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Everything posted by Kamaitachi

  1. Today: a little too much pop since i hadnt slept enough and had a shitton to do, but i jogged a little from trains to trains and walked 2hours with my boyfriend. Ate lots of protein and shrimps cuz omg shrimps! Had a perfect night out with my boyfriend which is a bit more important to me than me achieving my goals for today.. i think i still managed to even it out and tomorrow back to only water Also i bought a new "basic" longsleeve and it struck me again how much i changed in the past 9months; Picture here https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1/1969216_10203178924624261_859151039_n.jpg It's weird how much ur body changes and ur self perception stays the same. When I think of myself, I still see this chubby, unhappy, butch chick, whilst now (WITH CLOTHES ON!) I actually start to like what I see... Still too much upperthigh and belly but for the rest im pretty much okay with how I look. I have some excessive skin, not all too much, but still... I still have enough fat to keep on working, which I obviously will I won't have a perfect beachbody this year, maybe not even next year... But that's okay, cuz that my body is changing is fun, but I need to change my inside more. Otherwise ill fear a relapse of emotion binging, anger attacks and other self destructive things I used to do in the past Yay for self-knowledge! So fellow Nerdfoghters i wish u all a succesful challenge ^__^
  2. Today: Another day without pop :3 Im quite content with this. Also I did some breakfast thing and worked out again. Also I took the stairs 3x today; 3x 12 stairs of 12steps... That was hard! My condition suck O_O My deadline-planning is going well and I almost finished all the work I needed to do! So little stress, no binging, little fluid upkeep in my body
  3. So I worked out, didnt overeat, drank only water (SAY WUTTT?) and actually took the stairs at school more than the elevator (only once cuz i had to go from the lowest floor to the 12th... in 3minutes... and im not there yet!) So this was a good day! Also im going to pay off more to my debts this month than expected! I actually already payed of 85 and another 35 is coming up! Wowh!
  4. No problem Im not at where I want to be yet But id rather go slow but steady instead of super fast and have a set back every x months Good that ur already hitting the weights!
  5. Gotto get ready for school, dont wanna! First day without fizz~! W00p W00p

    1. Barfly


      I don't wanna either, but I have to. I'm the teacher...

    2. The King of Lame

      The King of Lame

      What do you teach, Barf?

      What are you going to school for, Kama?

  6. So today, before I had any food or drink and only a short toiletbreak I did some unflexed measurements. Also I ran my outcomes through a calculator, so u dont have to do the math Makes it easier right? I'm 1,70cm - 5 feet and 6.5354330708662 inches Weighed in at 85kg - 187.4 pounds Forearm: 26.9 cm - 10,6 inches Bicep: 33cm - 12.99 inches Neck: 36cm - 14.17 inches Chest: 97cm - 38.19 inches Waist: 92cm - 36.22 inches Hip: 110,6cm - 43.54 inches I gained a little weight this pas week. I guess its mostly waterweight since im kinda stressed for my schools DEADLINE week and hey! I'm female, hormones do weird things to us. I'm never too worried about these sudden gains cuz I know my body pretty well now a days and probably the day after tomorrow its gone again :') I still notice my hipbones, which I never "had" so I dont think its fat (maybe 1/0,5 pounds). Yesterday I didnt do my workout, so Im going to do that tonight right after dinner, then a shower and then homework!
  7. Thanks Especially pop is the devil... so much hidden sugars and other stuff u dont really need, only cuz it tastes so good =__= So I have to see it as a special thing again and not a replacement for water Btw I think this thread is in the wrong area, so I made a new one in the right one http://tinyurl.com/p2a6gb6
  8. *actieve NL-ers zijn altijd goed Enneh op den duur ben ik zeker in voor een vrijdag avond meet! ;D
  9. Some additional info on my Quests, since now im finally behind my pc ;3 Main Quest - lose 1 or 2 kg (about 4 to 8lbs) within the upcoming 6weeks Since actually my "MAIN MAIN MAINNNN goal" is to be 72 kg (11,5kg to go) at the end of August (roughly 6months from now), this would be the ideal way to do it. 1 or 2 kg per 6weeks, would mean about 12kg tops in a healthy steady curve I wanna take it slow, don't want to give my body too much stress, since stress tends to make me eat... And not just eat, but binge horrible non-nutricional food. How will I get there? Work out 3x a week in the gym/at home with weight training; Day 1: Chest, arms, abs Day 2: cardio (brisk walk of 30min-1hr) Day 3: Leg day (Lunges, squats, all the things) and lower back Day 4: Cardio (Brisk walk or yoga) Day 5: Back, arms, shoulders and abs Day 6: Cardio Day 7: -REST- (usually my boyfriend is here at sundays so I dont wanna plan anything particular cuz we usually walk 4km a day ) I want to stay active, but due to my school (graphic designer) I tend to live behind a desk and when I finally get home there is more desk work; homework... Blegh! So that's why I'm going to start this, to make all my dreams come true :3 Side Quest - drink max 1 can of pop a day, but rather none and only one in the weekend I used to be a Coca Cola addict... Which made me grow bigger on a very young age. Now I kinda am annoyed with my mom that she ennabled this but oh well! Time to change. I wanna go back to 1 pop drink in the weekend; Usually during dinner with my boyfriend (can be changed into 1 glass of white wine aswell ). But I don't want to be too tight on this. I wanna max my pop-intake on 1 can of 330ml a day, and that is not energy drink. Just coke or whatever. when i buy a bottle, i'll have to restrain myself from drinking it but hey! Discipline = key to succes! - take a brisk 30minutes walk 3x a week Well I kinda "downed" this with my training regiment above, so no real need of explaining Life Quest - pay off 50-80 euros a month to my debt I have allot of debt... Allot I not know off, and allot I dont wanna know of. The main things I wanna get rid off is my creditcard, health insurence and the microwave I bought. My creditcard currently is -830,-, health insurence another 5monthsx35,- and my microwave -90,-. Debt give me stress and stress maked me eat and keep allot of fluid in my body (which makes me feel sucky and blugh). So this month I'll pay off a total of about 30 (CC) + 35 (HI) + atleast 8,- (Micro) = 73,- I wanna keep doing this so at one time i wont have to pay allot of stuff and actually can really save up for once! - finish all my commisions (drawings) I draw for money, but due to school I still have 20drawings to finish. I really want to but I merely lack the inspiration and drive to do so. So I wanna finish 1 drawing a week, just to be sure I'll do it! - keep my room clean I'm a messy person, and mess brings chaos, chaos usually brings stress, stress brings more mess and chaos and binging. All things I dont want so from now on! Clean and tidy it is!
  10. *zwaait vriendelijk* Rotterdam/Spijkenisse is gerepresentateerd bij deze ;D
  11. Go you! By posting here you already made some big steps into loosing weight! Admitting you're sick and tired of being sick, overweight and tired all the time is the biggest step you have to take! We've all been there! Start with small steps and be gratefull for every pound you loose over the weeks ^__^ Never get down cuz "it goes too slow" cuz that's the best way to go Loads of cheerleading from Europe!!
  12. 50 pounds is not something you'll loose in a 6week course Make it easier for urself. Since I think in the metric system (sorry ) Ill explain it in the metric system but the facts stay the same. When I started I told myself aswell: I want a healthy BMI (26-ish). Which is way too broad, when do I want it. How am I going to succeed Start with smaller steps. Like I think in 5kg marks. When I lost 5kg im proud and happy and make a comparison picture which always seems to strike me as OMFG. Also if u wanna loose fat and don't loose muscle... Eat enough protein, and do some weightlifting. Female's arent able to produce massive muscles like men. All those pumped up fem. bodybuilders are all highly onto Sustanon and other Testosterone injections So don't be affraid to lift some, cuz due to the afterburn effect (youtube/google it!) you might even loose more weight than u know. Over the past 3years I dropped 14kg in weight... but about 18kg in fat Since I gained 4 possitive kilo's ;3 If u ever have questions or feel down, please poke me ^__^ Ill be here (on weird European times though)
  13. Sounds like a brilliant game plan! Go you and you'll make it Looking forward to read allot from you AND ACE UR TEST
  14. Haha thanks Didnt see all too much progress till I made these progress shots ^__^ Im quite proud, especially that i'm officially not obese anymore (and never gonna be that again!) Yeah I started a challenge thread already :3 Find it here => http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/45019-from-panda-to-lioness-p1/ Thanks! And likewise, we'll all get there ^__^
  15. Hiya guys! I wont do the whole intro thing again (see it @ http://rebellion.ner...dutchy-onboard/ ) so ill just do the things i wanna do in these 6 weeks and measurements will be updated tomorrow (since measurements arent right at 18:18pm) Main Quest - lose 1 or 2 kg (about 4 to 8lbs) within the upcoming 6weeks Side Quest - drink max 1 can of pop a day, but rather none and only one in the weekend - take a brisk 30minutes walk 3x a week Life Quest - pay off 50-80 euros a month to my debt - finish all my commisions (drawings) - keep my room clean Talk to you all tomorrow!!
  16. Hiya guys! I wont do the whole intro thing again (see it @ http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/44975-dutchy-onboard/ ) so ill just do the things i wanna do in these 6 weeks and measurements will be updated tomorrow (since measurements arent right at 18:18pm) Main Quest - lose 1 or 2 kg (about 4 to 8lbs) within the upcoming 6weeks Side Quest - drink max 1 can of pop a day, but rather none and only one in the weekend - take a brisk 30minutes walk 3x a week Life Quest - pay off 50-80 euros a month - finish all my commisions (drawings) - keep my room clean Talk to you all tomorrow!!
  17. hiya guys! Im Saskia, a 22 year old from the Netherlands, and have been battling obesity for over 3years (actively battling it with trying to eat/drink better and work out). Until 8months ago i didnt loose much but i started at 99.3 (bmi a little over 34, fat/muscle was 40/20-ish)... which was pretty... bad. Currently im in a much better shape: 83.5kg, bmi 28,8ish (officially no more obese), and a fat/muscle % of 23/37ish. I still forget to work out... allot eventhough i have all the stuff at home and a gym i went to regularly. My other hobbies are my dogs, gaming (duh), arts and crafts and history docs and books. My goal is to get a real bikini body or atleast close to it. Next to that i wanna loose another 5kg in the upcoming 6months. More is better, less is nuh-uh Here have a comparison pic of 85 and 95 kg https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1/1625549_219360881589035_1850582672_n.jpg Lets do sum challenges!!
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