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Hello! Been following Nerd Fitness for over a year and I've finally made an account. Anyways, my current employment is not the normal 9 to 5 desk job. I am a Logistics Specialist Seaman (LSSN) on board the USS Philippine Sea (CG58), which is at the moment in her last haul of a 9 month deployment and is stationed in Mayport, FL. As a LS, my physical activities range from paperwork to carrying 55 gal drums off the ship. But before striking that rate, I was a Deck Seaman for two years, which consists of work that made Pop Eye how he is, and before that I failed out of the Naval Nuclear program, where fitness was not a big concern for them.



Age: 22

Weight: 180 lbs

Height 5' 10"

Build: Average

Desired class: Ranger


A few good things about my life;

  • Big MMORPG player when I'm on shore. Mostly Guild Wars 2 on Tarnished Coast, the unofficial RP server.
  • My job requires me to stay in shape, so if I lose motivation my boss will kick some into me.
  • Rookie Heavy Fighter in the SCA. (Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.)
  • I enjoy reading more than anything else, mostly fantasy and si-fi. (Wheel of Time, Sword of Truth, Star Wars, Dune, etc.)
  • I love to cook. (For myself mostly.)
  • I've been around the world. Mostly Europe, Middle East, and Africa.
  • I've been told I remind some people of a young TIm Curry.

A few bad things about my life;

  • Tend to go off track if I get distracted, especially when it comes to fitness.
  • My work currently controls my life, for example duty days, underways, and deployments.
  • My shipboard diet is horrible. It literally has the words on the boxes, "Unfit for human consumption.", If the public schools and prisons don't want it, the Navy will take it!

My long-term goals;

  • To achieve Excellent on the Navy PFA. (I'm currently hitting Standard and brushing Good with my runs and crunches.)
  • A beach body of a greek god. ("Dude, your ass is tanner than my face!" - Grandma's Boy)
  • Get selected to become one of the SAR (Search and Rescue) Swimmers for my command.
  • Win a Heavy Fighter Tourament.
  • To live a overall healthly life style both in and out of the Navy.

I'm currently doing the Beginner Body Weight Work Out to get things started;

  1. 15 to 30 minutes of cardio to get my HR up.
  2. 20 body weight squats
  3. 10 push ups
  4. 20 walking lunges
  5. 10 dumbbell rows (Working with 25lbs this week, going to 30lbs next week.)
  6. 15 second plank
  7. 30 jumping jacks

I'm hitting 3 reps in about 15 mins at the moment, and will increase to 4 next week. I'm not sure if I'm going too slow with my work out plan, but I'm currently sticking to, "Slow and steady wins the race."


At the moment, I can't really control my diet unless I'm an extremely picky eater and I use N.O.Explode as my pre work out.

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Man! I've been doing the Beginning Body Weight stuff for a couple weeks and it kills me! But, in two weeks I was able to up my plank from 15 seconds to 45! So it does some good ;) Now just incase I need to slightly hold myself above ground for under a minute!

Starting: 330 Current: 320 Goal: 280

Go ahead and follow my personal mission to have sore arms!

Level 0: Orc Warrior.

STR 6 | STA 4.5 | DEX 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0

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Any suggestions on what I should do on the off days of the Beginning Body Weight work out? I would like to have my only complete rest day be Sunday while the other six days have some kind of work out plan. I have limited space at the moment but in a few weeks I'll have all the space I'll need back in the states for work outs, and a nice Olympic sized swimming pool at the base gym for laps before or after working hours.

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Any suggestions on what I should do on the off days of the Beginning Body Weight work out? I would like to have my only complete rest day be Sunday while the other six days have some kind of work out plan. I have limited space at the moment but in a few weeks I'll have all the space I'll need back in the states for work outs, and a nice Olympic sized swimming pool at the base gym for laps before or after working hours.

Pool laps would be great, or you could always walk/run/jog. If part of your goal is improving at the PFA, running would be a part of that. I alternate between running days and BW days, and each one is helping the other improve faster! Plus, it's nice to have a rest day for my arms and shoulders. Even the modified pull-ups and push-ups I do leave me sore. Come on by the Ranger's Tent! You just missed a six-week challenge, but there's another one starting in two weeks!



Tzippi Longstockings, level 9 Ranger/Monk 

Battle Log - My Fitness Pal - Quest to Find My Epic Quest - Challenges:   #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7,

The Westerosi Fitness Tour: Dorne Stormlands Vale the Reach Westerlands The Wall 

MamaBear Kiss Off Waterbending Rounding <<Current



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Any suggestions on what I should do on the off days of the Beginning Body Weight work out? I would like to have my only complete rest day be Sunday while the other six days have some kind of work out plan. I have limited space at the moment but in a few weeks I'll have all the space I'll need back in the states for work outs, and a nice Olympic sized swimming pool at the base gym for laps before or after working hours.


What I like to do is the interval running on my off days! And I keep sundays off as well!

Starting: 330 Current: 320 Goal: 280

Go ahead and follow my personal mission to have sore arms!

Level 0: Orc Warrior.

STR 6 | STA 4.5 | DEX 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0

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