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Internet Dating

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Internet dating shouldn't be the strangest thing, but often ends up being the strangest thing.

Even as a guy, I end up deactivating my accounts with moderate regularity just because of how odd it feels, or the weird messages I get.

Then you reactivate them once you realize it's probably one of the better ways to meet people.

I also go back and forth with wanting to become a hermit in anew Hampshire, so I'm maybe not the best metric.

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Miles run, 17.3/72


Days with logged fitness 9/43


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my challenge thread!

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This is one of those rare instances where I feel perfectly fine saying you're a guy, you wouldn't understand.


Supply and demand. I think a lot of guys would never understand the concept of having terrible sex (because let's face it--sometimes guys just blow [Haha. Puns.]) in the same way a lot of girls would never understand the concept of appreciating whatever sex you can get your hands on.


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idk man


Like, I'm a guy, and I have definitely run across terrible sexy times partners


like, wtf is even happening here, I think it's time I leave

On one end are people who just don't really know what they're doing, on the other is "Holy fuck is that a clown nose? and how is that supposed to fit in......"



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Miles run, 17.3/72


Days with logged fitness 9/43


Days without refined sugar 7/43



my challenge thread!

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idk man


Like, I'm a guy, and I have definitely run across terrible sexy times partners


like, wtf is even happening here, I think it's time I leave

On one end are people who just don't really know what they're doing, on the other is "Holy fuck is that a clown nose? and how is that supposed to fit in......"






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Supply and demand. I think a lot of guys would never understand the concept of having terrible sex (because let's face it--sometimes guys just blow [Haha. Puns.]) in the same way a lot of girls would never understand the concept of appreciating whatever sex you can get your hands on.



the male entitlement in this video is fucking staggering. you know women exist for more than just to sexually satisfy men right?

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It's the moose on the inside that counts.

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wouldn't it be easier for you to date if you stopped thinking with your genitals; just focus on yourself do the things that you want and love; and I can almost guarantee that you will find someone if not to have sexy times with at least probably a good friend that enjoys the same things that you do

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Between a rock and a hard place, use our finger nails to climb, it's all we know..........

Daily Mile

Perfer et obdura: Dolor hic tibi proderit olim

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wouldn't it be easier for you to date if you stopped thinking with your genitals; just focus on yourself do the things that you want and love; and I can almost guarantee that you will find someone if not to have sexy times with at least probably a good friend that enjoys the same things that you do

blasphemy! :o (jk

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Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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wouldn't it be easier for you to date if you stopped thinking with your genitals; just focus on yourself do the things that you want and love; and I can almost guarantee that you will find someone if not to have sexy times with at least probably a good friend that enjoys the same things that you do


It's funny (and I know I've mentioned this before on the NF forum), when my wife and I got serious I had women come out of the woodwork letting me know they wouldn't mind finding my shoes under their bed some morning.  Including a couple women who'd turned me down for dates before I met my wife.  I suspect it's because I was happy, and people respond positively to happy people.


The takeaway is that if you want people to find you attractive, make yourself happy.  Whatever that takes, bring yourself to the point where you say "Life is great!" and people will want to share that life with you.

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Oh god why did I click on that video  :mad-new: I made it to two minutes and had to quit because the urge to punch my monitor was growing too strong.


Imo getting a relationship or sex isn't that hard. I see people together every day and hear stories about people getting laid that frankly get me thinking, "Why would anyone wanna get with that?" because - truth time - I'm a judgmental prick. (Like, I fight for human rights and all that, but you should hear the snobbish voice inside my head sometimes.) If that's all you want, any relationship and/or sex, the only way I see you could completely f*ck it up is to be so obsessed with it you ruin everything, or Idk, be a hermit or something and never meet any people. It gets way harder when you start having standards, any standards, and you start wanting a good relationship and/or sex with someone you actually like.


(I need to quote one of the best stories I've ever, ever read here because it's so relevant:

"But in the end, he was not unhappy. He didn't think he had wasted his life. And that's as much as most of us can ask, perhaps.  -- Unless, we want to trade 'not unhappy' for 'happy'. Then everything becomes immeasurably more complicated.")

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(currently visiting assassins) | Challenge Thread

"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."

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It's funny (and I know I've mentioned this before on the NF forum), when my wife and I got serious I had women come out of the woodwork letting me know they wouldn't mind finding my shoes under their bed some morning.  Including a couple women who'd turned me down for dates before I met my wife.  I suspect it's because I was happy, and people respond positively to happy people.


The takeaway is that if you want people to find you attractive, make yourself happy.  Whatever that takes, bring yourself to the point where you say "Life is great!" and people will want to share that life with you.


That "I Just Had Sex" glow seems to be a rather attractive trait on a person (assuming the sex was good).

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Maybe I'm just a weirdo to the nth degree, but I really dont understand why some of you have trouble dating. You seem smart and funny and nice and are not unattractive...I wonder what the block is?

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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That "I Just Had Sex" glow seems to be a rather attractive trait on a person (assuming the sex was good).

Nope, wife and I agreed early on to wait until we were married. It was just happiness/contentment.

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Maybe I'm just a weirdo to the nth degree, but I really dont understand why some of you have trouble dating. You seem smart and funny and nice and are not unattractive...I wonder what the block is?

Well in my case I have trouble dating because my wife would kill me if I did....

When I was single my problem is that I was totally oblivious to advances by women. Even know my wife will tell me if a woman is flirting with me. I joke that I MIGHT suspect a woman was flirting if she threw her underwear my my face, with herself still in them.

I also never played the games, my attitude was "this is me. Take it or leave it."

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Maybe I'm just a weirdo to the nth degree, but I really dont understand why some of you have trouble dating. You seem smart and funny and nice and are not unattractive...I wonder what the block is?

I'm sure you didn't mean me, but I'm still gonna answer :P For me, it's because I'm picky and I have a good people sense, as in, I know pretty much straight away if someone might 'click' or not. And people who click with a weird creature like me are damn rare, especially in such a relatively small country as mine. And I don't want to date someone just for dating's sake, knowing they're not gonna be right for me, it would be a waste of everyone's time. (Also, I hate dating, so I can't even do it for fun.) I don't want to settle for a partner who is nice enough, I want someone who I can gaze at with wonder like all the stars are in their eyes, and I want to be as special to them.


Honestly, the worst thing is knowing, statistically, that there must be several potential soul mates for me... and fearing I won't find any of them because I was born in a wrong place, or the wrong time, or just unlucky.


(currently visiting assassins) | Challenge Thread

"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."

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When I was single my problem is that I was totally oblivious to advances by women. Even know my wife will tell me if a woman is flirting with me. I joke that I MIGHT suspect a woman was flirting if she threw her underwear my my face, with herself still in them.

I also never played the games, my attitude was "this is me. Take it or leave it."

sAme. I also lead with the crazy...bc if they run, they arent able to handle me anyway

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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Maybe I'm just a weirdo to the nth degree, but I really dont understand why some of you have trouble dating. You seem smart and funny and nice and are not unattractive...I wonder what the block is?


I only seem smart (because I have enough time to think about and edit what I say here); I'm probably not. I like to think I'm funny; I crack myself up and I laugh a lot by/at myself a lot. I'm pretty sure I'm nice; at least I know I always have the best intentions. There is no objective reason not to date me (besides my creepy tinted van). There is also no reason not to eat Brussels Sprouts.


So yeah, I'm Brussels Sprouts. Haha


On a serious note though, I believe that if we put our minds to it dating would not be much of a problem. I think the problem here (and by here I mean for myself, because I am in no position to be telling someone else's story) is that there are a lot of other things one would rather do rather than date. I could either spend money and several hours on a date, which involves compulsory interaction with another person, or I could spend half that money, swing my kettlebell, cook myself a ribeye, and watch Seinfeld while I eat. I think, particularly when I was younger, I mostly wanted to date because I though that was what society expected me to do. I was supposed to enjoy dating and macking on females, and, being a socially-unaware dope, I just follow protocols as much as possible to avoid trouble. "Yes, I'm going out to the bar with you this weekend (because that is what humans do), but I'm not going to enjoy myself."


Nope, wife and I agreed early on to wait until we were married. It was just happiness/contentment.


I am saying the "I Just Had Sex" glow is an attractive trait on a person. Because sex is either REALLY good (making one happy), or pretty good (making one content).

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sAme. I also lead with the crazy...bc if they run, they arent able to handle me anyway

Sell, there's crazy as in "Hey she seems like fun" and "Danger Danger Will Robinson!". I've met women I thought would like to wear my worn shirt with nothing underneath. I've met women I thought would like to wear my skin with nothing underneath. One is appealing-crazy, one is i-may-end-up-as-a-missing-person crazy.

Some men never learn the difference. Neither do some women for that matter. Observe how many women want a " dangerous" guy. There's lets-go-for-a-ride-on-my-motorcycle and lets-go-someplace-where-no-one-can-hear-you-scream.

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Sell, there's crazy as in "Hey she seems like fun" and "Danger Danger Will Robinson!". I've met women I thought would like to wear my worn shirt with nothing underneath. I've met women I thought would like to wear my skin with nothing underneath. One is appealing-crazy, one is i-may-end-up-as-a-missing-person crazy.

Some men never learn the difference. Neither do some women for that matter. Observe how many women want a " dangerous" guy. There's lets-go-for-a-ride-on-my-motorcycle and lets-go-someplace-where-no-one-can-hear-you-scream.

I'm about middle of the crazy spectrum...if you piss me off, I'm not above wearing your skin, but that hasn't happened....yet.

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Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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