doing anything.


And get the "The subtle art of not giving a fuck" book by Mark Manson and read it. For me, it was an eye-opener. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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No one sees me do anything because I wake up at 4 am just to do the laundry...and to be honest no one is saying I'm not pulling my own weight,it's just I feel I'm not doing a good job about it due to long commute to and from work(1.5h each way),me trying to eke out time to exercise, cook and sleep after that. Surprisingly the book"The subtle art of not giving a fuck" is available in the library as an e book but the wait is 2 months long. To wait or just to buy the e book on my own..



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My hubbie is a free spirit. He doesn't believe in planning and all that. When poked to exercise,he asked me to book a badminton court for the next day. It failed miserably of course since to get a badminton Court here you need to book like 2 weeks in advance.


My mother and father in law, I believe, prefer to have the freedom to go out whenever they want as opposed to planning their days around going off after meals. To them food is a I eat whatever I want when I feel like it. For me I get majorly pissed when food I cook for them gets left in the fridge and stays uneaten for days. Who are they to comment about me wasting food when they're the ones who have questionable practices with regards to eating food. I still get judged for buying a whole lot at one go( look I don't have the time to do groceries every fking day). Double standards I tell you. 


And of course they will start taking things from all over the place of questionable health value, and say help me finish this or that, which I will try to do because I'm living in their house, and of course they will give last min notice oh we're not at home today and I'll have leftovers on my hands again...sigh.



But anyway Aramis,thanks for listening and suggestions. 


I'm considering for the future maybe I should prepare portions only for my husband and myself on weekends. It's a big difference preparing portions for 2 and portions for 4 you know, even if they don't eat that much.


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I think this may be a good way to go - let them live their life as they want, eating any garbage they fancy. And when presented leftovers just politely refuse (like - "No, thank you, I already have my food prepped, it would spoil"). Just take care of yourself and your hubbie. 


And speaking of random activities - just book the field by yourself. In two weeks' time he will forget (given you told him about it) about that and when time comes, you can surprise him (again) telling "Honey, tomorrow we'll be playing badminton, get your outfit ready" :) If he's so spontaneous he shouldn't be mad about it.


I'd lend you my audiobook copy, but I suspect your polish may be not good enough ;) 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Yeah I don't understand Polish. Anyway I ran 38km on Sat (ran to reservoir, ran 25k or so, then ran home), with breaks between run to reservoir and run home.



10.5km at a 6.08 min/km pace. Testing a friend  of my friend for her run speed.  We managed 6 min pace to about 6-7km then she couldn't quite sustain. I think she used to be faster but after her running Buddy left sg and she was training on her own, she probably didn't have enough motivation to really go fast. Hell, I don't even go fast unless I'm running late or someone is kicking my sorry arse to go faster.


Anyway I felt I needed a bit more workout, so I tried to simple and sinister.


10x 10 1 H swings @11.8kg

10x1 TGUs @10.8kg


I guess trying to simple and sinister when you ran 38 the day before probably isn't the best of ideas....had to deload.


I found the armswings ok. Not sure why the TGU on 11.8kg was epic fail though.

  • That's Metal 1
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7 hours ago, Mortimer said:

why the TGU on 11.8kg was epic fail

 You will perform worse after such long run, no surprise. 

Speaking of which - have you ever thought you might overdo all the fitness stuff? Running insane amounts of kilometers, S&S, lifting weights... what's your weekly workout plan anyway? Do you get enough rest/recovery time? And no, running 24K isn't "active recovery" ;) 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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You mean running 24k isn't active recovery?=P Oooh I didn't know that;)


My active recovery is during weekdays when I sit at my desk like a couch potato. Hell I don't even clock 10k steps on a weekday >< That's why I actively try to screw myself over on weekends =P


But I know that my weekend run volume is not sustainable at my level of training - this is what happens when you try to pack a week of mileage in 2 days.


2  pull ups x 2 sets

2 chin ups x 2 sets 

Final set for both was down to 1 chin up, 1 pull up, and 3 assisted Chin ups and 3 assisted pull ups.


Anyway I thought S&S was more like an add-on to whatever crazy shenanigans you're doing?


For me Mon, Weds, Fri I lift weights and do pull ups. During lunch breaks if I have time I may run 1-2k around office/do 100 burpees in sets of 20 with 1min break in-between if it is raining or looks like it's going to rain. Tuesdays and Thursdays the only exercise I get is S&S . Sat and Sun I run like a Krazy loon. Saturday run is always harder then Sunday, which occasionally becomes a chillax session if my friend shows up, because we'll do 8k in a run-walk combo. If I find Sunday's workout not challenging enough, I add S&S.


I don't get enough sleep I suppose. Usually living with 5-6h ish.


Also I'm going to experiment with going lacto vegetarian for 2 meals/day  this week - I am speculating cutting firm tofu takes less time then chopping Chicken breasts. We'll see how I feel about the taste and check on time prep. I believe I know enough not to screw myself over nutrition wise.

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Deadlift @ bar +15kg (x8)
Deadlift @ bar + 17.5kg (x8) 
 Deadlift @ bar +20kg (x8) 
Chest press:
30 kg x 7, 3 sets
Front Squat:
30kg x8, 3 sets

25kg x 7 overhead press, 3 sets


Back squats:

25kg x 8, superset


Farmers walk with a 20 kg weight plate on each hand. 55s


Different gym,this one is kinda crowded so I decided to increase weights and walk around less.

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2 pull ups x 3 sets


2 chin ups x 3 sets 



Deadlift @ bar +15kg (x8)
Deadlift @ bar + 17.5kg (x8) 
 Deadlift @ bar +20kg (x6) 


Ooops I was supposed to do 8? Eeek I'll remember next time.
Chest press:


Bar+5kg/side  x5, 3 sets, had to take a break on 4th rep last set
Front Squat:
Bar +5kg/side  x8, 3 sets

Overhead press:

Bar +2.5 kg/ side  x7, 3 sets


Back squats:

Bar +7.5kg x 8

Bar +10 kg x 8

Bar + 12.5 kg x4


Farmers walk with a 20 kg weight plate on each hand. 54s




10x 10 1 H swings @11.8kg


3x1 TGUs @11.8kg


7x1 TGUs @10.8kg

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40kg x 12, 3 sets


Back squat:

25 kg x 8, 3 sets, superset 


Overhead press:

25 kg x 7,3 sets


Chest press:

30kg x6, 3 sets - had to take a break at 4 on the last set.


Front squats:

30kg x8, 3 sets


Farmers walk :1 min 03 s with 20 kg weight plate on each side.




Ran 35km. My new LED headlight has arrived. So if I want to solo that 44km next Saturday at 5am... I can.

  • That's Metal 1
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Ran around 12.3km (6.05 min/km- kinda slow compared to what I would be capable of pulling off usually - but I think that 35km the day before did eat into me) then went cycling with hubbie for an hour and a half or so. Didn't track distance nor speed cos it was a nubby bike. And he's talking about getting foldable bikes in our new place so maybe in the future we can do it as an every Sunday thing=D


The only down spot for the day was when I asked my father and mother in law if they were eating dinner at 3 pm, they said yes, just to change their mind 1h 20 min later, then to flipflop (initially my brother in law asked them out) and say they'd eat dinner at home because father in law was coughing. Seriously how do you cook for people who can't make up their minds?




Seem to be losing strength here =(


1 unassisted pull up

7 assisted pull ups


1 unassisted chin up

7 unassisted chin ups


1 unassisted pull up

5 assisted pull ups


1 unassisted chin up

5 assisted chin ups


4 assisted pull ups

4 assisted chin ups


I know I get a dip in performance come Monday but it's never been that bad =(

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Also 20x5 sets burpees during lunch break with 1 min break between.





40kg x 12, 3 sets




Back squat:


25 kg x 8, 3 sets, superset ( I think? I absent mindedly did around 16, gawked at a guy deadlifting like over 100kg(includes bar weight), got distracted, and lost count, then I did another 8).




Overhead press:


25 kg x 7,3 sets




Chest press:


30kg x6, 3 sets - had to take a break at 5 on the last set.




Front squats:


30kg x8, 3 sets




Farmers walk :58s with 20 kg weight plate on each side.




Full S&S

10x 10 1 H swings @11.8kg


10x1 TGUs @11.8kg


Woooh I feel badass =D

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2 pull ups x 3 sets - had to take a break for last set

2 chin ups x 3 sets 

40kg x 12, 3 sets

Back squat:
25 kg x 8, 3 sets, superset 

Overhead press:
25 kg x 7,3 sets


Dumbbell press:
10kg per hand, x8, 3 sets


Despite working at 2/3rd weight(yeah someone took my 30kg barbell), it was kinda tricky. Maybe I'm not used to the motions.


Front squats:
30kg x8, 3 sets

Farmers walk :37s on 20kg plate. Did I not grip it right or what?



10x 10 1 H swings @11.8kg




10x1 TGUs @11.8kg


Maybe it's a reflection of my lighter workouts. Also I'm carb loading atm...44k to run this Sat.

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Good idea. 44K is serious business.  Best of luck, and may the (endurance) force be with you ?

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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And someone out there smiled on me. It was raining the whole run. Which was awesome because the weather was cool. Except for entering the trail on return because some parts were so slippery that I had to slow to a walk. Splashing around through puddles and all that. It is done. My left knee only started bothering me once I hit the trail on return - thanks to some tactical slowing down on uphill section and starting sections and conservation of energy principles over the last few days. I made better speed and less walking compared to my previous attempt.





Sure, I was slowest to return for this batch of runners (they're better then me, I give them that), but I wasn't looking to chase to them, just do better then I did previously.

  • That's Metal 1
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45K... wow :encouragement:

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Rest day! Chillaxing! And playing D&D 5e.


Got pissed because in laws watermelon was taking up fridge space, so I chopped it up, just to get chided on it because they wanted to make a watermelon bowl for their daughter(after they quarreled with their daughter yesterday). Look, I don't have the time to do watermelon scoop to preserve the bowl thing and likely if I don't cut it, that silly thing is going to take up fridge space for God knows how long. Then my husband's aunt brought in bananas and they decided to eat bananas instead saying they were ripe and had to be eaten now.




1 unassisted pull up

7 assisted pull ups


2 chin ups


1 unassisted pull up

5 assisted pull ups


2 chin ups


1 unassisted pull up, 3 assisted pull ups

1 unassisted chin up, 3 assisted chin ups


Also found out watermelons can keep in the fridge for 3-5 days so with food spoilage I didn't have to be in such a hurry to cut it.


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