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It's only a matter of (chibi) going

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Decided that this week had to be rest week so only did 2 workouts and 160 IMs, so I've satisfied the WHO's requirements for exercise and they were two good workouts with training effects of 3.1 and 3.2 so that's OK, I guess.
Today I woke up terribly tired (and my watch agrees). I think that reading in bed, even Jane Austen printed on paper, is bad for sleep. No reading tonight! That's not going to do much for my plan to do a big weights workout today!



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Less tired > guilt.  By a bunch.

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"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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Had another week with only about 160IMs but I'm getting my mojo back now. I'm getting up at a civilised time but still tired. I'm just terrible at turning off the telly, especially when I'm tired and need to the most!! Runalyze is complaining that my "stress balance" is bad. That just means I'm throwing myself back into exercise after being slack for 2 weeks. :)

And according to Strava I am a local hero because I rode down spring gully road twice in the last 90 days. I didn't even know I was signed up to strava!!


Today I just have to do an itty bitty workout...5mins of HIIT and a stretch,


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So my doctor took me by surprise on Friday and asked me how much exercise I do!
And I didn't have a brilliant answer about intensity minutes and of course I had been slack last week and only had 120 minutes recorded on the watch.
Hmph. Anyway, I ended up doing 282 IMs last week which was two weight workouts and a bit of incidental walking. I seem to be getting less and less incidental
minutes, now that I'm getting fitter. Yay!

So next time I see my doctor I'll make sure I've done heaps of exercise that week and have printouts from runalyze etc.
I'd forgotten that the reason I was aiming to make my weekly goat 560IMs was this graph below,

from this paper . Vigorous exercise reduces mortality in a dose dependent way, but the dose effect starts to fall off at around 40mins / day. 
40 mins of vigorous exercise is 80Ims = 560IMs/ week. That's where I got that number from. However, that's more time
than I care to dedicate to exercise, so I end up doing about 33 mins/ day (when I'm being dedicate) and that falls nicely in the part of the curve right before it 
starts tapering off. 


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So 509IMs this week (unless I inadvertently get more tomorrow).  So reading off that graph above I've reduced my all-cause mortality by 40%. Yeah right.

Anyhoo, met my IM goal but none of my workouts had a training effect of greater than 3, which means that none of them increased my aerobic fitness. Boo!
I guess that's why the doctor grumbled when I said most of my exercise was resistance. Hmmm....sometimes the weight's workouts give a training effect > 3 and sometimes not, so weird. 
Maybe I should tack 5 mins of tabata onto the end of my workouts. Hmmm... I need a way of seeing my training effect while I'm working out!!

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So only got to 436 IMs this week because I was sooo tired yesterday. That's OK.

I tried hard to get a training effect > 3 for the four workouts I did and managed it for only 2. Oh well, 2 is still OK, according to garmin.
It turns out that improving your cardio vascular fitness is hard work! Who knew?  Now the doctor tells me my cholesterol is going up despite eating the cholesterol lowing supps/weetbix/margarine!! I'm blaming the rifampicin but it will be 6 weeks before I can see my lung specialist about it. Meanwhile I'm trying to avoid saturated fat and refined sugar/grains (mediterranean diet sort of), which is making me miserable and hungry.



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Had a good week this week. 2 ride, 1 walk, a weights circuit and lots of strenuous shopping. :)
Got in three workouts with a TE of >3.0 so I must be getting fitter right?


Still sticking to my diet but I'm beginning to wonder why. My HDL, I've just realised is actually dangerously high, my triglycerides are low
and, according to Dr Google, that means I don't need to worry about my LDL which will be mostly big fluffy particles, but would I be able
to convince an hysterical doctor about that?

I've realised that I have a real psychological problem with Drs. I'm quite sure they are going to kill me and soon. They have already
cut my life expectancy by decades with their guess work and ignorance so I obsessively dwell on what will happen next. There's some
indication that I'm losing my sight now and will have to be referred to an ophthalmologist.  Is that person going to pat me on my head, tell me
I have "lady Wyndemere's eyeball" and it won't get worse as long as I exercise? And then 6 years later when I can hardly see I'll have to 
report them to AHPRA like I did with the idiot lung specialist?


Yes, I l know I need help. But this is why I am hypervigilant. The cholesterol is a case in point.
Rifampicin raises cholesterol so reliably that they use it in experiments on people to do just that but my LDL has stayed constant. Do idiot doctors 
understand that? And you can't prescribe statins with rifampicin because the rifampicin blocks the statin. Do idiot GPs know that? And if I didn't know
that would I just take it and let them kill me? A similar thing happened to my mother. Two idiot doctors prescribed beta-blockers without checking with 
each other and my mother ended up in hospital with a broken cheek and a third doctor saying "tut tut" but did anyone fix the underlying problem with the
double prescription? No! Has anyone counted the bodies of small white women the so-called lung specialist has killed? I don't think so. If I'm lucky he'll get a 
slap on the wrist from AHPRA and if he has any ethics at all, he'll count the bodies himself and tell himself not to dismiss small white women with coughs as "Lady Windermere's syndrome" from now on.
It's not good enough!



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Working hard to be rational about doctors. Have wasted less time obsessing than last week.

Two sputa from September have come back positive. That's disappointing.


Did 3 weights workouts and one ride and lots of incidental walking yesterday for a total of 600 IMs, but only one workout had a TE of greater than 3.0.
You have to push yourself hard to get a 3.0!!  

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Hope you're doing okay!

"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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On 1/12/2023 at 1:15 PM, Emissary2Ornj said:

Hope you're doing okay!

Thank you, yes. After I posted in October I discovered that not only were the sputa results positive but the they were smear positive, which is a bad as it can be. The prognosis is poor for people with smear positive sputa. Doctor thinks I may have been infected with a second species of  mycobacterium. :( I'm trying to pretend that's not a possibility, and it was just contamination in the sample.  Then October and November came back smear positive as well, so I was in a very bad place. But suddenly December seems to be clear!! Waiting for January results now. My CT scan wasn't wonderful either, just holding steady after 4 months of horrible ABs.  But somehow I got myself into a better place before Christmas and I'm holding on...just. 

But you can see from the graph below I did keep up my exercise, dropped the ball around exam time :rolleyes: then went to Japan and jumped back into exercise at Christmas time, so not too bad considering the circumstances.

Thank you for asking.







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So one of my december sputa came back +ve after all, but after 5 weeks or something, so still an improvement.
Feeling tired today after a good workout yesterday and very quick ride on Friday. I was so fast strava actually realised I was on an e-bike! LOL!
I feel like I'm getting fitter so maybe the ABs are working at long last. Now I'm worrying about peripheral neuropathy. Always something!!

I've achieved my intensity minute goal for the last 3 weeks, so yay for that!





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I'm sorry you have to face those test results. Glad to read about the wins! Especially the words "better place" and "holding on" and "feeling fitter".

"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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3 hours ago, Emissary2Ornj said:

I'm sorry you have to face those test results. Glad to read about the wins! Especially the words "better place" and "holding on" and "feeling fitter".

Thank you. You read my posts so carefully! So sweet.  I just came back from a 20km e-ride and I'm feeling very chuffed with myself. :) That's the longest e-ride I've done on purpose. The longest was a bit further, but only because I got lost! LOL!

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Another unhappy week. My results from December which I thought were taking a long time to culture were actually fairly quick but then they did species ID on what they grew. It turns out that I was infected with M intracellulare in May but now I have M avium . The former lurks in soil, the latter in water. I'm pretty sure I had both all along but the faster growing intracellulare was swamping the avium. I'm also pretty sure that the reason the avium won't die is that I am being repeatedly reinfected from our plumbing. So I am now behaving like the boy-in-the-bubble and boiling every bit of water that comes through my mouth or touches my face. For washing I have a 20l pot and sous vide which I use to heat the water to 70C and then let it cool to 43C. I need to get our water tested and then try and disinfect the plumbing, which is not going to be cheap. Sigh!

Anyway, despite all that I did meet my fitness goals of 460 intensity minutes and 2 (actually 3) workouts with a training effect of >= 3.0.

I want to go for a ride this morning but I didn't sleep well last night ....


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Turns out that it isn't possible to get the water tested, that's a fiction they invented for "House" episodes, so we are operating on guesswork. The plumber is coming tomorrow to discuss UV disinfection and I'm continuing to heat all water that comes near my face. The doctor says that's not sustainable, but if it means I can get a break from the antibiotics, that's gotta be a good thing and at least I have a plan of action.


Achieved my fitness goals this week. I'm seem to need to do a workout every day to meet them now, or maybe the HRM is not working properly. I've doubled my inhaled steroid dose, which the doctor doesn't like, but it makes my lungs feel so good!


You can see I've been doing a lot of workouts this year and at higher intensity than last year, so that's good, I think.

Screen Shot 2023-02-12 at 4.41.10 pm.png

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Wow, what a cool visual! Very big bummer about the water situation, I hope you find a resolution.

"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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Hmmm... I didn't post last week.

Nothing much has changed. I have a new HRM strap. A polar H10 and it seems to be living up to its reputation as reliable and accurate.
I've found new ways to geek out over wellness data in intervals by linking everything from garmin to intervals via google fit. And I can get my
BP in the mix too. LOL! My BP is now consistently under 120/80 so there stupid doctor who said my BP was high because I don't exercise enough!

And I paid for the HRV4Training app so I can measure my heart rate variability using just my finger on the phone camera and apparently my HRV is very good
for my age. The mean is about 22ms and mine is 55ms, like the average 35 year old.
'Smazing what someone with a life threatening lung disease can manage... or maybe all the apps are wrong.



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Let the geekery and gadgetry abound! Glad you're seeing some positive data.


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"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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So this might be a bit hard to follow but here goes....

I have been diagnosed with NTM-PD (a lung infection) caused by Mycobacterium Intracellulare, commonly found in soil.
However, I have recently been diagnosed as also having Mycobacterium avium, commonly found in water, especially hot tubs and shower heads, having a party in my lungs.
As well as causing infection M. avium can cause another lung disease called Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis or Hot Tub Lung, which is not an infection but an allergic reaction. It's much more serious than it sounds.
The treatment for NTM-PD is brutal antibiotics and steroids are deprecated because they reduce one's immunity but the treatment for Hot Tub Lung is avoid the shower/hot tub and sometimes inhaled steroids! Now, my doctor is always telling me to lay off the steroid inhaler because inhaled steroid use correlates with NTM incidence.
Because I've always associated my shortness of breath with the shower, I've unilaterally diagnosed myself with Hot Tub Lung on top of the M. intracellulare infection. So I doubled my inhaled steroid dose and guess what happened?? I feel amazing. And to prove that I am actually amazing and not just imagining it, I have made this graph of my Garmin Body Battery over the last 8 weeks. The body battery is based on heart rate variability, which correlates pretty well with physical stressors such as anxiety and disease. The red line is a 7 day rolling average. You can see the body battery plummet the day after I learnt about the M. avium (stress) . Then about 3 days later I decided to increase the inhaler and...whoosh! 3 days later my body battery zoomed up, and a delay in effect is exactly what you'd expect for steroids. And it stayed up!! Much higher, on average, than its ever been before. About a week later I went for an ebike ride and I felt amaazzzing and the watch was telling me the ride was much easier than previous efforts over the same route. I have never seen a case study of someone with infection from NTM A on top of hypersensitivity to NTM B. My doctor should write a case study.

body battery graph.jpg

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Well my doctor didn't think much of my theory but she did love my graph. LOL! She's a nerdy girl too.
She wants me to keep recording it but the watch will recalibrate itself soon and the effect won't be so visible anymore, so instead I'm using a phone app to record my HRV.
She was convinced by the jump in the red line that the puffer is doing me good, so at least we agree on that. :)

And I've just realised that the name of my battle log is wrong!! It should be "It's only a matter of going."  Can I change it??



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18 hours ago, chibi-nerd said:

Can I change it??

I got the reference and never once questioned the word switch!

If you need permission and aren't particular about whose you get, you can have mine! (No official authority whatsoever, of course.) It's your battle log. ??

If you're asking whether it's possible, I dunno. Can't tell from my phone. 

"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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On 3/5/2023 at 6:58 AM, chibi-nerd said:

Can I change it??

Have you tried editing the very first post of the thread? That's where that's usually done... ?

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TimovieMan: funnier than you think he is; not as funny as he thinks he is...

Active challenges: Don't log, remain sensible | Walk to Mordor - (spreadsheet) | DailyDare | Weight Loss PVP 10/12 lbs in 10/12 weeks - (spreadsheet)

Old threads: Battle log | Challenge I | IIIIIIV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVII | XVIII | XIX | XX | XXI | XXII | XXIII

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  • chibi-nerd changed the title to It's only a matter of (chibi) going

So what to report this week... last week I poisoned myself with potassium citrate. Not really, it was just 1 banana equivalent but I'd forgotten that it can make you feel really sick so I didn't meet my goals the week before last, but I did meet them this week. I was worried about my kidneys. Last month's blood test was a bit iffy.


Anyhoo... let's see. Not much to report really. My "form" has slipped because of the poisoning incident but I did some good rides last week. Hopefully the graph will start to look spiffy again soon. Oh and I started recording my HRV with HRV4Training. Interesting to see it plummet after my COVID Vax (I knew I wasn't being a hypochondriac) and after I see my specialist (stressful apparently). Anyway, my HRV is very high for my age, more like a 27 year olds!!







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