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Low carb high fat paleo rocks - it has helped me so much, too!

Before that I was set on 196 pounds, believing I would hang there for the rest of my days.


Scumspawn, I am sure there is a way that works for you, too! 


For the low carb high fat part, there is a website that has helped me tremendously: dietdoctor.com . It is in English. Mark, maybe this would be a good read for your wife?


I know, it probably comes across as advertising :redface:, but for me it was literally life-saving, therefore my enthusiasm.



Part of it for my wife is she has this entrenched "fat isn't good for you" mentality.  So while she's done well cutting way back on carbs (maker's diet, sugarbusters to name two she's had some success with) once you start bringing in the bacon she balks.  So she tries to do low-carb with low fat, and that doesn't seem to work either.  

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Scumspawn: Sorry no super secret. I know you have been working hard at it. It's not just about  calories, it is also about getting your hormones better balanced. I did do low- Carb Palo to lose the weight, but here are some other things hormononally that probably helped


I used some natural progesterone cream- Dr. John Lee's book -Everything You Need to Know About  Perimenopause has good suggestions for which one (I think there may be a website) he is anti meat, so ignore that part if you read the book, mine is Pro-gests from Emerita, I buy it off of Amazon

Sleep- as much as I needed, now I average about 8 hours, but when I first tried to de-stress myself it was about 9 hours average;

quit  trying to be super woman and make my family help around the house more often, say no to doing things more often, remember to take care of myself too

Bodyweight workouts

Lots of walking

Ditched the soy milk, it messes with hormones big time

Cut way back on sugar  and add in fat

Thank you for including sleep in here! I talk to so many people who swear they need no more than 5-6 hours/night, but wonder why they're tired all the time.   I know  I need 8.5 to 9 hours to really feel normal, although toward the end of a long vacation with unrestricted sleep it starts to drift down toward 8 hours (I assume this means I've worked up a whopping sleep debt over the years). How do you work the "as much as I need" part?  Go to bed early? Sleep till you wake up? Naps?

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Average fish:


I think my main thing is I stopped feeling guilty about needing to sleep. My hubby is one who says he only needs 5 hours   of sleep a night, so I always felt guilty about needing more. Now I stop (at least my goal is) all electronics an hour before bed time and read. If I'm too tired to read, it means I need to turn off my lights and go to sleep. For a while I turned off the alarm and just slept until I woke up. Now I use an alarm, but I try and be in bed 8.5 hours before my wake up time. I take naps too, but not super long, just 20-30 minutes. I also bought a blindfold and earplugs, so if my husband wants to stay up later and read it doesn't disturb me. And I nag (politely ask (: ) him to get all ready for bed when I do , so he's not coming in from watching TV and waking me up by brushing his teeth and searching for pj's


Listened to a podcast yesterday and the Dr.said that one of the first things he recommends for people trying to lose weight is more sleep.

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Part of it for my wife is she has this entrenched "fat isn't good for you" mentality.  So while she's done well cutting way back on carbs (maker's diet, sugarbusters to name two she's had some success with) once you start bringing in the bacon she balks.  So she tries to do low-carb with low fat, and that doesn't seem to work either.  


Well, of course it does not work...

If you got your energy from carbs, and then you cut carbs, you need to replace them with something that provides you with energy. Best choice is fat (fat is bad = big fat lie from food industry and a moron called Dr. Ancel Keys, who "trimmed" study resilts to get the results he wanted).

Protein as main source is not a good choice, because proteins in too big amounts get metabolized into glucose, and that is not what you want. 


In the link I posted there is a lot of scientific background on this, and all broken down nicely also for non-scientists. 


I used to blieve too that my fat intake might kill me … I didn't realize it was my sugar (carb) intake that was about to kill me. Have you ever tried to overeat on fat? Not easy! But with carbs, you can pig out anytime in huge amounts.

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Well, of course it does not work...

If you got your energy from carbs, and then you cut carbs, you need to replace them with something that provides you with energy. Best choice is fat (fat is bad = big fat lie from food industry and a moron called Dr. Ancel Keys, who "trimmed" study resilts to get the results he wanted).

Protein as main source is not a good choice, because proteins in too big amounts get metabolized into glucose, and that is not what you want. 


In the link I posted there is a lot of scientific background on this, and all broken down nicely also for non-scientists. 


I used to blieve too that my fat intake might kill me … I didn't realize it was my sugar (carb) intake that was about to kill me. Have you ever tried to overeat on fat? Not easy! But with carbs, you can pig out anytime in huge amounts.


Thanks for the link, I'll definitely show it to her.


I get that it's hard to overcome a lifetime of being told "fat is bad".  Even when I point out that EVERY severely overweight person we've known (including a coup;e who were well up into the morbid obesity range, and one of whom was a woman who HAD to weight 500 lbst) has said they don't est much fat or sweets, but their weakness is BREAD.


Reading the link, I see a lot of things I've been saying to her, like be careful with fruit (but that's NATURAL sugar, not like what's in soda) or quit worrying about fat (and when we have pork chops there's always a pile of fat on her plate when we're done, and only bones on mine).  I pointed out to her that she lowered her cholesterol 40 points in three months while eating a fried egg for breakfast instead of toast/bagel/cereal EVERY DAY, but she says we need to be careful about eggs.




Of course the advice that men should limit beer didn't set to well with me.  Sigh.

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Well, it was hard for me, too. I was exactly as "indoctrinated" as most folks still are, when it comes to "evil" eggs and fat.


But now I enjoy having eggs for breakfast, including bacon - and I even drink every morning "bulletproof coffee", which is for me coffee with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil plus 100ml Coconut milk, some cinnamon and the coffee… nicely creamed up with a cheap little device that turns usually milk into foam. 


Oh, my cholesterol parameters are excellent.


Before I started this new way of nutrition, they were … far away from being optimal. Carefully put. Took 6 months, then everything was fine. My doctor tells me, whatever I do - I shall keep doing it, because it is obviously working.

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Silver witch...My goal when we get into the house is too set up some sort of a plan to eat with fast for energy as you've said.

I'll be getting in my bullet proof coffee...

I've talked the cravings, the pains are under control, now too tackle the spoon.

I have been over doing it on fruit...having a kitchen in which to prepare, store, and clean up will help my eating!

Mark, I was so glad when I realized I no longer needed to trim off the fat!

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In His hands and Under His wings, Phil 4:13; Is 40:31; Jer 29:11
 Adventurer by choice

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Getting into a new house is so exciting… I still remember fondly, when my husband and I moved into ours 10 years ago. At the time, I was told that I could not get pregnant, so we made a house with two office rooms… and then I did get pregnant. Twice. Once, while everything was still under construction, and the second time after moving in. 

So much about the "offices"… lol


You will enjoy setting up your new kitchen all the way you want it! I agree, a well sorted kitchen has definitely positive effects on the eating habits! Also, because it is simply a joy to prepare meals in a well equipped and orderly kitchen. I am confident that you will successfully tackle the spoon!


My mother also tends to overdo it on fruit. It is hard to tell her that fruit is okay, but in moderate amounts as in "fruit is candy from nature." Her generation learned that there is nothing healthier out there than fruit - and nothing unhealthier than eggs and fat. Meh. But she noticed some weight loss after trying for just one week my way of nutrition, and at least she is now doubtful concerning the "blessings" of a high carb diet. Also, her memory improves when she cuts the carbs, and that is in my eyes the best part since she is in early stages of dementia. My father observed it, too. The more low carb high fat she goes, the more (and longer) she is her true self. 


It is amazing how much impact food has. I try to convey this knowledge also to my children.


Not to trim the fat of ham and other good things makes meals so much more enjoyable! 

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Silverwitch, we have this I common too - my mum is also in the early stages of Alzheimer's. And because she had a triple heart bypass some years ago, she still regards fat as very bad. She is slim, for sure, but she and my dad do eat a lot of carbs and sugar although the latter at least mainly in home baked goods so perhaps not as evil as mass produced stuff. Dunno.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Oh man, I know what you feel… been there myself.

Maybe there are possibilities to keep the perimenopausal show somewhat contained even if you would not take the pill. You should definitely ask your doctor about that.

I do have sex every now and then :-) and getting pregnant at 48 is a really bad idea for me so I need the pill.

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STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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Scumspawn: Sorry no super secret. I know you have been working hard at it. It's not just about  calories, it is also about getting your hormones better balanced. I did do low- Carb Palo to lose the weight, but here are some other things hormononally that probably helped


I used some natural progesterone cream- Dr. John Lee's book -Everything You Need to Know About  Perimenopause has good suggestions for which one (I think there may be a website) he is anti meat, so ignore that part if you read the book, mine is Pro-gests from Emerita, I buy it off of Amazon

Sleep- as much as I needed, now I average about 8 hours, but when I first tried to de-stress myself it was about 9 hours average;

quit  trying to be super woman and make my family help around the house more often, say no to doing things more often, remember to take care of myself too

Bodyweight workouts

Lots of walking

Ditched the soy milk, it messes with hormones big time

Cut way back on sugar  and add in fat


Why progesterone cream? I thought that all the menopausal symptoms were from the oestragen depleting? I know that if I'm on the progesterone only pill I feel terriblle.

yes sleep, I am constantly working on my sleep hygene, can't seem to get enough.

I was thinking that the soya milk was helping me rather than hindering but it would be worth experimenting with cutting it down/out. The week before last I increased it to see if that helped and I managed a whole week off the pill with no hot flushes, I thought it was to do with the extra soya milk.

Sugar is terrible, I know but I don't eat a great deal of it anyway.


good advice, thank you!

Low carb high fat paleo rocks - it has helped me so much, too!

Before that I was set on 196 pounds, believing I would hang there for the rest of my days.


Scumspawn, I am sure there is a way that works for you, too! 


For the low carb high fat part, there is a website that has helped me tremendously: dietdoctor.com . It is in English. Mark, maybe this would be a good read for your wife?


I know, it probably comes across as advertising :redface:, but for me it was literally life-saving, therefore my enthusiasm.


great, thank you, I'll look at that after I post here - if I go too low carb I don't sleep, I think it messes with my cortisol.

Average fish:


I think my main thing is I stopped feeling guilty about needing to sleep. My hubby is one who says he only needs 5 hours   of sleep a night, so I always felt guilty about needing more. Now I stop (at least my goal is) all electronics an hour before bed time and read. If I'm too tired to read, it means I need to turn off my lights and go to sleep. For a while I turned off the alarm and just slept until I woke up. Now I use an alarm, but I try and be in bed 8.5 hours before my wake up time. I take naps too, but not super long, just 20-30 minutes. I also bought a blindfold and earplugs, so if my husband wants to stay up later and read it doesn't disturb me. And I nag (politely ask (: ) him to get all ready for bed when I do , so he's not coming in from watching TV and waking me up by brushing his teeth and searching for pj's


Listened to a podcast yesterday and the Dr.said that one of the first things he recommends for people trying to lose weight is more sleep.

I hadn't thought of guilt as being a contributing factor but it fits in. I try to go to bed by half 9, read for half an hour, then I wake up for an old lady pee around 4, and again at 6.30 where I get up if it's term time or if it's holidays or weekends go back to sleep - So I'm getting plenty of sleep but it's broken up.

Also, I live in quite a noisy inner city area, there can be fights outside the house which doesn't help.

After even more research about the menopause I read that anxiety and morbid thoughts are part of it too. This is really good news, I thought I was getting more neurotic and would end up a recluse. After the last flight I did I had nightmares like people with post traumatic shock get! I walk into town and find my fists are clenching in my pockets because all the people make me nervous.

I'm seeing the dr next week, I'll ask for blood tests to just check that there is nothing stopping me from losing weight and I'm going to ask for some CBT to try to get some strategies to deal with anxiety.

Any idea what I should ask for in a blood test? Diabetes and thyroid I think, anything else?

STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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Maybe Vitamin D (deficiency has been liked to a load of problems) and hormones such as FSH (follicle stimulatiing hormone) as to see where in menopause you really stand. Check also Progesterone.

Many times, menopause starts with actual lack of progesterone (!), therefore creating an estrogen dominance.  


Are you doing the blood tests in the one week off the pill?


Also let the doctor have a close look at any medications you're currently taking (besides the pill).

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Maybe Vitamin D (deficiency has been liked to a load of problems) and hormones such as FSH (follicle stimulatiing hormone) as to see where in menopause you really stand. Check also Progesterone.

Many times, menopause starts with actual lack of progesterone (!), therefore creating an estrogen dominance.  


Are you doing the blood tests in the one week off the pill?


Also let the doctor have a close look at any medications you're currently taking (besides the pill).

I'll do the blood tests when I'm told too :-) That can be in the week off the pill if they want them to be, it doesn't matter to me.

They told me before that they can't tell where I am in the menopause unless I have 3 months off the pill. Which I don't want to do because it's holding me together and stopping nasty babies :-)

I think it's oestragen depletion that is doing me in, Originally I had a higher amount of oestragen in my pill but they took me off that one and onto a progesterone only because of high blood pressure. I lasted 2 months until the hot flushes stopped me sleeping so much I threatened to bit the Dr unless she gave me back some oestragen. Our compramise is a lower dose of oestragen but still some in there.

STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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 Well, then I would go with Vitamin D, and checking the blood pressure medication for any maybe overlooked side effects. 


You could also ask for those implant thingies which get implanted under the skin of your upper arm, and which release reliably small amounts of the hormones needed. In general, one can use a different dosage, since nothing gets lost in your metabolism or nothing additional is needed to press the stuff into pill form...  I think they last 6 months or a year before they need replacing. I'll have to look that up.

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 Well, then I would go with Vitamin D, and checking the blood pressure medication for any maybe overlooked side effects. 


You could also ask for those implant thingies which get implanted under the skin of your upper arm, and which release reliably small amounts of the hormones needed. In general, one can use a different dosage, since nothing gets lost in your metabolism or nothing additional is needed to press the stuff into pill form...  I think they last 6 months or a year before they need replacing. I'll have to look that up.

I don't have any blood pressure medication. I've been pretending it isn't happening. Also, I find the Dr's really stressful so it's always higher there.

I have antibiotics that I use for rosacea but I'm not using them like you would normally use an antibiotic - they reduce inflamation so you just take them as you need them, not a course of them.  I've had one or two in the last month. Other than the pill I don't take anything, the odd ibruprofen for a migraine maybe.

STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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Do you have one of those haemodynamometers (what a word, but that is what the translation program gave me...) for at home use to measure your blood pressure on a regular basis? Maybe it would be wise to monitor it a bit, and to check some sort of circadian profile of your blood pressure?


"White coat hypertension" (that's what we call it in Germany, if seeing the doctor aggravates it) alone would not be a problem, but if it is at home constantly too high... hmm, I would want to get that checked and maybe treated, too.


I mean, if you see the doctor anyway, why not take care of anything health related that requires a visit to the doctor?

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Do you have one of those haemodynamometers (what a word, but that is what the translation program gave me...) for at home use to measure your blood pressure on a regular basis? Maybe it would be wise to monitor it a bit, and to check some sort of circadian profile of your blood pressure?


"White coat hypertension" (that's what we call it in Germany, if seeing the doctor aggravates it) alone would not be a problem, but if it is at home constantly too high... hmm, I would want to get that checked and maybe treated, too.


I mean, if you see the doctor anyway, why not take care of anything health related that requires a visit to the doctor?

I do have one of those things, what a word!

I'm not sure when I'm supposed to check my blood pressure though, first thing? reguarly through the day?

STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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Daily: first thing in the morning before getting up, again around lunchtime, again before bed. So 3 times would be good, and anytime you have a feeling of "something weird" going on concerning vertigo, headache, tinnitus etc. ...

(that is what my brother recommends most of his patients, he is a family physician)

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Daily: first thing in the morning before getting up, again around lunchtime, again before bed. So 3 times would be good, and anytime you have a feeling of "something weird" going on concerning vertigo, headache, tinnitus etc. ...

(that is what my brother recommends most of his patients, he is a family physician)

fab, thank you!

STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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