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Annoying comments you hear all the time

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it doesn't describe me well either- I am incredibly straight forward. I don't deal with back handed bullshit- I'm much more straight forward.

Men are gossipy too- they definitely like to chit chat. no denying that.

Yeah! Now you're talkin'. You certainly never struck me as backhanded!

Sent from an alternate universe using Alien tech.




Don't Chew what you should Eschew!

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Meh... He forgot the whole part of the physical damage men can do to women that also leaves a pile of shit in your heart.

And who's that chick who sings that she's gonna carve her name into his leather seat? Not that I have any respect for that, either, but it does imply that she's interested in doing physical, monetary damage. I think she should just dump the asshole, but whatever.

Not digging this one. Sorry.

Sent from an alternate universe using Alien tech.


Nevermind that there are always exceptions to the rules and a comedian isn't going to explain every exception. Hell, no one should have to explain every exception, it should come as understood...

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Nevermind that there are always exceptions to the rules and a comedian isn't going to explain every exception. Hell, no one should have to explain every exception, it should come as understood...

Of course, but in this case it's being used as supporting evidence of what I believe to be cliche. On its own it's just humor. Raw, but humor. In that case, whatever.

And if you do start counting exceptions, it doesn't take long to discover that there are no rules. That's where I'm at with all of this. Hence the debate of how many angels can dance on the head of a pin...

Sent from an alternate universe using Alien tech.




Don't Chew what you should Eschew!

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Meh... He forgot the whole part of the physical damage men can do to women that also leaves a pile of shit in your heart.

And who's that chick who sings that she's gonna carve her name into his leather seat? Not that I have any respect for that, either, but it does imply that she's interested in doing physical, monetary damage. I think she should just dump the asshole, but whatever.

Not digging this one. Sorry.

Sent from an alternate universe using Alien tech.

You know what bothers me about that song. At no point in it does she establish that he is cheating, he's just "probably" in the bar with a pretty young thing.

I like to imagine he's just in there drinking with some buddys from work and comes out to find his truck wrecked.

Always thought some country dude should have wrote a reply song about his ex getting arrested for felony destruction of property.

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I like to imagine he's just in there drinking with some buddys from work and comes out to find his truck wrecked.

Always thought some country dude should have wrote a reply song about his ex getting arrested for felony destruction of property.

Ha! That's hilarious! Or... How about this, some country dude writes a song about being a 'back door man' but if you play it backwards, THEN it turns out that he's just out with his buddies and then girlfriend get arrested & c.

Of course, that would require vinyl... Can you play MP3s backwards? God, I'm old.

Sent from an alternate universe using Alien tech.




Don't Chew what you should Eschew!

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You know what bothers me about that song. At no point in it does she establish that he is cheating, he's just "probably" in the bar with a pretty young thing.

I like to imagine he's just in there drinking with some buddys from work and comes out to find his truck wrecked.

Always thought some country dude should have wrote a reply song about his ex getting arrested for felony destruction of property.


.It's also a continuation video. She has an earlier video that shows she met and got married to the man while drunk in Vegas. They even won that truck there. Technically if her name was also on the truck, she could destroy it all she wants I believe. Although doing it in a public parking lot could get her in trouble in other areas.


So I don't see why she's so surprised that the guy who drunkenly married her in Vegas isn't a one woman man.

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A past will chase you if you try to escape from it, but once you confront it, it's just an old memory inside you.

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Annoying comments I hear all the time:


"You need to accept yourself the way you are :)"

"It is what it is."

"But you don't need to go to the gym!" or "But you already look great!"

"You're obsessed!"


...related to my fitness goals and diet, usually in a condescending manner. Seriously, WTF is wrong with me wanting to improve myself? In 2003 my BMI was almost in the obese category. If I had had such an attitude back then instead of putting my foot down and deciding to exercise more and be healthy, I'd probably be like 400 pounds right now. Or a statistic, because I was extremely unhappy with how I looked.


No, I don't need to go the gym, but I want to. Besides, a good-looking body that can do a pull-up and lift heavy and do hard cardio is much better than a good-looking body that can't.


That, and the jiggly butt has to go ;P

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Annoying comments I hear all the time:


"You need to accept yourself the way you are :)"

"It is what it is."

"But you don't need to go to the gym!" or "But you already look great!"

"You're obsessed!"


...related to my fitness goals and diet, usually in a condescending manner. Seriously, WTF is wrong with me wanting to improve myself? In 2003 my BMI was almost in the obese category. If I had had such an attitude back then instead of putting my foot down and deciding to exercise more and be healthy, I'd probably be like 400 pounds right now. Or a statistic, because I was extremely unhappy with how I looked.


No, I don't need to go the gym, but I want to. Besides, a good-looking body that can do a pull-up and lift heavy and do hard cardio is much better than a good-looking body that can't.


That, and the jiggly butt has to go ;P


Yeah, most likely they feel bad because they can't summon the will power to do what you do.

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Yeah, most likely they feel bad because they can't summon the will power to do what you do.


Possibly that.  I know I get a lot of comments from people who honestly don't know what else to say.

On one hand, they might be scared about your self-esteem.  It's become, nowadays, a mark that SOMETHING MUST BE AWFULLY, TERRIBLY WRONG if you're unhappy with the way you are.  Because happy people accept themselves the way they are, right?  And nobody ever wants to be unhappy, right?

I've had a few of those comments from people who were honestly just trying to let me know they loved me and wanted me to be happy.  It's not helpful, but for some people, it seems like the best option.

Plus, when diet and exercise is so associated with deprivation, obligation and misery, people who want you to be happy will try and stop you torturing yourself, which is unhelpful.


The other thing is, telling someone that it's a good thing they're losing weight might potentially seem like they're saying that you were a fat slob to begin with and they're glad you've finally stopped being so lazy and delusional.  They don't want you to think they think you're a horrific blob-monster, so they tell you that you look great already.  Again, not helpful, but meant well.


If they're being condescending, though, it's probably just good, old-fashioned people being gosh-darned people.

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Possibly that.  I know I get a lot of comments from people who honestly don't know what else to say.

On one hand, they might be scared about your self-esteem.  It's become, nowadays, a mark that SOMETHING MUST BE AWFULLY, TERRIBLY WRONG if you're unhappy with the way you are.  Because happy people accept themselves the way they are, right?  And nobody ever wants to be unhappy, right?

I've had a few of those comments from people who were honestly just trying to let me know they loved me and wanted me to be happy.  It's not helpful, but for some people, it seems like the best option.

Plus, when diet and exercise is so associated with deprivation, obligation and misery, people who want you to be happy will try and stop you torturing yourself, which is unhelpful.


The other thing is, telling someone that it's a good thing they're losing weight might potentially seem like they're saying that you were a fat slob to begin with and they're glad you've finally stopped being so lazy and delusional.  They don't want you to think they think you're a horrific blob-monster, so they tell you that you look great already.  Again, not helpful, but meant well.


If they're being condescending, though, it's probably just good, old-fashioned people being gosh-darned people.


I hear you there. I get worried about some of my friends because they are thin already and always mentioning that they want to lose weight. I'm always afraid they are going to go anorexic and I won't notice cause I'm terrible at noticing things. I want to encourage them to eat right and be healthy but I don't want to contribute to their weight insecurities. Although as I train myself to pay more attention to them, it seems less like they want to actually get smaller and more like "wanting to get smaller" is just an accepted female conversation piece. Like the weather and what it's doing to your hair.


Also, they intersperse their conversation not with wanting to get thinner, but stronger. So then I start talking to them about weight training and how you need to make sure you eat enough that you don't get exhausted. Feels like a much safer conversation piece.

Starting weight: 195    Now weight: 160


A past will chase you if you try to escape from it, but once you confront it, it's just an old memory inside you.

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I see where you're coming from, and it does make sense from that point of view (I'll keep it in mind if I ever hear someone not in my immediate family/circle of friends say these things to me, actually.)


Honestly, the biggest piss-off caused by the comments I listed above is that the people who say them to me the most often are of the opinion that it "isn't ladylike" to have muscle in your arms, or to have a smaller, less jiggly ass -_-

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I see where you're coming from, and it does make sense from that point of view (I'll keep it in mind if I ever hear someone not in my immediate family/circle of friends say these things to me, actually.)


Honestly, the biggest piss-off caused by the comments I listed above is that the people who say them to me the most often (mom, BFF) are of the opinion that it "isn't ladylike" to have muscle in your arms, or to have a smaller, less jiggly ass -_-


Oh, yeah, definitely not saying that any explanation is true in all cases.  You'll be able to tell which is genuine concern expressed badly and which is just condescension, though.


:/  Sucks about the 'unladylike' comments.  Hang out with us - we like chicks with muscles :)

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I just get a few questions/comments I loathe:


Q. When are you giving us grandchildren?

A. I'm not giving you squat. If I have them, I have them because I want them, not for you or anyone else.


Q. Don't lose more weight than me!

A. I don't care about weight. I will lose as much size as my body wants to lose at the rate it wants to.


Q. Aren't squats with weights bad for your knees?

A. Why aren't you asking your boyfriend this when he's squatting with 100 lbs on his back?


Q. You don't want your muscles to be big and gross, do you?

A. I want my muscles to be like Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2. I want to look strong, feel strong, lift strong, and BE strong.


The end. =)

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I just get a few questions/comments I loathe:


Q. When are you giving us grandchildren?

A. I'm not giving you squat. If I have them, I have them because I want them, not for you or anyone else.


Q. Don't lose more weight than me!

A. I don't care about weight. I will lose as much size as my body wants to lose at the rate it wants to.


Q. Aren't squats with weights bad for your knees?

A. Why aren't you asking your boyfriend this when he's squatting with 100 lbs on his back?


Q. You don't want your muscles to be big and gross, do you?

A. I want my muscles to be like Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2. I want to look strong, feel strong, lift strong, and BE strong.


The end. =)


(ragemode activated)

Don't lose more weight than me?! You don't want your muscles to be big and gross? Go bother some else with your insecurities, missy! (I'm assuming a woman said that). This is a situation where the argument "my body, my choice" would be perfect. Seriously. Sure, accept yourself as you are, so long as you are the same as everyone else.

(ragemode deactivated)


On another note, Linda Hamilton is a sexy beast. I would so lick the sweat off those gorgeoous arms.

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I wish I saw more lady lifters, but the little gym at work doesn't even have barbells, and the women stick to the treadmills.

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"Aren't you worried about protein"- Constant question I get from people when they find out I'm Vegan. I'm 6'3", and while I'm overweight at the moment, I have a good amount of muscle. I don't know how anyone could look at me and assume I'm not getting enough protein!


"It must be nice being Mr. Willpower" -My wife, whenever I get on a self-improvement kick. She loves me, and she wants me to be healthy, she just doesn't want it to encroach on things she wants to do. Oh, well! First world problems!

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Q. When are you giving us grandchildren?

A. I'm not giving you squat. If I have them, I have them because I want them, not for you or anyone else.





I never got that one, but I get the precursor question to it all the time from family: "Do you have a boyfriend?"


The answer is always no. One time one of my uncles asked me if I had a girlfriend lol. The answer was also no.

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I haven't gotten the 'grandchildren' question yet - I haven't got a boyfriend - but I've had comments made like "You'll need to know these things for when you have one of your own."

I'm not asking for them to never talk to me about kids again - though they know that I'm not planning on having any - I'm just saying, an 'if' would be nice.


As for the "Don't lose more weight than me" thing .... look, I have friends from whom I would accept that.  Mainly for one of two reasons: A: They'd mean that I shouldn't lose more than their bodyweight, which is probably true.  B: They are twigs, and me dropping to their bodyweight with my frame would put me straight in unhealthy territory.

Fortunately, none of them would say that sort of thing to me because THEY'RE NOT MORONS.

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I had a huge rant about babies on the work place at MFP.

Seriously- I HATE babies- and children.  Please don't tell me I can't hate innocent things- I hate slugs- and brownies with nuts and cottage cheese (unless it's lasagna) too.  So yes- yes I can and I especially hate when people feel the need to bring them to work- for any reason. It's not a god damn day care.  If you want people to met your little vermin- go to an acceptable public place (like near the entrance) and have people who want to met said child THERE- not near my desk. 




Anyway- that being said I HATE when people say 

" Oh you'll change your mind"


" I was like that once"


don't put that on me- I'm not you. I have no intention of having children. And to be honest- I would have a REALLY REALLY long hard think about adoption if I were to get pregnant.  I HATE kids. They skeeve me out- even pregnant people sveeve me out- I just don't want to be anywhere near it and to me it's so horrible offensive to tell me what I think about it it makes me want to punch people in the uterus/dick when I hear it. 

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My attempts at changing my lifestyle


Dad: I'll believe it when I see it


Step-Mom:(when I was training to join the Navy) You're not doing it right. You're hardly eating and you shouldn't be exercising so much. You're becoming obsessed it's not healthy! (This coming from the woman who starved herself to lose weight without wanting to exercise and then had lapband surgery while avidly denying so)


Ex-Spousal unit: Whatever, I'm not eating that shit, and when you fail, don't bitch about it. or Finally, now I can get my skinny wife back and not deal with this lazy b!tch you are now (I know, such a nice guy right?! And he was a Marine Fat Body)


Sister:*laughs like I'm joking


Hence why I'm here instead of really letting my family know

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I recently went vegan about two months ago, and I've got a few friends who have to constantly harp on the decision.  I find it humorous that no one cared when I was shoveling fast food and pizza into my face on a daily basis, but switching up my diet to a natural, whole foods plant-based diet is now a hot topic.  lol


Even though I've pointed out that my body fat percentage has dropped more rapidly than it had been before, my pace times have dropped, and I've been lifting heavier and heavier weights doesn't seem to affect their opinion any either.  Oh well.

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I recently went vegan about two months ago, and I've got a few friends who have to constantly harp on the decision.  I find it humorous that no one cared when I was shoveling fast food and pizza into my face on a daily basis, but switching up my diet to a natural, whole foods plant-based diet is now a hot topic.  lol


Even though I've pointed out that my body fat percentage has dropped more rapidly than it had been before, my pace times have dropped, and I've been lifting heavier and heavier weights doesn't seem to affect their opinion any either.  Oh well.

Meh, people tend to get threatened by people doing things differently. There is also the fact that vegetarians and vegans have something of a bad reputation as being preachy/judgemental, so maybe that's where your friends' attitude comes from. But hey, if it works for you, that's great! Still, being judged sucks.

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Meh, people tend to get threatened by people doing things differently. There is also the fact that vegetarians and vegans have something of a bad reputation as being preachy/judgemental, so maybe that's where your friends' attitude comes from. But hey, if it works for you, that's great! Still, being judged sucks.


It's funny you say that.  One of my friends said "Don't get preachy!" when I told her about my decision.  The funny thing is, anytime we're out and about and we go somewhere to eat...  if I order something and ask not to have cheese or meat on a dish, she needs to make some kind of comment about how she's a diehard carnivore and how she'll go vegan when lions and tigers go vegan.  And I'm the one that shouldn't get preachy?  :P


And this was an actual conversation:


Her:  "So, what made you decide to go vegan anyway?"

Me:  "Well, I've been doing a lot of research on it.  There are some pretty massive health benefits to be had, and many of the top ultrarunners in the world are vegan.  Also, I just don't feel right having a creature die so that I can eat, when I can still eat and thrive without animal products."

Her:  "There you go getting preachy.  I told you not to do that!"

Me:  "But...  you asked..."  *headdesk*

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