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Listen to what your body tells you. Really. Not just soreness/aches, but see if you've recovered enough to push again. I cut back my lifting because I found I'd begin a workout still tired from the last one two days before, so now I put two days between heavy workouts. My current schedule is Monday - Light workout/accessory lifts, Wednesday and Saturday Stronglifts workout A and B respectively.

Yes...especially as I want to use this as a way to build up to doing the Stronglifts programme myself - no point killing myself first! Do you find you still see results in terms of strength and muscle gain whilst doing a modified version of the Steonglifts programme?

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I agree, pushing and pushing doesn't always help. I started to have 2 days of rest after a really hard workout and I found I was stronger and had more stamina when I went back to the gym than if I just had one rest day. That's why I'm thinking of having my run and workout on the same day then 2 days off. Just thinking, it's all hypothetical until school starts again and I have some childcare

Yep - doing intervals and strength as parrot the same workout will really help me in terms of time and logistics!

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Yep - doing intervals and strength as parrot the same workout will really help me in terms of time and logistics!

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If only I could get off my lazy fat arse, but it's just not happening. I'm doing Heros Journey instead until school starts and I can get some routine back into life

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STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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Yes...especially as I want to use this as a way to build up to doing the Stronglifts programme myself - no point killing myself first! Do you find you still see results in terms of strength and muscle gain whilst doing a modified version of the Steonglifts programme?

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I'm still a beginner, but I keep adding weight to the bar so I'd say I'm progressing.  I had to take some time off, and I deloaded when I got back to it.  I started in April, and I've only failed reps on squats twice (once because I had the wrong weight on the bar and didn't have time or energy to redo, and once I lost my balance on the way up on the 4th rep of the second set and didn't feel steady enough to try the last rep, so neither was a strength/form issue).  I've failed OHP and bench a couple times, and deloaded OHP once.


It took me some time, but I realized that at age 52 I don't recover as fast as I once did, and I've modified the program accordingly.  My light workouts are accessories to the main lifts that have given me trouble (OHP in particular), so I'm trying to use the accessory day to improve my progress in the main program.  I'd rather continue to make slower but steady progress than push to hard and get hurt.


I also have little interest in lifting as a sport, it's a method for me to get stronger and healthier so in years to come I can do the things I enjoy doing.  Yeah, I'd LIKE to be able to squat 150% my bodyweight, deadlift 200%, and bench 100%, and if I keep progressing I suspect I will.  That's not the goal though, the goal is health and quality-of-life.

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If only I could get off my lazy fat arse, but it's just not happening. I'm doing Heros Journey instead until school starts and I can get some routine back into life

Hey, no negativity! Every parent loses the plot a little during the summer holidays. I am away with my kids next week and we will eat pizza and fish and chips because that's what we do on holiday although we will also walk in the woods and on the heathland and swim in the sea [emoji3]

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Hey, no negativity! Every parent loses the plot a little during the summer holidays. I am away with my kids next week and we will eat pizza and fish and chips because that's what we do on holiday although we will also walk in the woods and on the heathland and swim in the sea [emoji3]

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thanks, I'm just totally frazzled. My 12 year old is just gorgeous but takes a lot of mental energy, which totally depletes my physical energy he is one of those super bright asperger kids. He was wittering on about infinity processors or something a while ago, I am clueless! But we have got salmon for tea, I know that much :-)

  • Like 2
STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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Hi everyone!

I've not been very present on here as wildross and I are building a house. Well, having it built. When I was young, I dreamt of building my own with my own hands. At 55, I realize that is not going to happen!

A few random comments.

I have experienced the same pain free walking and some jogging(never before!) In minimalist shoes. My first experience was in Germany. I had an injured type and could not wear normal shoes, and I purchased a pair of closed toe sandals. I walked all over the areas near ramstein, climbed castle ruins, explored Heidelberg and came back home to the states. I put those shoes in the closet, put my brooks back on with orthotics as I was told and went back to the painful lack of walking.

It was when I was developing what looked like drop foot that I started wearing swim shoes...like footies with a very thin sole.

I want to make my own huraches, but I find them at xero.com ( I'll check that...google xero).

My feet are women's 6 wide(US). Almost as wide as long. I can't wear Nike's, I'm afraid to buy vibrams without trying them on, and I live in Florida...not going to walk on pavement barefoot!

I actually turn 55 on sept 8. WR set a whole year challenge for his double nickle, and my health interfered. I have been doing some research into some dna, hair tissue mineral analysis, and I'm going too be doing some specialized blood work too help figure out what is going on in my body.

Just learning two things, I have MTHFR issues with assimilating things and my serum magnesium(as opposed to blood level mag) was low, causing muscle and soft tissue pain. I feel better more often now than I have in a long time.

If things aren't working like the numbers say they should, there could be something else going on.

Www.gotmag.org has a lot about magnesium.

My psychiatrist had me doo a specific dna test for MTHFR and supplementing for it has changed my.life!

Oh...october will be b one year since I had an artificial disc, rather than fusion, in my neck at c6. I would do that again in a heart beat. I wish they had a similar surgery for L4,5&6!

It's nice to have this old nerds home here! :-)

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Building a house sounds great -- how far have you got? Almost ready oder still in the middle of everything? I still remember when my husband and I were building our house… nights of planning, changing stuff, rescheduling handworkers … a lot of work, but also fun. 


Have you bought huaraches from xero? They look awesome on the website, but before I dare getting something shipped to Germany I would like to read about some first hand experiences.


Your health issues don't sound so pleasant - but it seems you are in good hands, if they found already out about the MTHFR and took the measurements needed to help you. And maybe thesy also will find a solution for your problems with L4, 5 and 6. To my (in this area very small) knowledge, an artificial disc works best when put between two mostly healthy ones, but maybe there are still other solutions than doing a fusion (which makes the spine in that part sort of stiff). 


I like our old nerds home, too! :D

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This is copied from my challenge thread - sorry to duplicate but I'd love your ideas:

This is my review 4 weeks into the challenge. I measured my waist this morning and it was 35, then I decided to measure everything properly half an hour later and it was half an inch less. Measuring is making no sense. And my clothes don't fit any better.


Starting measurements: (in inches) with week 4 measurements after

Neck 14.25 / 14
Arms 12 / 12
Bust 39 / 38.5
Under Bust 33.5 / 34
Waist 34.5 / 34.5
Hips 41 / 41


no point weighing myself because my scales are rubbish, you just play the game of where in the bathroom do I weight lightest, and even when you find that spot it could change a second later.


so, I have actually lost 1/4 inch off my neck and half an inch from my bust.
I've put on half an inch under though and everything else is the same.



Anyway, no point giving up because that won't help.
Plan is to continue with the Heros Journey while it's the school holidays and go back to properly exercising when school starts. Plan then is to do a run and the gym in the same day then take 2 days of rest, so I'll be going to the gym twice a week. Mondays and Thursday.

I actually have a whole week of childcare next week so I might see if I can try a fast to shift some of this fat.

Also, I need to go to the Dr to check that there is nothing medical going on, I've been trying to lose weight since January. Lost nothing in 28 days of the Whole 30 but sleep and a pound that came right back in the gyms 6 week weight loss programme.

STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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My son with HFA is older though - 16 - so a lot more independent which makes things vastly easier. I know that's scant comfort to you now though.

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Things are a lot easier now he is a bit older but I have the hormones kicking in, so I've spent a lot of the summer mopping up tears.

  • Like 1
STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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Yes, one good argument for having your kids early is that way you might avoid the menopause (you) and adolescence (kids) coinciding. I have singularly and spectacularly failed on that one!

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Unless you have a hysterectomy at age 29....then full blown menopause AND three girls. At least they were not hormonal yet!

Our oldest is probably aspbergers..dx HFA and ADHD. We homeschool all five most of the years because of the lousy school support. 4/5 some form of Add/adhd/you name it. The fifth was just a genius. Still is!

I'm finally getting parts of my brain back!

Silver, the artificial disc I have is in my neck...between two good discs. I have more ranger of motion with it than without!

I don't want fused discs because they tend to destroy the good discs that are used to anchor them. My rheumatologist just gave me a referral too an ortho that He likes. Maybe we can get some things moving! My goal right now is to strengthen supporting items, and keep the area flexible.

I need to lose weight, but y'all have already talked about those issues. I'm working on answers for those as well.

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In His hands and Under His wings, Phil 4:13; Is 40:31; Jer 29:11
 Adventurer by choice

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Weight loss is tough, it took me ages to figure out what works for me. Unfortunately, there is no one-fits-all solution. In and around menopause, it is even more frustrating… 


Scumspawn, I keep my fingers crossed that all your work with changing eating habits and sports finally yields some noticeable positive and encouraging changes!


Yes, one good argument for having your kids early is that way you might avoid the menopause (you) and adolescence (kids) coinciding. I have singularly and spectacularly failed on that one!

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Haha, considering my age, and knowing that my kids are 9 and 8 years old … I join you in the group of those that failed on having kids early… at least I'm in good company! :)

I'm afraid of them hitting puberty, and me not being done with all the menopause issues (and I don't mean "just" the physical ones).

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Meh, something bugs me already the whole day: I want so badly to join NF Yoga, it seems to be exactly what I am looking for --- but for the basic package, there is no dropdown window to chose your country, so - of course - my zipcode matches nothing in the USA (for the "plus" package, there is actually a dropdown window for selection *lookspuzzled*). Now they told me via email that I am in the system, but I cannot log on, because my payment failed (master card payment). The suggestion is now to pay with PayPal, but I do not have (or even want) a PayPal account.


Those PayPal accounts have been hacked a lot in Germany, and I just don't trust them… still getting spam emails that try telling me, my account needs "revision" - even though I do not have one!!!


I hope there will be a solution for me, because I really would love to join NF Yoga...


Sorry for whining, but it does bug me. :-/

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After it didn't work, I tried again, but now it gives me the message that an account is already existing, anf that I should log on. But that does not work - and according to the emal from Yoga NF this is, because my zipcode didn't work...


I don't know what they do now, I think maybe they can cancel the (not working) account, and I try again, but so far no one go back to me again...





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It is often the case with the new nf anything that the people trying to handle any issues are overwhelmed with all that must need to be done. Keep trying, do not give up, this is nf...originally an all volunteer group. Though they are nerds, they are not google!

And, I can confirm that they have always made things right...they just probably have more folks signing on than expected. Keep those emails, and remember, we are the alpha and the beta testers!

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In His hands and Under His wings, Phil 4:13; Is 40:31; Jer 29:11
 Adventurer by choice

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Thank you for the encouragement, ChristArtist!


NF Yoga is such a great idea, and they only have set a time until this Friday to join … I just would be so sad, if it would not work out… I'm hanging in front of my old Mac computer, constantly staring at my email inbox … stupid, I know, but then… *sigh*


And I know that my credit card works, I use it often for international orders!





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Trust me, with those emails, you will get in. They will make sure! But it is frustrating sometimes! Since my number one nerd is an IT guy, I assume all nerds are IT specialists, which makes no sense, since I'm not! Lol!

If it makes you feel better, send a note to staci or whomever the key person is for the yoga. You can also pm them here on nf. If you aren't on face book and would like, I could drop her a note there via the nf yoga announcement. They are all very social media available.

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In His hands and Under His wings, Phil 4:13; Is 40:31; Jer 29:11
 Adventurer by choice

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Thank you for your kind offer, I am just afraid to bug them too much.  :redface-new:


Found this one too, but .. even though I am here on NF, I am very shy concerning social media… no facebook, twitter, not even whatsapp or googleplus accounts.  :redface-new:

Dunno whether I should write another mail … don't want to annoy them or - as we say in Germany - step on their nerves. 


I am no IT person either. :D

Working in the medical field, and if computer stuff isn't working, I call for help. lol

(probably every halfways clever 13year old could solve my computer problems…)





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I need one off those 13 yos somedays. Our baby (27) is a computer genius!

you could send an email in response to the yoga toga party. As long as you voice your concerns with patience, you won't be stepping on anyone's nerves!

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In His hands and Under His wings, Phil 4:13; Is 40:31; Jer 29:11
 Adventurer by choice

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