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Everything posted by Bekah

  1. I dunno why it wont format right, but thats a video
  2. http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b640/Bekah3912/IMG_4291_zpsgjis6uoj.mp4
  3. Thank you! I'm feeling sorta better. I need sleep and benadryl, but in a day or two I should be back to normal
  4. I'm going to do Blaidd's lowering her carb intake goal but instead of 80g I'm going to do 100g per day.
  5. ^^^^ fantastic! I truly dont know which part I liked best, maybe the fact that you have a forest wonderland in your backyard. Your eyes are beautiful.
  6. An anaphylactic reaction and a trip to the ER later, Im still alive. I cant think straight so the rest of that is gibberish, but tomorrow it should make sense again.
  7. I just got stung by a wasp on my fucking toe! Abby tried to kill it, but didnt bother to make sure it was dead, or clean it up, and I didnt see it bc blind, and so it stung me on my fucking toe!
  8. I'm not sure how to do the budget though bc things are weird...like I dont have rent, so where does that percentage go? What about if clothes needs are more than the percentage bc its back to school time? Should I tithe if I dont have a job etc? all kinds of questions!
  9. I hope she got her Bible back Thank you for sharing that. It feels good to not feel like a throwaway person anymore to me too.
  10. So this is the plan: Make a budget (use Dave Ramsey's idea) and get cash from the ATM once a week when I go to Publix, no online shopping unless I cant find it in a store and its necessary (kids clothes, shoes etc.) and a sticker chart and reward system (can be online purchases for rewards, bc everything I want is usually not in a store) and no über unless it's work related or a grocery trip with cold groceries.
  11. lol just getting to the ATM is a hassle when I dont drive silly! it's a 2 mile walk or a 1 mile walk plus 2 hours of bus travel/waiting to get there.Not to mention, not buying things online and having to go to a store....sooooo not worth it! I hate stores and people.
  12. I dont have a local branch (NFCU's closest branch is 1.5 hrs away), but I can go once a week and withdraw cash and then put my ATM card away somewhere and only use cash. That combined with the "game" of a chart, might be enough!
  13. Where do you learn how to not spend money? Whats that even called? I need to drastically change what I spend money on, but I dont know where to start? I thought about a sticker chart for not buying anything I dont need for survival (ie. I can buy a chicken, but not Starbucks)? Any ideas? I need help! I have $250 for the rest of the month! ugh!
  14. My first night in my own room alone was wonderful like that too. I even got BORED yesterday! lol...weirdest feeling ever! I'm glad its all full of amazingness You deserve it!
  15. I'm filling lots of hours of nothing with God now...lol. I'm reading Proverbs bc its all about advice on how to live, and I need that very much right now. I like this Joyce Meyer devotional too, so for now those are my focus points really, I just read other stuff if I feel up to it, but if not, i dont. Like I was doing several Devotionals on Youversion and a reading plan, but Im not feeling that at the moment, so Im going with where I'm led. I started a prayer journal (I'm basically writing a prayer to God about what I need His help with that day, or what topic is the devotional and how I understand it and ask Him to help me enact it in my life), and am doing the Bible drawing/journaling when I feel like I need to, but I dont do ALL of this every day, bc thats too much.
  16. I found a Devotional that I love (and another one I love too, but I have to wait to buy it.)
  17. Im glad it went well and INDIAN FOOD We totally have to do that when we have our meetup I hope your headache goes away and you sleep well!
  18. hah I'd prefer that, I can roll my eyes and keep going It will happen for me someday, just not with that dude today. LOL!
  19. and my über driver on the way home liked me...so I told him I had a boyfriend bc ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww groce! I am not equipped for random boys flirting with me in real life. I need the friends first, then I like them, then they like me back, progression to even consider it, bc anything else is scary and groce and ewww. So I need to internet date Nerds (bc they arent groce) long before we meet in real life, to ever have any hope of finding someone.
  20. So far the Contemporary English Version is the one I like on Youversion, but my real Bible is an NIV and I have a KJV and a NKJV and the NIV is great (and is my favorite) bc it has added stuff to make it better, but the other two are just ugh, but I have had them since childhood, so I keep them. I invited my über driver to church today, shes been looking for one. I got a second interview for next week, for the job I really want!!! My über driver on the way home (a different guy) asked me if I had a boyfriend and was all wanting to see me again, I said yes I was seeing someone, bc ewwwwww I don't want random boys liking me.
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