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Mortimer's battle logs.

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What technique you use for bars?

I found last one (swinging) the most energy efficient for me - but I have arms like a baboon, which helps a lot with reach distance.

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Didn't run back,but joined another running group for sprint intervals. Owww I nearly died doing 800m x6 repeats...at a 5min pace. But gamin is pleased I finally got my lazy arse moving.... probably because I don't go faster then 6:30 min/km if it's by myself.


But on a more serious note, it was one of the few times I found it hard catching my breath. (Usually my breath is the last thing I worry about - usually I'll either end up with stitches/get a knee problem before that). Maybe for the 12 min is all I need 2.4km run I got that too...


Again even if I could be arsed to do speed intervals, I'd only do them for 3k at most so technically 4.8k is a tad out of my paygrade, which kinda showed because I started slowing down on last 3 intervals.



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Running group followed this route:



25km only lah....and 600m worth of elevation, not to mention trails...oooh this was the first time I saw stairs and had to take a break in between. Usually I'll just move up stairs easily. No clue how you finish in under 3h 30min, I did like 4h 23 min. The route setter is a sadist ><


Also ran 6km to start point.





Walk ran 8.5km or so, had a picnic with pancakes.


10x10 1h swings @11.8kg


10x1 TGU @11.8kg

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Probably ate too much for dinner last night and got fat (father's day celebration):



2 pull ups x 1 set

2 chin ups x 1 set

1 pull up x 2 sets

1 chin up x 2 sets


And back to the gym and crap:



40kg x 12, 3 sets


Back squat:

25 kg x 8, 3 sets, superset 


Overhead press:

25 kg x 4,3 sets


Chest press:

30kg x5, 3 sets


Front squat:

25kg x 8, 3 sets)


(Sorry, can't clean 30kg these days...)


Farmers walk :46s with 20 kg weight plate. 


Ran about 5k in the morning. And another 5k in the evening.


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2 pull ups x 3sets

2 chin ups x 3sets



40kg x 12, 3 sets


Back squat:

25 kg x 8, 3 sets, superset 


Overhead press:

25 kg x 4,3 sets


Chest press:

30kg x6, 1 set, remaining 2 sets x5


Front squat:

25kg x 8, 2sets


Accidentally picked up 20kg weight and did one set with it and was wondering wow, isn't that a bit light....


Farmers walk :34s with 20 kg weight plate. 


20 burpees, 5 sets, 5km run in morning.

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Real kettlebell this time.


10x10 1h swings @12kg


10x1 TGU @8kg


Ran around 11km at night on hilly terrain.




2 pull ups x 3sets

2 chin ups x 3sets



40kg x 12, 3 sets


Back squat:

25 kg x 8, 3 sets, superset 


Overhead press:

25 kg x 5, 2 sets, last set x 4


Chest press:

30kg x5, 3 sets


Front squat:

25kg x 8, 3sets


No farmers walk as I booked the wrong gym and it was too confined. Stuck to doing monkey bars.


20 burpees, 5 sets, rest of 1 min per interval.


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Running in the rain was fun actually. Due to slippery conditions, I chose to go slow(duh -I don't want to slip and fall), and usually where it would get hot, it was pleasantly cool( running in downpour)So it was like I could run forever...




Slacked around walk running about 5km. I did about 3 intervals of 100-200m with my apprentice  and was pleasantly surprised for that short distance she can sprint as fast as I can...(granted I was doing it on 3+h of sleep and carrying her 500 ml bottle of water).  At some point of time we were sub-4...


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2 pull ups x 1 set


2 chin ups x 1 set


1 pull up x 2 sets


1 chin up x 2 sets









Bar +20kg/set x5, 3 sets




Back squat:


Bar +10kg/set x 8, 3 sets




Overhead press:


25 kg x 5,2 sets, last set only 4 reps




Chest press:


30kg x7, 3 sets




Front squat:


25kg x 8, 3 sets


 20x5 sets of burpees, 1 min break in between, ran 5.5km to my aunt's place.

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Real kettlebell.


10x10 1h swings @12kg


10x1 TGU @8kg


20x5 sets of burpees, 1 min break in between


Sprint intervals, 5 min fast, 2.5 min recovery jog. I peeked at my gamin and realized I probably did a PB for 10k at 54 min 36 secs....




Ran 5.5km to aunt's place.



2 pull ups x 3sets


2 chin ups x 3sets





Bar +20kg/set x6, 3 sets


Back squat:


Bar +10kg/set x 8, 3 sets


 I wanted to do 12.5kg but the weight plates only come in 5 kg.. I wonder if I'm ready for 15kg @ 4 reps or should I try 12 per 10kg set first?



Overhead press:


25 kg x 5,1 set, last 2 sets only 4 reps


Chest press:



30kg x7, 3 sets


Front squat:


30kg x 8, 3 sets


I had the squat rack so yes I can still front squat 30 since cleaning isn't a problem.


Farmers walk :41s with 20 kg weight plate. 


I also did pick up a blister in the process =(


20x5 sets of burpees, 1 min break in between, 

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Thursday ran about 10km, with a durian eating break and stairs climbing break. 




Ran 5.5km to aunt's place.


2 pull ups x 3sets


2 chin ups x 3sets




Bar +20kg/set x5, 3 sets


Back squat:


Bar +10kg/set x 8, 3 sets


Overhead press:


25 kg x 4,3 sets


Chest press:


30kg x6, 3 sets


Front squat:


30kg x 8, 3 sets


Farmers walk:34s for 20kg.


Today's lifts were...not that good.



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That place... beautiful!

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Thanks ? It's as close as a vacation we can get in these Covid times. I had a overpriced coconut but it was good. Plenty of juice and soft flesh, not to mention a proper metal spoon provided. Unlike mainland where I gave up trying to scrape the hard coconut flesh out with the flimsy plastic spoon and used my finger nails instead.




Ran 5.5km to aunt's place.


2 pull ups x 1set, remaining 2 sets at 1 pull up each.


2 chin ups x 2sets, remaining set at 1 pull up




Bar +20kg/set x6, 3 sets


Back squat:


25kg x10, 3 sets


Too many people wanting to use squat/rack come deadlift area today...


Overhead press:


25 kg x5, 3 sets


Chest press:


30kg x7, 3 sets


Front squat:


30kg x 8, 3 sets


This time I cleaned 30kg...it's back. My 30kg clean is back! Woot!


Farmers walk: 20kg weight in each hand for 56s.


I always get Monday (pull-up) blues. But it's not due to a lack of energy etc because my gym work goes swimmingly well on Mondays...


20x 5 sets of burpees


Anyone want to help me figure? (I do run a full marathon (or more) worth of distance over the course of a weekend though).

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Real kettlebell.


10x10 1h swings @16kg


10x1 TGU @12kg


The swings are begining to get hard and I failed and had to redo the last TGU. 


I Really should read my notes and stick to this for another session.


9km @ 6 min pace at noon. Don't think I'll have time for burpees today.

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Weds(got to gym late, squat rack and bar taken up)


2 pull ups x 3 sets


2 chin ups x 2 sets, last set x3




40kg x12, 3 sets


Back squat:


25kg x10, 3 sets


Overhead press:


25 kg x5, 2 sets last set x 4


Chest press:


30kg x7, 3 sets


Front squat:


30kg x 8, 3 sets


No time for further exercise.




Ran 5.5km to aunt's place


Real kettlebell.


10x10 1h swings @16kg


6x1 TGU @12kg

4x1 TGU @10kg


Too busy at work for burpees last 2 days but on the flip side I am getting bruises on forearms from S&S. I think it's a grip issue with regards to my kettlebell...


Also I haven't been very good with diet. Been eating cakes, peanut butter...blame work stress.

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On 7/8/2021 at 8:43 AM, Mortimer said:

I am getting bruises on forearms from S&S. I think it's a grip issue

I wouldn't call it an issue. It's rather a feature of kettlebells. One can try to mitigate this wearing soft wristbands or something, but I see those bruises rather as battle scars :). Besides - without any padding I can feet the 'bell better. 

Maybe going with olympic 'bells would be different, but with standard ones every weight change you need to learn to hold the 'bell anew, as they vary in size and shape. I found that after a while with given weight the bruises cease to show up as body adapts to new pressure point. But again, when body adapts, it's time to add more load :) 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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My arms sometimes get bruises when I start a new weight.I have soft wristbands I wear. Like Aramis said, it usually gets better. I usually end up doing the wristbands for a few weeks at a new weight. then take them off.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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