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Beer, Wine and Spirits


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Well Emergency Paleo kinda got hijacked with people talking about beers and what we like to drink, so I figure I'll start a new thread and recap the hijack


I-Jo likes her some lager (Yuengling for you non-southeastern PA folks). And Corona in the summer. Not a fan of Sam Adams wheat, and definitely not a fan of IPAs.


KingZora is another who doesn't care for IPAs but loves a Yuengling. Mourns having it readily available as they are not in PA.


Renegade is another Yuengling fan, and also enjoys Kenzinger. Generally likes em malty.


Rebel is excited about Sam Summer being back on tap.


I'm an IPA fan, drink Kenzinger across the street from where it is brewed, and am excited about Troegs Sunshine Pils being back on tap. Wheat beers and spiced beers are major turnoffs. I'm also a homebrewer.


So...where do you weigh in? We all know that alcohol in excess is harmful for our goals, but well...I'm an everything in moderation (even moderation) kinda girl. What do you drink?

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On the cheap:

- Beer - Yuengling

- Whiskey / Bourbon - Four Roses Yellow Label

- Rum - Kraken


Got some dough to spend

- Beer - Orval or other Trappist brews

- Whiskey / Bourbon - Jack Single Barrel, Bulleit Rye, one of the higher end Four Roses

- Rum - Pyrat


Wine - I'll pretty much drink any red out there, but not a huge fan of the smokey or peppery ones (Cab Franc). Whites as long as they aren't too sweet and if it's warmer out.

Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
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oh yeah- if we are bringing in wine and spirits- that's a whole new game too!!!


I LURV long islands... and mojito's. nom nom nom. And margarita's. God do I love a good margarita. 


Wine. Sticking mostly with red's these days- but I like both.  My recent obsession has been a Malbec.  And occasional a sweet red- but I'm kind of off the sweet red- because of the sugar issues.  But I do like whites too- I just mostly go out and eat dark meat- which means I don't want a light wine.  But I'll drink both!

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Gin and tonic.


A bottle of rum and a lime.


Dark beers (1554 as a table beer, Augustiner when I can afford it, and anything that adheres to the Reinheitsgebot).


21+ year old single malt scotch.


We drink a lot of wine in this house, Naked Grape and Cupcake being the most prominent (we're poor).  When I can find mead, I have mead.

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I'm all about the beer.


I love our locals: Alley Kat (ApriKat! Charlie Flint Lager!), Yellowhead (a lager), Hogs Head (possibly one of the best pumpkin beers out there, and available year round), and Amber (Zombie Apocalypse).  I try to drink from the "little guys" when I can.  Another fav of mine is Yukon Brewing, and the Golden Lion in Lennoxville will always have a special place in my heart.


My biggest love right now is Dieu du Ciel's Blanche Neige.  It's a crazy spicy wheat with a strong hops kick.  I've never tasted anything even close to it.


I'm supposed to be going to a cask event for a grapefruit summer ale tonight.

Level Four Mandalorian Assassin

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I always try to start with a fun cocktail. If I go out I usually get a raspberry martini but yesterday I went to Eataly in NYC (right on 23rd!) and got a Jenn Harper (vodka, lime citrus, and basil).


After that I stick with a rum and coke. It's almost always Bacardi but the other night I got a special with Captain Morgan that was pretty good. 


I'm really poor from being in college so I can't afford any good alcohol yet haha. 

"If you die, you die. A man must constantly exceed his level." - Bruce Lee

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Well I am up for trying anything once.  But my go to drinks are Spiced rum and water, Kraken is quite yummy.  For beer it's gotta be OV!  I don't enjoy the dark beers too much, or at least I haven't found one I enjoy.

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How come so many nerds love Yuengling?  And why are we not all together drinking a Yuengling?  Seriously. 


anywhoo... I loves me a tasty micro brew - prefer maltier and stouts but have been known to enjoy interesting beers.  Oh and I love Flemish Sours.  But trying to hold off on so much beer these days b/c paleo body prefers non-beer.


Other than that... red wine.  I don't really like much white wine.  I'm not a hard liquor drinker.  Meh.  Boring.



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This nerd loves some Yuengling. Going to college right near Pottsville, PA made me a Yuengling girl when I need something decent and cheap. Otherwise I tend to go for porters and dark beers, and love it when something fun, sweet, or interesting is part of the flavor profile. Duclaw, which is a local company in the Baltimore area, does an awesome Peanut Butter Porter called Sweet Baby Jesus! . It lives up to the name. Another one I adored was Widmer's Raspberry Russian Imperial, but it tasted terrible in the bottle. Shiner has been good to me, especially with their summer beer from last year (I think it was called Ruby Red? It had grapefruit in it and was amazingly fun).


There's also a brewery in the central/south PA called Appalachian Brewing Company. The Gettysburg location has a seasonal vanilla porter that was wonderful and for some reason I have never been able to time a visit back to have it again.


I'm not much of a cocktail girl anymore, but I'll try just about any wine, and still a sucker for a margarita. I blame my Texas experience.

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I dont see whats so special about Yuengling. I went to school in Philly so i've had a lot of it. Its just regular beer to me. Id rather have either a light beer or something w more taste.

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I suspect anyone serving me a beer has switched it with gasoline. Can't stand beer. 

But margaritas....mmmmmm.

I also like Irish whiskey - Jameson usually

Lately I've started mixing a little vodka with Mio and water as a replacement for Cranberry vodkas and its not bad. Its a low cal/no carb drink I can actually enjoy. If only I could come up with a margarita alternative that didn't taste like chemicals I'd be in heaven. 

Kessihl - Level 2 Half Elf / Human1 (STR)  2 (DEX)  2 (STA)  3 (CON)  6 (WIS) 3 (CHA)  Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. 

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If only I could come up with a margarita alternative that didn't taste like chemicals I'd be in heaven. 


Make them fresh and they are sooo much better than a mix ever was! 



  • 2 ounces tequila made from 100 percent agave, preferably reposado or blanco
  • 1 ounce Cointreau
  • 1 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
  • Salt for garnish

​Also rather than using Mio, try just letting some cranberries you've pulsed in a blender sit in your vodka for a few days, maybe with some orange peel for a bit more depth of flavor.

Human Adventurer

Str: 3 | Dex: 2 | Sta:2 | Con:3 | Wis:3 | Cha:2

I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me smile or make me frown...

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Sangria girl here. I love sweet stuff. I used to drink captain and diet for YEARS but it makes me nauseous now! 


2 great summer drinks: St. Germaine, Plymouth, freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. OMG.  Or blackberry vodka+lemonade+muddled blackberries. Mmmm. There's fruit in there... it's not THAT bad ;-)


Beer: currently all about Shipyard apple something - it's like a beer and a cider had a baby, lol. But otherwise I drink Blue Moon.or Sam Adams Summer Ale.

Cee, Level 2 Wood Elf Adventurer of the Earth Kingdom

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I am a fan of a good old fashioned, or a rye whiskey on the rocks. Gin and tonic with fresh lime is a perennial favorite. Wine wise in summer I love a big chardonnay or a mine rally sav blanc. Reds I like big and full of tannin, leather and the kind of flavors that make you feel like you just grew a beard and need to punch a bear.

Human Adventurer

Str: 3 | Dex: 2 | Sta:2 | Con:3 | Wis:3 | Cha:2

I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me smile or make me frown...

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I like dark, strong beers. Troegs, beers from Victory Brewery and Left Hand Brewery. I really like Hop Devil.

Whiskeys. Mostly scotch, single malts, on the rocks, or with a little water.

Good gin...Bombay, Hendricks.

I generally keep all varieties of spirits, and don't often mix them. Pretty much neat...except for a little water, or ice.


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Makers Mark and Stone IPA have been my staples lately, though I've been one by one exploring the crazy number of other San Diego breweries since I moved here. Green Flash, Ballast Point and Karl Strauss are my favorites so far.

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Level 2 Cossack Assassin

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Guest kimsquared

Had to post on this one. I love wine. All types. My beer replacement (since I think beer is disgusting-tastes like dirt and grass) is cider. For my liquor, I prefer vodka, rum, and occasionally gin.

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