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People Really Really Suck

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I just got called fat by a complete stranger while I was crossing the street. In particular, a women yelled "you have a fat ass"  at me out of the window of her car.  


Yes I have a fat ass, that's because after smoking for 15 years I quit and my body rebelled against me. I also have a fat ass because I can squat over 200 lbs which helps me do things like I did yesterday, which was ride in a 40 mile, incredibly hilly, 2,000 plus elevation gain bike ride. Hence the reason I was crossing the street....going to get some coconut water because I am still dehydrated.


And yes, this woman was fat and nasty herself, but that doesn't mean I'm not sitting in my office with the door closed trying not to cry my eyes out. 


Some people are so mean.


It's not easy being green.

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would it be wrong to post Sir Mix-a-lot's "Babys got back"? or Queens "Fat Bottom Girls"


I realized that this looks sexist, but really there is no good songs about guys having a great ass, someone needs to write one.....get on it people!!!

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Between a rock and a hard place, use our finger nails to climb, it's all we know..........

Daily Mile

Perfer et obdura: Dolor hic tibi proderit olim

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*Big snuggly hugs*

I genuinely cannot understand people who feel it's appropriate to say these sorts of things.
I'm so sorry you've had to hear that today :(

Remember that you are awesome.

You are wonderful.

You deserve far better treatment than that.

Write a nice list of all the incredible stuff about you and keep it close to read when you get bummed out.

Those type of people who shout in the street are rubbish, insignificant and really really sad.





I'm totally jealous of your squatting ability, I can't wait to get that high!

Roller girl, weight lifter, cat lover.
"Wear panties on your head & hit your friends!"


Level One Warrior
+1 WIS +3 STR +2 STA +1 DEX +2 CON +1 CHA 

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Many people are mean because they are bitter miserable people and want you to be bitter and miserable. On the bright side, in a few days she'll continue to be a bitter miserable person and you'll have forgotten about her.

“I cannot lift this.†Ahmed ibn Fahdlan having been give a sword.

“Grow stronger!†Herger the Joyous


Specialization is for insects.


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Having people you know criticize you can be bad enough.  Having a complete stranger take time out of their stupid lives to verbally abuse you?  That can be devestating.  At least you know how much ass you kick.  Focus on that and learn to revel in it.  And don't forget that that person's life probably sucks.  A lot.  That's why people lash out the way they do.  Happy people don't go out of their way to make other people unhappy.  They go the other way.

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To go along w/ the initial post.   When I was like 20, I had long (red) hair about 3/4 way down my back('88 I believe).  I went to a ZZ-Top concert and w/ my dad, his wife #3 or #4 (can't remember) and some friends. After the concert, we went to this VERY non-metal bar.  I am waaaaaaay outta my comfort zone.  I pretty much just sat there and listened to the crappy dance music this place was playing.  I did notice this one woman kept looking at me and talking to her friends. She wasn't bad looking so I thought "yeah you sexy bastard she wants your ass you're gonna score!!!"   Later I walked by her table and she motioned me to come over. So I did. 


She then says, "you know you'd be really cute if you cut your hair." 


I replied "Really.  Well, you'd be really hot if you lost like 80lbs, oh and lose the palm tree hair thing you got going.  Unless you're Gene Simmons, it looks stupid!!!"


Yes, the egos of that table just deflated and I went on to have my usual miserable time in a dance club until we left. 



1) Don't give a shit what anybody else thinks.

2) Learn some really good come backs and keep them in your head at all times.

3) Don't be afraid to use said come backs.

4) Don't be afraid to raise the insult level by a power of a billion just to shut them up.

5) It's ok when you turn it back on them to just walk away, like a Boss!!!


Embrace yourself, and realize that people do suck.  No matter how hard you try, you're going to eventually run into a douche. Just keep getting better.  Living well is a good revenge!!!  (Unless you're Klingon, then "Revenge is a dish best served cold")

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"A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye" - Koloth

"Ya can't grill it until ya kill it" - Uncle Ted

"If it ain't Metal...IT'S CRAP!!!" - Dee Snider

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What she said is not a reflection on you, it's a reflection on herself. You're the better person.


Still, people do suck. I'm really sorry this happened to you. :hugs:

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Vicki | Sheikah Bard | Level 13

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blkhoe24601 Gains the Power to Revolutionize the World

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I replied "Really.  Well, you'd be really hot if you lost like 80lbs, oh and lose the palm tree hair thing you got going.  Unless you're Gene Simmons, it looks stupid!!!"


Yes, the egos of that table just deflated and I went on to have my usual miserable time in a dance club until we left. 



1) Don't give a shit what anybody else thinks.

2) Learn some really good come backs and keep them in your head at all times.

3) Don't be afraid to use said come backs.

4) Don't be afraid to raise the insult level by a power of a billion just to shut them up.

5) It's ok when you turn it back on them to just walk away, like a Boss!!!


Embrace yourself, and realize that people do suck.  No matter how hard you try, you're going to eventually run into a douche. Just keep getting better.  Living well is a good revenge!!!  (Unless you're Klingon, then "Revenge is a dish best served cold")


This made my day, you rock!  I usually am really good about not caring and spewing killer comebacks (I even told someone to f**k off at a harry potter showing) but feeling "fat" is my kryptonite. I am going to work on that.

It's not easy being green.

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I’ve never met anyone who acted like that and didn’t have their own deep seated insecurities. That’s where that comes from, sad miserable people bitter that the rest of the world isn’t as sad and miserable as they are. The best way to win is never, ever be like them. Don’t get angry and bitter, it makes you like them and that’s what they want. I mean it was the entire metaphor of the Sith in Star Wars, I’m surprised more people don’t realize this. That’s why I used to offer to hug people in high school when they verbally assaulted me. At the very least I patted them on shoulder and said “Don’t worry, it’ll be okay one dayâ€.


On a more amusing note when I first dragged my then 135 kilo frame out to start running at the start of the year (late at night when no one would see me) a car load of teenagers slowed down and a girl in the back yelled “keep on pushing your mum had to!â€. They sped off but had to stop at the red lights only thirty meters down the road. So I leisurely jogged up and tapped on the window and let them know that was actually pretty funny and thanks for cheering me up. They were confused.

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1) Don't give a shit what anybody else thinks.

2) Learn some really good come backs and keep them in your head at all times.

3) Don't be afraid to use said come backs.

4) Don't be afraid to raise the insult level by a power of a billion just to shut them up.

5) It's ok when you turn it back on them to just walk away, like a Boss!!!

i mean, whatever makes you feel better but those are some pretty crappy morals :| 

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It's the moose on the inside that counts.

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Drivers, nervous ones, will insult anything in their way. 


And yup, people suck. Sorry to hear that. 

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I usually take things like this as an opportunity to hone my skills at sarcasm. "Thanks for the tip I didn't know" or "I'm sorry. Did I mistake you for someone whos opinion I give a sh** about?" or "Your welcome. I'm glad I was able to make you feel better about yourself at someone elses expense"


Remember. Insecure people often times need to blow your flame out to make it look like theirs is burning brighter. So you came here to share your sadness with people who care. She had to make herself feel better by trying to ruin your day as she obviously doesn't have an army of friends to help her feel good. Guess who walked the righteous path on this one? Guess who the winner is today?


That's right. it's you!!

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Hey. I've got a blog!! ----> The Dilnad Can!

This is how I did it. This is how you too can do it! ----> http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2015/09/28/learn-how-an-office-worker-lost-100-lbs-saved-his-own-life-and-became-a-superhero/


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Yeah, I get the same at work a lot.  You treat me like shite and expect me to be nice to you right after?  Yeah, that's only because you're a miserable 60+ year old woman who hates her life because she couldn't hold down a marriage and has at least one child that hates her (I have 3 coworkers like this).  I really dislike the line "kill them with kindness" but when people pursue you for evil intentions, it really is a good way to respond.


But when it's a stranger you will never see again, IDK what to do lol.  Someone walked up to me and poked me in the head while I was wearing a hat with the Skyrim logo on it.  Total invasion of personal space, total assault on my person (though it wasn't malicious it was unwanted forceful physical contact).  I COULD have punched him in the nethers, but I didn't, because I was at a festival with a ton of people, and he was probably not even 16 years old, and I'm 22. IDK how that would've panned out. O_O

"Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion.  Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare.  Impossible is potential, impossible is temporary, impossible is NOTHING." -Muhammad Ali

"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision." -Hellen Keller

Ferocity (2),  2 Becoming Capable, Becoming a Ranger

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Yeah, I get the same at work a lot.  You treat me like shite and expect me to be nice to you right after?  Yeah, that's only because you're a miserable 60+ year old woman who hates her life because she couldn't hold down a marriage and has at least one child that hates her (I have 3 coworkers like this).  I really dislike the line "kill them with kindness" but when people pursue you for evil intentions, it really is a good way to respond.


But when it's a stranger you will never see again, IDK what to do lol.  Someone walked up to me and poked me in the head while I was wearing a hat with the Skyrim logo on it.  Total invasion of personal space, total assault on my person (though it wasn't malicious it was unwanted forceful physical contact).  I COULD have punched him in the nethers, but I didn't, because I was at a festival with a ton of people, and he was probably not even 16 years old, and I'm 22. IDK how that would've panned out. O_O


See that sounds like a total aspergers driven "I recognise that symbol and want to say 'hey love your hat, Skyrim is cool' but I'm too socially awkward and uncomfortable in any situation involving strangers so I'm going to do something that's going to seem to me dismissively cool and laissez faire but will immediately be interpreted as extremely rude and potentially threatening because my people skills are based off online interactions" kind of thing.


When people do that they need to be taken aside and told, "That wasn't cool man, I want to punch you in the fruits but instead I'm going to suggest that you maybe just say 'hey cool Skyrim', or 'Go Dragonborn', or even better, 'Khajit for life mother flippers' then meow and run away. Anything would be better than what you did. Now you know better'. Then somehow produce a The More You Know rainbow.

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It was the moral of the story.

yeh i know, and its kinda crap. escalation of insults isn't how you react to someone giving you a backhanded compliment in civil society, thats not "living well is the best revenge", that's just being a douche. its no better than the person who started the whole affair. 


i mean, look at your story even and compare it to the things people are saying in this thread. you're having a shitty night out and you flip out and rage at someone who says something "wrong" to you? thats sounds awfully similar to:




She had to make herself feel better by trying to ruin your day as she obviously doesn't have an army of friends to help her feel good.






Yeah, that's only because you're a miserable [person] who hates her life






Many people are mean because they are bitter miserable people and want you to be bitter and miserable.


do you see?

It's the moose on the inside that counts.

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See that sounds like a total aspergers driven "I recognise that symbol and want to say 'hey love your hat, Skyrim is cool' but I'm too socially awkward and uncomfortable in any situation involving strangers so I'm going to do something that's going to seem to me dismissively cool and laissez faire but will immediately be interpreted as extremely rude and potentially threatening because my people skills are based off online interactions" kind of thing.


When people do that they need to be taken aside and told, "That wasn't cool man, I want to punch you in the fruits but instead I'm going to suggest that you maybe just say 'hey cool Skyrim', or 'Go Dragonborn', or even better, 'Khajit for life mother flippers' then meow and run away. Anything would be better than what you did. Now you know better'. Then somehow produce a The More You Know rainbow.

Some day, I will be able to do this.

"Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion.  Impossible is not a declaration, it's a dare.  Impossible is potential, impossible is temporary, impossible is NOTHING." -Muhammad Ali

"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision." -Hellen Keller

Ferocity (2),  2 Becoming Capable, Becoming a Ranger

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