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[TiogaGirl] it’s Ber season, baby!

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Hey hey! Survived Friday the 13th AND the first full week of teaching! ? ? 


The good: super active week in terms of walking, very steppy (very steppy, very mindful, very demure).  A lot of this was enforced by circumstance not really intentional, but I did it! Good physio feedback and progress too which makes me very happy. Teaching went super well overall, which is a big rush. (But Sal, I completely get why someone would be paralyzed by the thought of speaking to a giant group). I also managed to track food each day, although yesterday went out for dinner and later grabbed some snacks without measuring so a bit of guesswork there).


The bad ahem, Areas for improvement (lol) - yesterday I overate at/after dinner. Just a super busy day, light and early lunch then go go go until we decided to go eat at the local gastropub, then that was packed and took FOREVER to bring our food, by which time I was so hangry I was about to cry, and to make amends the server brought us some awesome deep fried pickles on the house, which were definitely NOT in my plan, haha. 


The other point for improvement is activity. Workouts- had six scheduled for the week (they are just gentle ones that can be done every day,  not crazy hard ones that demand a day of recovery after) and did… um… ONE. Also my at home physio exercises, I’ve been so busy now that teaching has started and I’m at work all day that I haven’t done them as regularly as I should.  PhysioGuy says it’s fine to do them all at once (like instead of a set of 10 quad sets at 8 am, another set at noon, another set at 6pm I could just do a set, rest for a minute, do another set, rest, final set).  So… working on adding that back to my morning routine!


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Good Saturday so far! I walked one of the dogs, knocked off one set of physio, and did a coaching workout plus some assisted squats and planks. Then hubby got his e-bike out and I hopped on and went for a lil test ride!!! I’ve been wanting to get back onto a bike and finally feel like my balance and leg reaction times are good enough to do it safely. Cruised up to the end of our street and back and was so enamoured of his sweet new bike that I booked a real test drive at the bike shop downtown. Fingers crossed!!!

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Oooof I’m tired!

Screwed up my courage to go to the yoga studio this afternoon & did a hot yin class. It was really nice. There were a couple poses I had to modify and one I just had to swap out entirely because of knees, but mostly a really welcome return to stretching my body. Yay!

Then home, everything shower, dinner (chicken souvlaki and roasted Greek veggies, yum), we took the dogs for a little walk, watched a cozy mystery, now trundling off to bed pretty soon. It’s clean sheets night woohoo!

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UGH i was so far behind in my editorial duties!! This is such a busy time of year at my paid job that unpaid volunteer stuff tends to get seriously back burnered. Anyway, after breakfast and morning physio I finally cracked the seal and logged in for the first time in over two weeks (eek, I’m supposed to be in there every few days). Dealt with two manuscripts (reviews were in so I had to make a decision and send it off to the authors) and have three more new manuscripts cooling their heels (need to decide whether to send for review and if so, ask people to review). Still a long way to go to clear out that box. But it’s a start!


Heading to the bike shop soon :D this is wild, I’ve been riding the same old mountain bike since 1998, now contemplating dropping thousands on an e-bike? I don’t even recognize myself anymore… (seriously though, my last bike doesn’t owe me anything and I feel like a new one would be a pretty awesome level up.)

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Hey Sal! Yeah they are pricey compared to regular bikes, but super cheap compared to a car, so I guess it’s all in the framing ? Hubby, mom and I just traded in our co-owned pickup truck so feeling flush, I guess.


I DID IT, test rode a bike, fell in love with it, and rode it home ❤️ Don’t worry, I paid for it first! SUCH a sweet ride. And got a deal as it had ~40 km of test drives on it. It’s blue, it’s beautiful, it’s sooo comfy to ride; all the way home I just felt like the wind was at my back. I was tempted to take a circuitous route all around town to stretch out the ride home ‘cause I was having so much fun, but knew hubby was waiting anxiously to confirm that I made it home. I’m still smiling like a loon!


A sweaty mess but very happy! 


Now I can just zip to campus and not have to deal with bus agita!


ETA: just went for my first official ride on bb blue (assuming test ride around the downtown and the ride home don’t count). IT WAS AMAZING. I haven’t gotten out to the parks and trails much at all since surgery, and all the fall flowers were blooming, trees starting to turn, birds starting to flock up (except for baby goldfinches, they’re the latest of all the baby birds to hatch except for doves and pigeons, so they’re still bumbling around asking parents for food <3) felt so very happy and blessed to be zipping around like a speedy cheetah and not having to work super hard on the hills!! Still a decent workout but much much easier than my acoustic bike.

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Good morning! Wow I slept like the dead last night and still feel that deep level physical relaxation. (I ended up getting sniffles, sneezes and cold symptoms last night so took some medicine for that after digging up an covid test and ruling that out; the meds may have contributed to deeper than usual sleep).


NO teaching this week. Still a bunch to do today though, (spoiler for list length, list for keeping me accountable)

  • Shower, etc
  • Walk Dante
  • Prep breakfast, track
  • Prep lunch, track
  • Get presentable
  • meet with thesis undergrad C
  • read over grad student thesis, noting questions or fatal flaws
  • submit recommendation on grad student thesis
  • lab meeting
  • Filter out nestling genotypes and send the rest to student J
  • email student M about using his old data
  • Review editorial paper C and decide whether to send back to referee
  • Monday seminar
  • setup ice machine
  • coaching workout
  • physio, double set
  • ice legs and feel smug!!!
  • review choreo for wednesday


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Love the bike enthusiasm! ?

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TimovieMan: funnier than you think he is; not as funny as he thinks he is...

Active challenges: Don't log, remain sensible | Walk to Mordor - (spreadsheet) | DailyDare | Weight Loss PVP 10/12 lbs in 10/12 weeks - (spreadsheet)

Old threads: Battle log | Challenge I | IIIIIIV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVII | XVIII | XIX | XX | XXI | XXII | XXIII

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? a lot of my Monday tasks are still tasks awaiting me now on Wednesday ? 


So far, the week’s been good! Rode my new bike in to campus Mon and Tue, and plan on doing that today too. I LOVE MY COMMUTE riding this thing. The contrast is especially keen with the previous week, waiting for the city bus and crowding on and then getting dropped off a long arduous sweaty walk from where i need to be ‘cause of the picket lines and changes to bus routes. Now I just zip along and have the best time ❤️ At work, too, one of my newer grad students has been REALLY impressing me with his programming skills, which is great.


Physically, Monday was a little inactive except for the bike ride; not even a single round of physio much less the day’s workout. Yesterday I made sure to get home a little earlier and knocked off some physio, coaching workout, plus a plank and set of assisted squats… too wiped out to make it two sets of those though.


Food: calories were over on Monday (boo, poor planning) but a little under Tuesday. So okay, on average. Strategy I worked out with coach for last week and this week is just to track meticulously and see how scale and body measurements react or don’t react to the status quo, to figure out where maintenance level is; then adjusting workouts or diet or both after this coming weekend. 


Today, zero meetings :D but a lot of science to get through, so I’ll need to make a list to keep me somewhat on track! Coming soon! 

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Good day so far! Not everything on the list may get done but I’ll do my best.

  • Shower, get presentable
  • walk Dante
  • Physio set 1
  • Breakfast and track
  • Bike to school
  • read last two chapters of student thesis, upload assessment
  • Spreadsheet work: label sexes, melt matrix, filter out non-breeders or impossible pairs 2007, quick eyeball of results
  • ride home
  • lunch and track
  • Physio set 2
  • Same spreadsheet-fu, 2008
  • Choir: pomodoro reviewing choreo
  • Choir: pomodoro reviewing new songs
  • Choir: pomodoro reviewing older songs
  • check with choir friend about ride
  • dinner, track
  • show choir rehearsal!
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Whew! Macros and calories were ON POINT today. Didn’t work out, but rode my bike and did some dancing and a couple rounds of physio.


Tomorrow will be busy until 2:30, and not too sure whether I have enough fixings for my usual big salad lunch; but will pack something substantial enough to let me stay on campus and work for a couple hours after the meetings. On a little roll with doing science thanks to my good coding student and would like to progress some more! Then Friday, no meetings and I can devote the whole day to science, a little physio, and maybe even a gym workout. Wouldn’t that be great!!

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Thanks!! It was a super successful day, I’m happy ? So much love to you and I’m envious of your weight lifting class today! I gotta get back to lifting heavy (got temporarily derailed with surgery).


LOL my science is very niche! We have a dataset showing that birds choose mates who are more similar to them at a type of immune gene than we’d expect by chance. Now the paper reviewers want us to rule out the possibility that the birds just choose mates who are their close relatives (in which case a pair of mates being similar at the immune gene is fairly trivial). So I tracked down some old neutral gene data we had (junk genes that don’t do anything) for the same individual birds, and got my student to use it to calculate how similar the birds are to their mates, vs to non-mates, at those neutral/junk genes. Now running the simulations to see whether the birds are also more similar to their mates than we’d expect under random mating at these junk genes; if yes, they’re probably just inbreeding, but if no, there’s something cool going on at this immune gene as regards mate choice. 

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Going going going!

  • Shower, get presentable
  • walk Dante
  • Physio set 1
  • Breakfast and track
  • Bike to school
  • book room for undergrad student C
  • department meeting
  • brainstorm project ideas for student A
  • meet with student A
  • meet with student J
  • lunch and track
  • zoom interview with student K
  • spreadsheet-fu for 2008
  • spreadsheet-fu for 2014
  • spreadsheet-fu for 2015
  • bike home
  • Physio set 2
  • coaching workout
  • extra exercises: plank, squats
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13 hours ago, TiogaGirl said:

Thanks!! It was a super successful day, I’m happy ? So much love to you and I’m envious of your weight lifting class today! I gotta get back to lifting heavy (got temporarily derailed with surgery).


LOL my science is very niche! We have a dataset showing that birds choose mates who are more similar to them at a type of immune gene than we’d expect by chance. Now the paper reviewers want us to rule out the possibility that the birds just choose mates who are their close relatives (in which case a pair of mates being similar at the immune gene is fairly trivial). So I tracked down some old neutral gene data we had (junk genes that don’t do anything) for the same individual birds, and got my student to use it to calculate how similar the birds are to their mates, vs to non-mates, at those neutral/junk genes. Now running the simulations to see whether the birds are also more similar to their mates than we’d expect under random mating at these junk genes; if yes, they’re probably just inbreeding, but if no, there’s something cool going on at this immune gene as regards mate choice. 


That's fascinating ?

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Life before Death

Strength before Weakness

Journey before Destination

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13 hours ago, Everstorm said:


That's fascinating ?

Aww thank you ES! ❤️


Today is beautiful, blue sky, warm but not too hot (yet), and the TiogaBabies are here for the weekend! Kid 2 got in late last night, Kid 1 will get to town early tomorrow morning. It's bike to work day, which I was happy to honour (although didn't make it to campus in time for the 8 am festivities, lol).


No meetings today other than physio in a couple of hours, so just working through spreadsheets doing science *happy dance* Working with pomodoro technique today, and trying to be diligent about actually going outside for fresh air and a bit of a quick stroll in the break parts of the pomodoros. I just realized that when the weather is nice like this, almost all my physio is super amenable to being done outside in the little arboretum by my office! I did get some questions from colleagues and students passing by but don't mind. So, one set of physio is mostly knocked off.

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Pretty low key weekend- everyone’s burning the candle at both ends as the fall term starts, so we’ll keep it chill, just enjoying being together!


another gorgeous blue sky day, although I’m thinking it’ll be hot before long. Walked the elder dog with kid 1, did the NYT word games, then a set of physio, now icing my legs, and pretty soon going to take the new e-bike out for a spin! 


OH! I had physio yesterday and got cleared to walk short distances (like, around campus or up the block or smthg) without walking sticks! So another level unlocked. I also got to play around with the push sled for the first time, plus stationary bike, backwards walking on treadmill, leg presses, hip bridges with the exercise ball, and some balance board work. I was there working hard for close to 90 minutes ? and happy to be able to bike home at the end of it!


Happy Saturday to all who celebrate :) best day!!

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2 hours ago, Everstorm said:

How did you like the push sled?  I kind of want one because I feel like it would be easier on my knees, but I've never tried it before.

I mean it totally kicked my ass, but in a good way. Really smooth but (intentionally) heavy. After a few minutes of that I was breaking a sweat and it definitely fired up the lower body! Weirdly looking forward to getting to do it again at physio next week.

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