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Everything posted by crar4321

  1. Thank you! Yesterday, I was doing some notes about infectious diseases (meningitis, malaria, HIV, tuberculosis, that sort of thing). Today I am going to work through a workbook I got from uni about Urology (kidneys/bladder/prostate problems). You mentioned your university work... what do you study? DAY SIXTEEN - Paleo day! Sweet potato hash, banana pancakes, baked salmon with harissa, roasted cauliflower and salad, plus a pear as a snack. And muchos green tea. (I have quite a formulaic time of it whenever I eat paleo at the moment - I've been looking at some recipes, going to mix things up on my next paleo day) - No junk food - Exercise - started the day with a half hour yoga video - University work - as I said, urology workbook. I expect the whole thing will take 2-2.5 hrs so I will probably end up leaving some for tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by everyone, it means a lot.
  2. Week three is here! DAY FIFTEEN - Not a paleo day (I ate pasta for the first time this entire challenge - forgot how filling it is!) - No junk food alone (woop woop) - Exercise: will be doing BBWW in a little while. Aiming for three sets. To fit in with this week's mini challenge, going to add 1 minute of high knees after each set, as well as the jumping jacks! - University work: done! Already worked for over an hour!
  3. I like your challenge, hope it's still going well! Also, I know I'm pretty late in saying this, but sometimes it happens that you get bruised when people take your blood. (I take blood quite often and feel awfully guilty every time I leave someone with a bruise or sore arm!) Other side effects (such as your arm falling off!!) are very very rare, even when fairly incompetent students like myself are doing the blood draw! If it happens again and worries you, you could always try and see a doctor/nurse about it for reassurance?
  4. Hi there, how have you been the past few days?
  5. Good work, Red! An A+ day indeed! I've found a great motivation to stick strictly to paleo diet on my paleo days - I noticed this morning that my usual milky coffee tasted extra good for not having any yesterday! Brilliant! Next time I'm on a paleo day, I'll stick hard to it because I'll know that the next coffee I will have will be delicious!
  6. Yay found you! I'm going to follow this thread too, see how well you're doing!
  7. Quite a fitness history! Seems like you're in the right place!
  8. Yes, it's one of the signature options. On the second row of tools above the typing box. It's one of the special BB code things (don't ask me how it works though, it took me so long to work out how to post a link!)
  9. I'd forgotten to check in! Argh okay I'm here now. Good to see some new faces - I should aim to post in here more often! So my week has gone well in all of my health/fitness/diet goals, but I really fell down on my life goal, barely reaching 50%. My motivation for my fitness goals is always pretty strong - I always just want to come along and tell everyone who follows my thread (and now you guys!) what I've been up to! But when it comes to my life goals, doing university work is so uninteresting and takes so much more motivation.
  10. DAY FOURTEEN - Paleo day - that's right! I've outdone my challenge goal and added another paleo day this week! I've had sweet potato hash, tuna salad, roasted cauliflower and broccoli, garlic-fried prawns and peas. Going to treat myself to a handful of strawberries after posting this - No junk food - Exercise - 5km run completed (girl talk - I wore shorts to work out for the first time ever, because of that confidence thing I have going on right now!) - University work! I have done some! 2hrs worth! Doesn't quite make up for all that I didn't do earlier in the week, but better than nothing! WEEK TWO REVIEW A good week when we look at the numbers: - 6 workouts - 3 paleo days - Still not caved to the junk demons - Not as much university work done as I would like, sadly. Bring on week three! It's great sharing this challenge with you, my new friends
  11. That's good - I can imagine it must be much easier to keep to paleo if those around you are doing the same!
  12. Iyona, I'm sad I won't be able to follow you for the rest of the challenge, but I get how hard it is to focus on healthy eating/exercise while your circumstances are changing! Best of luck with the new job and I can't wait to see you when you're back!
  13. Wearing old clothes is an excellent way to see your progress! Hope you had a good weekend
  14. Woot! Two green weeks is all I wanted to see!
  15. Aww chipmunks and cats! Yes, we'll forgive you for making us wait for updates - better you hit the targets. You're doing great!
  16. Luckily, it was a one-off journey! DAY THIRTEEN - Not a paleo day - No junk food alone - No exercise - No university work - have been at a conference all day and I just don't know if my brain is up to any work right now. It was a conference related to my course though, so I am happy enough that I haven't been lazing around all day. If all goes to plan tomorrow, I'm going to enjoy a bit of a lie in, start the day with a run and then get to some work in the afternoon to make up for many missed days. It looks like a lot of "no" today, but I am on track for the week for all except my life goal, so am feeling pretty good today
  17. You're doing fantastic work! Also thanks for no spoilers! You are the best.
  18. DAY TWELVE Hello friends - long tiring day for me today with a lot of time spent in the car (traffic jams meaning that a 90 minute journey took over 3hrs ugghhhhh) - Not a paleo day - No junk food alone - Exercise - 5km run achieved (despite huge exhaustion and general irritation from driving) - No university work again, sigh
  19. I'm so impressed with you! You are destroying your targets and doing me proud
  20. Hopefully this weekend or next - as soon as I can muster a few people to go and see it with me! Although, maybe I will go alone. Love a casual solo cinema trip...
  21. This was the video I did this evening. Turned out it was technically Pilates, not yoga. Turns out my core was not as strong as I'd previously thought!
  22. I too am excited to see Age of Ultron!
  23. Going to give you the advice you gave me, to not get myself about it. We all slip and just have to get ourselves back up.
  24. Grapes are like candy omg it's best to never buy them. Can go through an entire box in one sitting.
  25. DAY ELEVEN Not my best day I'm afraid, but it's so good to hear so much support from everyone today! - Paleo day! Black coffee, banana pancakes, sweet potato hash, eggs, tuna salad, baked salmon and roasted cauliflower is what I have eaten throughout today. - No junk food alone - done. No junk food at all in fact, despite getting a coffee with a friend while in town and she wanted some cake. Resist! - Exercise - will be doing my customary yoga before bed tonight - University work - sadly failing in this area. Didn't do any last night either. Sad times all round.
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