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Annoying comments you hear all the time

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Although this doesn't pertain to fitness one annoying comment I hear quite often is: "I don't play video games/read because I have a life."


I get that about running.  I don't expect people to run 55, 60+ miles a week like me, but I know everyone has time to have a life AND get 30 or 40 minutes of running (or other type of fitness activity) in at least 4 days a week.  Even in my "high" mileage weeks, I still maintain a social life!


Fleet Footed Wood Elf


STR 2 | DEX 3 | STA 5 | CON 3 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

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I've always looked young for my age. When I was 14 people made fun of me saying I looked like I was an 8 year old. Now I'm 23, and an assistant manager of a shoe store. It's not my dream job but it's getting me by as I work toward my actual goals.


Since I've changed my life around and started eating primally and exercising on a regular basis... I guess I look even younger.


Every. Single. Day.

I have some person ask me "Do your parents know your here?" or "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" or "Oh, but you're still young..." blah blah.

Sure, I'm young. I'm not a child.


This conversation crops up a lot;

Customer - "I want to speak to the manager."

Me - "I am the manager."

Customer - "Oh.... really?"

Like they don't believe me.

Usually it's because they want a discount on an already previously discounted product. My immediate "No, I'm sorry but I can't." isn't good enough for them.


It's not really all bad - assuming my looks don't catch up with my age, I'll be looking great for a lot longer than the average woman...

But I hate it when people look down their nose at me because they judge me as some kid who has no clue what they're talking about.

Why can't people just show some goddamn respect?

Primal Chai
Race: Human | Class: Adventurer
[Level: 0 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0 ]


"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."  - Christopher Hitchens

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I have the same problem. I'm 29 and I look like 17 or 18 (or younger) at times (especially when I'm shaved). I hear the "aren't you supposed to be in school" all the time 8[


And, yeah, try to find a girlfriend when you look like something they might adopt rather than date 8[

I run into a similar problem. I'm 22 but I still have a baby face, and a lot of times I look at least 3 years younger than I really am. Comments like "You're 22?????" are not uncommon. So my easy solution to that problem lately has been to grow a beard. 

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I am 23 and when I shave I look like I am 17. The beard definatly helps, so does the early receding hairline. I woudln't suggest the later though

Level 0 Human, Monk

Lose 75 lbs

Startin Fresh

"Nothing is ever easy." Zeddicus Zull Zorander

"Do or Do Not, There is no try" Yoda

"Weak people face life obstacles with an excuse in their hand, strong peple carry a hammer."

Estemated 1RM

Bench: 195lbs

Squat: 245lbs

Deadlift: 295lbs

Total weight: 735lbs

Goal Weight 1000lbs



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Lucky guys. I have nothing I can grow out to make me appear more mature.

My hair is long and plain now instead of spikey and blue/purple... that helps, but not as much as a beard would help a guy.





Primal Chai
Race: Human | Class: Adventurer
[Level: 0 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0 ]


"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."  - Christopher Hitchens

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Lucky guys. I have nothing I can grow out to make me appear more mature.

My hair is long and plain now instead of spikey and blue/purple... that helps, but not as much as a beard would help a guy.





DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! Beards have been scientifically proven to help one push harder when going for prs. therefore they are good for fitness. bonus points right there

Level 0 Human, Monk

Lose 75 lbs

Startin Fresh

"Nothing is ever easy." Zeddicus Zull Zorander

"Do or Do Not, There is no try" Yoda

"Weak people face life obstacles with an excuse in their hand, strong peple carry a hammer."

Estemated 1RM

Bench: 195lbs

Squat: 245lbs

Deadlift: 295lbs

Total weight: 735lbs

Goal Weight 1000lbs



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"You should work out less and use the time for your education"

-My parents

My education is an investment in my future, but so is me working out.


"Why do you work out so much? You already look good!"

-Some girls


While I appreciate the compliment, I don't merely work out for my looks.


"Get a girlfriend."

-A classmate


Sure, why not? I'll just decide to get a girlfriend and one will magically appear!

But seriously, it's just that I haven't found anyone I care enough about.


These, or variations on these are the comments I get the most.

Lever 3 Survivor - STR:5/DEX:2,75/STA:6/CON:3,5/WIS:3/CHA:1

Challenges: 1 | 2


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Robert Heinlein





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Lucky guys. I have nothing I can grow out to make me appear more mature.

My hair is long and plain now instead of spikey and blue/purple... that helps, but not as much as a beard would help a guy.






Yeah, about our only option is a full face of careful, sophisticated makeup. =P And even that only goes so far.


I'm 29 and it's only been within the last year that I must finally look like I'm an adult.  I've stopped being carded with annoyed sighs, skeptical looks, and suspicious studying of my ID.


Something magical must have happened when I was 28, because I remember all kinds of stuff from when I was 27 and it hasn't really happened lately.  I went to go get food on my lunch break once, and I decided to go to a place where the owner had seen me and my family frequently - and when I walked in, he said "Oh, no school today?"  *facepalm*  Somebody at a dog show asked me "Oh do you show in 4H, hon?"  "Um, well, I'm 27, so I'm about a decade too late for that."  Not the first time that's happened, I debuted with Auggie when I was 23 and somebody told his breeder "We should tell her about the junior handler's program!!!" which you have to be under 18 for...


Back when I worked in retail they actually refused to give me a management position because I was young and LOOKED young, so they thought nobody would respect me and therefore I shouldn't get the promotion.


And yet somehow it's supposed to be a compliment.  No, people assuming I'm a CHILD isn't a compliment. x_x  I am really glad that it's finally stopped.  I think now I look like a college student of indeterminate age.  I can deal with that.

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At least you get told to your face that you look too young. I'm 27 and though I don't look like a child I regularly get carded and people guess that I'm a student rather than a professional. At my normal job as a developer it's not an issue, but now I'm dealing with customers and they keep going over my head to my superiors. It's so frustrating when they're not letting me do my job! 

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At least you get told to your face that you look too young. I'm 27 and though I don't look like a child I regularly get carded and people guess that I'm a student rather than a professional. At my normal job as a developer it's not an issue, but now I'm dealing with customers and they keep going over my head to my superiors. It's so frustrating when they're not letting me do my job! 




I am 36 and I still get carded... 


and people ask me all the time if my 16 year old SON is my boyfriend/brother.... and my daughter's teacher ran into me at the Y and straight up said "you have a sister in one of my classes don't you?"


which is totally annoying and creepy

Level 10.4 Wood-Elf, Ranger - specializing in demon fighting

"doing the impossible since 2012 :D" - Librarian of Doom

facebook battle log level 50 WOOT   Backstory CNF2014  current (not challenge - doing a battle log this time)



* This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice in it and be glad. God, The Bible. * Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda
* There are three options in this life; be good, get good, or give up. -- House * Never take counsel of your fears. Stonewall Jackson. 

* level 50 isn't gonna just POOF happen - alienjenn, NF IRC chatroom


* I'm not about to give up - Because I heard you say - There's gonna be brighter days… I won't stop, I'll keep my head up - No, I'm not here to stay ...  - 

 I just might bend but I won't break - As long as I can see your face - When life won't play along - And right keeps going wrong - And I can't seem to find my way - I know where I am found - So I won't let it drag me down - Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway - Mercy Me - Move



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Was speaking with a colleague on the way from the carpark, she was talking about the gym (one at work and one she's a member of for the classes)


I merely said "You should get under a bar"


To which she said "weights? I don't want to look bulky"

It's a right of passage I hear. She then went on to say she liked "Body pump" which is fair enough but I pointed out Sarcoplasmic Vs Myofybril hypertrophy.


I'm not sure which of us had the more annoying comments.

Level 2 Half-Sidhe Archer (Toolkitted Ranger)

|Str 3|Dex 3|Sta 2|Con 3|Wis 2|Cha 1| 

Introduction: Roll your own adventure!  DBL: Aim to Misbehave!

Challenge 1, 2Browncoats 1, 2



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I've always looked young for my age. When I was 14 people made fun of me saying I looked like I was an 8 year old. Now I'm 23, and an assistant manager of a shoe store. It's not my dream job but it's getting me by as I work toward my actual goals.


Since I've changed my life around and started eating primally and exercising on a regular basis... I guess I look even younger.


Every. Single. Day.

I have some person ask me "Do your parents know your here?" or "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" or "Oh, but you're still young..." blah blah.

Sure, I'm young. I'm not a child.


This conversation crops up a lot;

Customer - "I want to speak to the manager."

Me - "I am the manager."

Customer - "Oh.... really?"

Like they don't believe me.

Usually it's because they want a discount on an already previously discounted product. My immediate "No, I'm sorry but I can't." isn't good enough for them.


It's not really all bad - assuming my looks don't catch up with my age, I'll be looking great for a lot longer than the average woman...

But I hate it when people look down their nose at me because they judge me as some kid who has no clue what they're talking about.

Why can't people just show some goddamn respect?


I can tell you the opposite story:


I've always seem younger than I was. I was 23 years old the last time I was asked for my DNI (I don't know the equivalent in the USA, but is the card that says your age, etc) when I was buying beer.


Then, I started to do exercise and cut my hair. And as I wanted to still being a girl (ha ha) I change A BIT my clothes.


Well, 6 months ago somebody asked my mother if my brother (36 years old) was the younger on my family (WTF?) and last month I was with a friend of mine (same age) and one guy (flirting with us? :() says her that she was 22 years old and that I was 32 (WTF? again).


Believe me, you are lucky. Ha ha ha.

Human: Ranger

5 STR | 3 DEX | 5 STA | 4 CON | 2 WIS | 3 CHA




Current challenge: keep it simple

battle log | epic quest

Last challenges: ΜΟΛΩΠΛΑΒΕ | prepare to a half-marathon



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Yeah much rather be considered young looking than assumed to be older than I am.



I don't mind being carded... I don't mind people thinking I am young



it's when people ask me if my son is my boyfriend that it creeps me out

Level 10.4 Wood-Elf, Ranger - specializing in demon fighting

"doing the impossible since 2012 :D" - Librarian of Doom

facebook battle log level 50 WOOT   Backstory CNF2014  current (not challenge - doing a battle log this time)



* This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice in it and be glad. God, The Bible. * Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda
* There are three options in this life; be good, get good, or give up. -- House * Never take counsel of your fears. Stonewall Jackson. 

* level 50 isn't gonna just POOF happen - alienjenn, NF IRC chatroom


* I'm not about to give up - Because I heard you say - There's gonna be brighter days… I won't stop, I'll keep my head up - No, I'm not here to stay ...  - 

 I just might bend but I won't break - As long as I can see your face - When life won't play along - And right keeps going wrong - And I can't seem to find my way - I know where I am found - So I won't let it drag me down - Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway - Mercy Me - Move



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Yeah, it's not a big deal to be carded, but it sucks to be treated like a suspected criminal.  I was followed in a grocery store once because I was carrying around a pack of booze, and before I checked out the employee who was following me scampered up to the cashier and told them in a very poor whisper to MAKE SURE TO ID ME BECAUSE THERE'S NO WAY I'M 21 AND WE'RE GOING TO CALL THE COPS.


I think I was 25 at the time.


There's also a difference between "oh, you look young" and "you look like a child."  Because the latter means you get treated like a child.  People don't treat children very nicely.  Children are apparently stupid.

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Not a specific annoying comment, but when me and my wife go shopping for either lumber, power tools, or computer equipment... SHE is usually the one doing the buying, but all store clerks will address answers to me.  EVEN IF SHE'S THE ONE THAT ASKS THE QUESTION.


I just look confused and point 'sneakily' towards her.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Not a specific annoying comment, but when me and my wife go shopping for either lumber, power tools, or computer equipment... SHE is usually the one doing the buying, but all store clerks will address answers to me.  EVEN IF SHE'S THE ONE THAT ASKS THE QUESTION.


I just look confused and point 'sneakily' towards her.


Oh, don't I know that one! And it annoys the hell out of me! If I ask, don't address my BF!

Especially regarding anything electronic!!! My BF is not the geek, I am.


One more reason to love the Apple Store. The staff never does that and after a couple of comments they know, I know. That's when my BF starts wandering. He says it's like we talk a different language.


Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose!


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I don't mind being carded... I don't mind people thinking I am young



it's when people ask me if my son is my boyfriend that it creeps me out

yeah that would be creepy. 


That being said I think you look adorably youthful :D


Yeah, it's not a big deal to be carded, but it sucks to be treated like a suspected criminal.  I was followed in a grocery store once because I was carrying around a pack of booze, and before I checked out the employee who was following me scampered up to the cashier and told them in a very poor whisper to MAKE SURE TO ID ME BECAUSE THERE'S NO WAY I'M 21 AND WE'RE GOING TO CALL THE COPS.


I think I was 25 at the time.


There's also a difference between "oh, you look young" and "you look like a child."  Because the latter means you get treated like a child.  People don't treat children very nicely.  Children are apparently stupid.

I could see how that would be annoying.  I was rarely treated "like a child" my parents always spoke to me as an adult - so I don't have recollections of too many stupid childhood things- but I've also ALWAYS been a smart ass- even as a child- and I think I was too much of a smart ass for people to give me dumb child comments.


That being said- I personally do think children are stupid- but that's because they as a whole are such- in the same way I reflect jersey shore to be stupid- not as reflection of their actual intelligence.  LOL- kids are icky.  


Oh, don't I know that one! And it annoys the hell out of me! If I ask, don't address my BF!

Especially regarding anything electronic!!! My BF is not the geek, I am.


One more reason to love the Apple Store. The staff never does that and after a couple of comments they know, I know. That's when my BF starts wandering. He says it's like we talk a different language.

that happens occasionally- MAC is really bad about it- my friend said they treated his wife like a complete idiot and wanted to charge her a bunch of money for something- he walked in- same phone- same problem and they replaced it for free.



Motorcycle shops do that occasional- but it's not common least not for me- I refuse to be ignored- I'll flat out tell someone- I asked- you answer me- not him.  Do not insult my intelligence like that. 

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I'm constantly standing in line at McDonalds. Not for myself, but for my Manager. We work in a mall, and folks who work in the mall get free refills for the day on coffee. My manager is a coffee addict.


So, I am often sent up to the food court to grab him a refill. I don't mind, since it's a break from sales, and I can stop at the health food store on the way back and pick something up for myself.


Today while I was standing in line for his coffee, a girl gestured towards me 'subtly' and was talking to her friend or boyfriend or whatever. "....don't understand how people can eat here and stay that skinny" is what I overheard as well as watched her gesture with her hands to make what looked about my waistline's size.


I really wanted to butt into the conversation and say "I DON'T eat here. I'm just grabbing a coffee for my co-worker"


But I didn't.


I just glared in their direction.


I guess I just don't like the idea of people assuming I'm a bulimic or something. Or that I actually support McDonalds. I especially don't like the idea of people making judgments like that and getting this idea in their head that you can eat McDonalds all the time and still 'be healthy'


Although healthy doesn't = skinny.


I dunno, blah. I haven't quite organized my thoughts on the situation yet. But I wasn't happy. :P

Primal Chai
Race: Human | Class: Adventurer
[Level: 0 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0 ]


"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."  - Christopher Hitchens

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