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Mortimer's battle logs.

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150g cauliflower

100g brocoli

90g sesame chicken

60g blackbeans

20g lentils

1 tomato

60g chayote

20g red pepper


Afternoon tea:

One piece of swiss roll - I really hate it when people stuff things to me and threaten to throw perfectly good food away if I don't eat it. Gah. How am I supposed to get anything done this way?

1 banana

1 piece of dark chocolate

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150g cauliflower

100g brocoli

60g chickpeas


Anyway I hauled booty two subway stations while carrying my office gear in hustle mode(brisk walk, no running involved),  hitting 140 for heartbeat(now how did that happen,  I don't even get it on my slower runs). Then joined running group for evening run. 6 min/km pace is still too taxing for me.


Supper: glass of milk

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1 cashewnut chicken zucchini boat

1 cup of cocoa cinnamon milk





6 chin ups, jump and catch bar and pull. Nope, only on three try of the set did I manage to fully clear the bar, the rest were partial way. (4 sets)


6 pull ups, jump and catch bar and pull. All partial way. (4 sets)


Since I couldn't get any belts.


Cable deadlift (×10) at 14, 16 and 18 kg respectively.


Trx on knees (x20), 3 sets cycling with 2 min plank in between


Leg raise on stability ball(15x), 3 sets, I'd take a break every 10.


Shuttle run 25 m (x4), followed by 1 min of beating ropes.


Shuttle run 25 m (x4), followed by 45s of beating ropes.


Shuttle run 25 m (x4), followed by 30s of beating ropes.


Morning snack:

Usual decoction of 1 tablespoon cumin, fennel, 1 teaspoon fenugeek.

60g chickpeas 

1 mandarin orange


I've figured an issue with my pistol squat attempts. My heel keeps coming up when I go lower. I think I need some ankle flexibility exercises.

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45 min of sh'bam at the gym



150g cauliflower

100g brocoli

90g sesame chicken

60g blackbeans

20g lentils

1 tomato

60g chayote

20g red pepper




Lots of durian and mangosteen

Fried carrot cake

Ice kachang(yeah as usual, found it too sweet. That's pretty much most deserts for me this time)

Aloe vera ice jelly.


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Cashew nut chicken zucchini boat

Cocoa cinnamon milk


Morning snack:

Usual decoction of 1 tablespoon cumin, fennel, 1 teaspoon fenugeek.

9 apricots


50 min of les mills body combat. I figure if I microwave stuff and bring it to my desk to eat, I'll look less away from my desk.



150g cauliflower

100g brocoli

90g sesame chicken

60g blackbeans

20g lentils

1 tomato

60g chayote

20g red pepper



150g cauliflower

100g brocoli

60g chickpeas

90g sesame chicken

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5 grapes

9 almonds

1 orange 



Cashew nut chicken zucchini boat

Green bean drink with cinnamon

Usual decoction of 1 tablespoon of cumin, fennel, teaspoon of fenugeek

An orange


Then I did this 3.5 km run thing with my BF.


Short one,  but it's an organized run so we'll consider it co-op mode. I'll figure a way to fit in the star wars workout later 


Morning snack:

An egg and an apple

Screenshot_20190803-091130_Samsung Health.jpg

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Skywalker handstands: Padawan level planks it is. 3

breaks taken total. 


Master high jumps:


3 x 15 box jumps, sit up station that I was box jumping on was up to my knee - not sure how high that is, but I wanted to get the landing mechanics right. Took 4 breaks. First set didn't get the mechanics optimised and used too much energy.


Jabba the hutt chokes:


3x10 body weight rows, took breaks in between


Chewbacca carries:

One hand waiters carry of a  milk bottle filled with sand(3 kg).Its easier now.


Han Solo shuttle runs:


Just ran the whole 6x20 secs thing. Fitbit provided the 20sec count and 10 secs intervals.


Force push ups:


4 sets of 8 Knee Plyometric Push-ups - took one break in between.


Jedi force choke holds:


Tiptoed onto the bar, lifted my knees up and held on the fill way.


Lunch(eating out):

Burrito bowl (couscous with tomato eggplant, broccoli,  cucumber, corn and roasted chicken )

4 cherry tomatoes 

10 grapes


Not sure if I made the right carb selection but there was soba, rice, mash potatoes and couscous 


Hiits(High intensity interval training): 
1 battle rope pull(bloody thing didn't budge) 
27 sit ups while holding a 4 kg ball 
Jump over 0.5m height pole (x15) 
Single battle rope slam (x58) 
Tyre flip of 40 kg tyre (×18) 
Sandbag throw of 8 kg sandbag (x14)


Dinner(eating out too):

Chicken rice

Chicken feet and peanut soup

Matcha ice cream from Mac Donalds


And for such a long Saturday, yes, I'm bushed.

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Cocoa cinnamon milk

Cashewnut chicken zucchini boat



2 okra subs

Ingredients of subs in question:

480g eggplant

140g shrimp

230g ladies finger(or okra)

1 onion


Golly these subs are filling. Ran a rough calorie count(no condiments included) and it showed around 328 calories. Geez.


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Afternoon snack:

A Danish cookie!

26 cherries

2 figs


So anyway, I started loading up on the exercise in the afternoon.


The swim should have been 1 km, but I was a little too happy in getting into the cooler water after the run that I forgot to activate my Fitbit to record swim.


Did 1 length butterfly, 1 length free

1 length frog, 1 length free in cycles till 1km was done

Screenshot_20190804-170349_Samsung Health.jpg


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4 eggs fried with tumeric

100g jackfruit seeds

155g jackfruit

25 grapes

4 small cherry tomatoes

Nestum 3 in 1 oats. Apparently I've been roped in to clean up the fridge again...




6 chin ups, jump and catch bar and pull. Nope, only on three try of the set did I manage to fully clear the bar, the rest were partial way. (4 sets)


6 pull ups, jump and catch bar and pull. All partial way. (4 sets)


Since I couldn't get any belts.


Cable deadlift (×10) at 16, 18 and 20 kg respectively.


Trx on knees (x20), 3 sets cycling with 2 min plank in between -Ah shit no wonder I found I had extra time. I forgot to do these! Next time I should bring my phone so I can check.


Leg raise on stability ball(15x), 3 sets.


Shuttle run 25 m (x4), followed by 1 min of beating ropes.


Shuttle run 25 m (x4), followed by 45s of beating ropes.


Shuttle run 25 m (x4), followed by 30s of beating ropes.


Morning snack:

5 stuffed tofu puffs

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Back to the gym for about 1h piloxing.


And did those Trx on knees (x20), 3 sets cycling with 2 min plank in between. Pfft. Also, for shits and giggles, tried box jumping on a 24 inch stool. (So far I've only been box jumping on 18 inch stools and anything that looks 18 inches high, like situp benches in fitness corners). And yes, I made it up! Even if I landed like an elephant ><.


More practice will make the landing more graceful. For 18 inch things, I can land on the balls of my feet and toes so it's fairly soft instead of the loud clop.



40g pink lentils

150g eggplant

100g cucumber

20g red pepper

60g chayote

1 tomato, all in a stew

Today's stew was ><. I think despite all the herbs, it turned out rather bland- there wasn't enough flavour. Also I got an eggplant ban from my mom since it lowers blood pressure(several articles on internet do state that too), I'll stop putting it on the menu since I already do have low blood pressure(94/60).

230g okra with chilli

90g sesame chicken


I intend to take out the eggplant, replace it with more cucumber. And stir fry the cucumber with Samsui sauce(because I've been told to finish the sauce). I'm looking for sources of potassium that don't involve leafy greens(since I am a cooked vegetable snob and have to microwave my food) or burn a hole in my pocket.


Samsui sauce: 




Usual decoction of 1 tablespoon cumin, fennel, 1 teaspoon of fenugeek and 1 teaspoon carom seeds

Ate an orange after that.


Eaten 1500+ calories and counting...

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Did the evening run thing,  800m x 5 at some crazy 5 min 21 s pace. (Group 2) With 2 min rest between each 800m burst.



30g of pork from pork ribs in a potato carrot soup

200g bok choi fried with 70g minced pork

120g potato

50g fish

A cup of cinnamon cocoa milk.


Total calorie input around 2k. But again this is a run day with 3 exercise sessions.

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1 curry chicken zucchini boats

One cup of cocoa cinnamon milk


Did 1h body combat.


Did about 48 min of yoga -tried to box jump 24 inches and epic failed today. Not even sure how I managed to nail it yesterday.



40g pink lentils

150g eggplant

100g cucumber

20g red pepper

60g chayote

1 tomato, all in a stew

150g broccoli 

100g cauliflower

90g sesame chicken 


Dinner(eating out):

Sweet potato mash (1 cup?)

50g brocoli

50g mixed peppers

30g miso glazed carrots

Some marinated beef





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3 turmeric eggs 

Nestum 3 in 1 oats 

An orange 


Did 1h body combat


Did weights:


Inclined bench press (just the bar) x10 - 2 sets

Inclined bench press- bar +2.5 kg on each side x8 had to break in between


Calf raises on seated leg press x20 @65

Calf raises on seated leg press x20 @85

Calf raises on seated leg press x20 @95


Dual adjustable pulley tricep curls @6.25 kg x20, 3 sets


Diagonal leg raises on stability ball (x15) each side, took a break at 10, 3 sets.


Weighted sit ups lifting medicine ball(4kg) from back to overhead (x15)

Followed by plank with alternate arm raise (1 min)


3 sets total.



40g pink lentils

150g eggplant

100g cucumber

20g red pepper

60g chayote

1 tomato, all in a stew

150g broccoli 

100g cauliflower

60g chickpeas 

6 stuffed tofu puffs


Yes, today is a run day.



150g broccoli 

100g cauliflower

60g chickpeas 


Played an hour of badminton with my colleagues then rushed off to join the local run group.


Got verbally kicked for taking it too easy(happily conversing with the Group 3 trainer while running at a 6 min 45 sec pace)^^


And told to run faster - following those in between group 2 and group 3 - the return run of around 2.5km was done at a 6 min pace which was leaving me really pushing hard.


You see, I have several progression levels for running.


At low levels: random songs pop up, no breathing pattern engaged. Might even be able to be shouting random marching stuff throughout the run.


Medium level: two inhales through nose, one exhale through mouth,using "My Oh My" by Aqua


Medium +: two inhales through nose, one exhale through mouth, using "We will rock you" by Queens


Medium ++: two inhales through mouth, one exhale through mouth, using "My Oh My" by Aqua


High(used for hillwork, extended speed work): two inhales through mouth, one exhale through mouth, using "We will rock you" by Queens


Full ramp: Single inhale and exhale through mouth,using "We will rock you" by Queens


I find that mouth inhales and exhales tend to leave your mouth dry and finish(water?) Faster?



1 apple

Cinnamon milk


Total calorie input around 1900+

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Cashew nut chicken zucchini boat

1 cinnamon cocoa milk 


Did a quick hill run(30 min up to 105m elevation, 2.8 km) then had lunch.



40g pink lentils

150g eggplant

100g cucumber

20g red pepper

60g chayote

1 tomato, all in a stew

230g okra

60g chickpeas 

90g sesame chicken


Did Hiits workoit involving weighted sit ups (10 kg), squat and rope slam, running over mini hurdles then jumping over, rope  skipping  and inclined tyre push ups, 40 secs per station with 10 secs in between rest and break of 30 sec between each circuit  x4.


Then it was tricep pulls, side plank and rope slam, running over mini hurdles and jumping over, lunge-squat-lunge combination and tyre flips, 40 sec per station with 10 secs rest in between, 30 secs rest between each set, 2 sets.



60g turtle beans with 90g of pork from pork ribs and part of a chicken leg.

200g kai lan fried with vegetarian kidneys and mock meat.

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Curry chicken zucchini boat

cinnamon cocoa milk 


Ran for around 5 kmish



Eggplant sub consisting of 240g eggplant, 1 capsicum and 70g shrimp

Remainder of hulled zucchinis

Usual concoction of 1 tablespoon fennel, cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugreek 

16 longans

1 peach


Did weights:


Inclined bench press (just the bar) x10 - 3 sets


Calf raises on seated leg press x20 @65

Calf raises on seated leg press x20 @85

Calf raises on seated leg press x20 @95


Dual adjustable pulley tricep curls @6.25 kg x20, 3 sets


Diagonal leg raises on stability ball (x15) each side, took a break at 10, 3 sets.


Weighted sit ups lifting medicine ball(4kg) from back to overhead (x15)

Followed by plank with alternate arm raise (1 min)


3 sets total.


Did 10 push ups, 3 sets, 15 box jumps on a 18 inch stool and 10 pistol squat assisted attempts with a doorframe on each leg.


Post workout snack:

A pear


Going to BFs family for a large dinner so I'd better make sure those calories go the right direction...830029387_Screenshot_20190809-134607_SamsungHealth.thumb.jpg.ca2d26c0999a2c8d3c84275a1549b4f5.jpg

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100g of chye sim

50g French beans 

30g carrots

1 cup of snow peas

30g of pork

1 piece tau kwa

A whole load of clams - yep I went batshit crazy

Some bean sprouts

1 bean cookie

1 bowl of rice

1 cup of leeks


Ehhh...I think I did manage to limit the calorie damage(by really going nuts on the vegetables) and avoiding processed foods in general, almost made it except for the bean cookie.

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Now I really, really wanted to beat my PB of 27.59 for my parkrun. So I decided to eat less breakfast, hoping to delay the dreaded stitch when I push to later. Besides my aunt passed me some stuffed tofu puffs so...they got hoovered.



1 curry chicken zucchini boat

3 stuffed tofu puffs

Usual decoction of 1 tablespoon fennel, cumin, 1 teaspoon fenugeek seeds 

20 longans


Then did this park run thing....damn, 28 min 19 secs. Missed by 20 secs. I think I should have pushed harder since the stitch only came towards the end of the run.


Post run snack:

Nestle 3 in one oats with cinnamon

An orange


Lunch(oh dear):

50g kai lan

About quarter a roasted chicken?

1 bowl of rice

Quite some char siew pork (wager 60g or so?)

Another 8 stuffed tofu puffs.


And I'm not exactly full either despite that much proteins. I think I might be missing my beans and vegetables ><


Then I went for a 2 km swim(trying to outrun my fork) yeah I know that doesn't work very well. But on the bright side I managed to do 25m distance in swimming pool on a single breath =)


Dinner(eating out again):

120g beef

8 pieces of fried calamari

Half a soft shell crab

3 pieces pork belly satay

2 pieces bbq chicken wings

Some bread thingie that was cut to look like fries which was delicious. I think I haven't had bread for a long time or what...

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Curry tuna zucchini boat

Nestum 3 in 1 oats with cinnamon

Usual decoction of 1 tablespoon cumin, fennel and teaspoon of fenugeek seeds

20 longans

13 grapes


Did the star wars workout:


Chewbacca carries: 1 arm waiters carry of 3 kg for 60 sec on each arm


Jabba the Hutt choke: Bodyweight rows, 2x 10, took a break then finished last set


Jedi high jump:

3 x 15 box jump on 18 inch high sit up bench


Force choke:

60 secs, took a break


 Force push:

4x 8 plyometric push ups,  took a break


Han solo shuttle runs:

6x 20 secs at a run, Fitbit provided timing 


Luke handstands:

Plank 5 min, took 3 breaks



240g eggplant

250g okra

60g shrimp 

A peach 

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Whelk with 300g xiao bai cai

40g pork

120g sliced fish with ginger 

1 chicken drumstick 

1 stuffed tofu puff



4 eggs with 26g spinach and a tomato 

Nestum 3 in 1 oats

Usual decoction of 1 tablespoon cumin, fennel and 1 teaspoon fenugreek 

20 longans


Was hiking around, about 8 km.



50g pecans

20g pumpkin seeds

2 mandarin oranges

1 apple


Afternoon snack:

5 longans

10 grapes



200g chye sim

70g shrimp

2 chicken drumlets, 1 chicken thigh with cucumber soup

120g sliced fish with ginger 


What I saw on my hike:


A pond full of terrapins 

Butterfly on grass

An aquarium of sea slugs




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Nice hike :)

Took me a sec to find a butterfly. 

I absolutely CAN run on caffeine and hatred. But only with a dash of milk.

Challenges' status: 


Not gonna Challenge anymore for now. I took Steve's words and started thinking in days and years. Challenges are just short-term distractions. 


#16 | #15 (Xmas mini) |  #14 | #13 | #12 | #11 | #10 | #9 | #8 | #7 | #6 | #5 | #4 | #3 | #2 | #1


Other activities: Bike build

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Wasn't having much luck with my photo-fu, in part because Samsung health was on to track distance so it kept going workout paused everytime I stopped to try take pictures. All the birdies flew off at the sound =(


But I really wanted to know how far I hiked with my BF. Also fairly tiring despite the not really long distance. Might have been the weather, it was rather hot. Also I think I could have used 1.2l of water but carried 2.4l.

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Yesterday I had an icecream for supper




2 curry chicken zucchini boats (this batch was very small)

Nestum 3 in 1 oats

20 longans, 7 grapes


48min of body combat class.





Bar + 10 kg on each side(x8)

Bar + 15 kg on each side (x8)

Bar + 17.5kg on each side (x8)

Bar + 17.5kg on each side (x8)


Chest press:

Just the Bar (x8)

Bar +2.5 kg on each side(x8)

Bar +3.75 kg on each side(x8)

Bar +3.75 kg on each side(x8)


Seated leg curls @40, (x20) 3 sets


Dual adjustable pulley tricep curls @6.25 kg x20, 3 sets


Diagonal leg raises on stability ball (x15) each side, did full set, took a break at 10 on last 2 sets


Weighted sit ups lifting medicine ball(5kg) from back to overhead (x15)

Followed by plank with alternate arm raise (1 min)



150g cauliflower

100g broccoli 

40g lentils

1 tomato

20g red pepper

60g chayote

90g sesame chicken

250g cucumber fried with ginger.


Stew got better after I added more salt and took the cucumbers and eggplant out.


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1 bowl of rice

40g pork in a curry with eggplant, green pepper, carrot,  lotus root and corn



3 eggs, 26g spinach

Green bean powder drink(need to save 1 packet of nestum 3 in 1 oats for shape run, it seems that green beans/milk do make me go to the loo.) Not an issue normally but may be on run day itself.


1h body combat.


Morning snack:

Usual decoction of 1 tablespoon cumin, fennel and 1 teaspoon fenugeek 

1 mochi!

1 kiwi


Was supposed to go for yoga class but got the boot for being late. Went running halfway up my favourite hill testing how restrictive Maffetone running is: You're supposed to run in heartbeat range 180-age-10 to 180- age.


I was worried that when I do any steep incline it would be too restrictive, but I managed to stay within the lower end of the bracket quite comfortably by just checking my pace. I believe I can get all the way up given enough time and inclination(I already know I can run up the hill, but my heart rate is greater then the bracket) but chose not to as I am joining my running group later - don't want to run out of steam.


Late lunch(due to work related stuff):

300g cauliflower

200g of brocoli

60g chickpeas

40g lentils

1 tomato 

60g chayote

20g red pepper

250g cucumber

90g sesame chicken

6 stuffed tofu puffs.


There are a bunch of tempting,tempting chicken wings and mushroom fritters in the office pantry now. I suppose if I still feel like eating after stuffing lunch and dinner together, I'll be surprised. Or maybe not. I can be a bloody greedy monster at times.

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