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Dogs/dog training anyone?

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Ooh, good thread idea! 


I have the one dog, her name is Possum:



Yes, she's a little dog. Just don't tell her that. xD She's a Maltese Chihuahua. As for tricks - apart from sit, lie down, don't touch that, bring your toy - she knows how to roll over, sit up on her hind legs, fist bump, and crawl along on her belly. I figure if I'm going to have a dog that looks like a miniature dancing bear, she might as well do tricks. I want to teach her to bow, to speak, and then to stop barking as soon as I say. She's good at selectively hearing me. :P A friend of mine also wants me to teach her to backflip... Is that even possible? Ahah. 



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I have a black lab who refuses to stay still for pictures. That's a trick I could teach him! He also likes to jump on the couch and flip it. It's a sectional couch so each piece moves. He jumps up, flips the couch down, and leaps out of the way. I guess my dog is into parkour?

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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Excuse any short replies, please.

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When my lurcher died, I decided the next dog I had couldn't look anything like her. I ended up falling in love with and rescuing this thing:


He's a Jack russell / staffordshire bull terrier mix with dwarfism. His name is Hutch.

He's a super active dog, so he has to go on at least a 3 mile walk daily. Not that he ever 'walks'. His default setting is trot. 
We do a lot of trick training, and I'm in the middle of building a set of small jumps that both he and my rabbits can use. (yeah, I train my rabbits as well.)




I've also got him over his fear of water so that when the fields flood annually, he can go for a paddle, which he really enjoys now!
I'm planning to take him out hiking over the Malvern hills and camping this summer, which I know he'll love.
But most of all, Hutch is an entertainer. He knows when the camera is out and he performs!

I bought him a bow tie as a joke, put it on him and got the camera out. This is pretty much what happened:

'Ok Hutchy, look adorable!!' *click*
Photo 1: Adorable Hutchy.
'Aww! And another!' *click*
Photo 2: a large glob of drool is captured leaving his mouth.
'Hutchy, that's disgusting!!' *clicks again anyway*

Photo 3:



Photo session promptly ended so I could stop laughing!


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Level 9 Pixie

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I'm officially ashamed! My adult dog used to be trained to do the very basics, but when we got the puppy he was like "nope". So now we have 2 rotten brats until I figure that out.

I would like to do agility with at least one of them eventually.

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Yes! I have a pup that I've had in training since she was almost 5 months old. She's 10 months old now and if she can focus for long enough (she's VERY hyper and....'alert') she follows basic commands (sit, down, paw, stay, come). We're working on having her sit wherever she is in the room now, haha I refer to it as 'distance sitting' and it's come in handy a few times, such as catching her chasing the cats, or getting into things she's not supposed to be in! We THINK she's a shepherd/husky mix. Maybe. I've heard border collie/shepherd and belgian malinois as well. 


I'm THINKING about putting her in agility once she hits a year old, but we'll see what happens with furthered obedience!

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Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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I'm getting my first dog THIS FRIDAY!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEE hahaha. I always had dogs growing up but this will be the first that I was 100% responsible for! I'm super excited. I'm a dog walker for a living so it should be pretty easy haha. I don't do a lot of training, but I try to be consistent with them and correct inappropriate behaviors when I can. I think I want to do an adult obedience once I get this guy. He's a 5 year old hound mix and I think it will be a good chance for us to bond...hopefully

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No dog currently, but I did agility with my mom's dog a long time ago ('94ish). Lots of fun and a pretty active activity for both dog and person. Human overcompetitiveness can sully the experience a bit, although that's true for anything.


(For those who don't know: Agility is basically an timed obstacle course for the dogs. Roughly half jumps of various types (it was originally an offshoot of horse jumping) but also tunnels, ramps to climb over, and poles to weave between.)

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We have 3 greyhounds. Only one has been to obedience class. I would like to take the one to obedience and there are two who I think would like lure coursing. The third will be ten next month and while she still zooms around with the others, she limps afterward so I think lure coursing would be too much for her.

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This is my dog, her name is Bella

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And this is Bella with Copper, the grand puppy (instead of giving my parents grandchildren my sister gave them a grand puppy)

Bella is trained to go out when we say bed time, knows sit and knows here (but doesn't always come when there is something to chase)

Catching them all from my iPad using tapatalk

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My pup is in my profile pic, but I'll have to dig up some more out of my phone eventually lol. We've done three obedience classes and next we'll be headed into advanced obedience and/or nosework. She knows sit, down, 'do you want it?' (standing on hind legs and begging), stay (sorta), nose/touch (hand targeting), leave it, wait, side (so she comes to my side and sits), and heel (well, working on it). She also responds to a bunch of words ('bacon', 'want some?', 'popcorn', 'Sophie' (my mom's dog, she knows we're going to go see her when I say this), and a few more). Oh, and we have emergency recall ('heeeeeeere') which surprisingly enough worked the other day in my mom's yard haha.


Edit: dug one up tany9a8e.jpg

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Wandering Monk

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Mile: 12:49 (11/1/14) 5K: 44:07 (3/13/16)



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No dog currently as I don't have enough space and really don't much care for little breeds (sorry little dog people!).  In the past I/my family has had a German Shepherd, Black Lab, Australian Shepherd/something mix, and a Lab/Beagle mix that got picked up off the street.  All were trained in the basics, and we trained the lab/beagle and lab to speak when you put your finger over your lips (like "shhh").  Figured it was a good anti-robber technique.  

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"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


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You're looking for me. ;)  I train dogs professionally in the evenings, I have three of my own and compete with my mom's dog as well.


This one is Auggie, he has his Masters level preferred titles (got them both the same weekend!) in agility and is semi-retired:








He also has his Rally Novice title and two legs towards his Rally Advanced title, but I don't find rally that exciting so haven't gotten that third leg yet.  Should probably do that.


The baby dog, Payton, who has both Novice titles and we're working on the Open titles:






Payton also runs with me.  Auggie does not, he actually has a physical disability that doesn't make him well suited to endurance running (but he loves sprinting!)


Mom's dog, Georgie.  She is Auggie's niece and Payton's half-niece (her mom is Payton's half-sister.)  She has her Novice Standard title and her Open Jumpers title.





This is Pepper, the middle child.  I'm hoping to have her debut in agility this fall.  She's a little special needs so I'm not sure how far we'll be able to go, but I'd like to at least try it with her.


I also do this with Auggie, haven't had a chance to start the baby dog yet.





Oops, I forgot - Payton would be very upset if he knew I forgot to mention he loves to swim and we're working on getting him to a Dock Dogs trial to see if he'll hop into the pool for me!


Oh yeah - dog training blog.

http://www.sheltiechick.com  (bet you couldn't have guessed the URL.)

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Here's my pup from last fall:



She's just over a year old now and could probably use some training, but is quite a good dog naturally.


We bought a DNA test kit to see if we could find out more specifically what kind of mutt she is. I'll report back if there are any interesting results.

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I got two dogs. One is a Jack Russell terrier named Abby she does what we call trained monkey gets up on her hind legs and walks around for a treat but that's about all she does, she doesn't like to listen/thinks she is in charge which I of course disagree with and have to prove differently to her about ten times a day. And the other is a Black Lab named Loki. I trained him to sit when I snap my fingers and lay down just from rolling my hand from Palm up to palm down. Sad alert...the vet thinks that Loki has Leukemia, sent a blood sample to a pathologist today so should know in a few days.

Sweat dries, Blood clots, Bones heal. Suck it up Marine.

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I got two dogs. One is a Jack Russell terrier named Abby she does what we call trained monkey gets up on her hind legs and walks around for a treat but that's about all she does, she doesn't like to listen/thinks she is in charge which I of course disagree with and have to prove differently to her about ten times a day. And the other is a Black Lab named Loki. I trained him to sit when I snap my fingers and lay down just from rolling my hand from Palm up to palm down. Sad alert...the vet thinks that Loki has Leukemia, sent a blood sample to a pathologist today so should know in a few days.


That sucks (the leukemia part).  Hopefully the blood work comes back negative.

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That's sandy, my lab cross. Absolutely beautiful dog. Constantly gets into next doors yard to chase the chickens. Hasn't hurt one yet. She just likes to chase them lol. She understands the basics like sit, stay, come etc but tends to have selective hearing depending on what's in front of her. Although she will sit there and stare at her food bowl for hours. At least until I tell her "ok"

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And that little black thing hiding under my blankets is rayn. The only thing sandy hates and will go out of her way to get aggressive towards lol. She's a bitza and is one of the biggest sooks I know. Has an annoying tendency to bark at every damn ant that walks past the house though. Haven't figured that part out yet.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Autocorrect is most likely at fault for errors.

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