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Everything posted by crar4321

  1. Everything about this challenge is perfection! The Star Wars theme, the perfect motivation to get healthy, plus running the half marathon in Disney World! I don't know if I want to know you or want to be you, at this point. Will definitely be following!
  2. I can't take credit for the crisp pun I'm afraid, someone else commented it when I had this goal in a previous challenge. The fact that I've had to give up crisps before just shows how much of a weakness they are for me!
  3. Talking to your fellow rebels will be a perfect way to practice your English! Also I just clicked on your thread because I was so excited about Star Wars! Love the set up of your first post.
  4. I found you! Yay. I see that the classic 3-runs-per-week challenge is one that we share! How far are you running at the moment? I'm trying to get back into it following a period of laziness following an injury, so am just sticking to 3ish miles each time for the duration of this challenge Oh and as for tips and tricks on getting to know the site, just spend a bit of time here each day, update us on your challenge, check out a few others, click around the forums a load and just press stuff! For previous challenges, they do mini challenges, to help newbies get involved with the site a little more, so keep an eye out for those (though I haven't seen anything about them so far, so I don't know if they are still going...)
  5. crar4321

    My restart

    A fellow respawn! Hi there. Good challenge! Especially the swimming! Good luck!
  6. Your challenge sounds awesome! You will be in such fantastic mental shape at the end of it! Plus bringing your own food will save you money as well as being healthy - double win! I will be keeping an eye out for you as the challenge goes on!
  7. Thanks for the support guys! We should have a special class for the recurrent respawners! Day 1 could have gone better, in terms of what I ate. I have an excuse for my bad eating, but like all excuses, it's bad so I won't mention it. I did record honestly everything I ate today though, which was the aim. Running didn't happen today. But no crisps happened either! Computer off time is in 40 minutes, hopefully I will have time to check all your challenges and sort out my character in that time!
  8. Hello Rebels! So, I've been here before, had a poor showing at these challenges before, but I need to get myself on track again. Part of the reason for my return is that I love the changes to the challenges! Especially the character developing part! Really keen to get involved with that! Plus I think the shortening of the challenges will help me keep it up Anyway, on with my goals. I had a good think about the things that I want to achieve this year and came up with two long term goals: - To develop a food program that helps me plan my shopping and cooking, keep it in a calorie limit (eventually working to improve macros, but for the moment, just focusing on calories) and minimise food waste - To run a half marathon To meet these goals, I've designed some mini-goals, using Spezzy's example challenge (with 2 dietary, 1 exercise and 1 life goal) to help me: - Record everything I eat, including weights and volumes included. This will help me get a better idea of my calories and see what I like to eat most. This I can use to start making up my food plan. - No crisps (they are my downfall, my "crisptonite", if you like and I just need to not eat them) - Run 3 miles, three times per week. This should help return me to an ok-level of running fitness, which I could build on towards a half - Sort out my sleep routine by turning off my laptop and not playing on my phone for an hour before bed, at 10pm (I know, it's past 10 right now, but the challenge hasn't started yet!) In previous challenges, I would have gotten excited about assigning points to my challenges, but I am going to leave that for now, and see how the whole character development thing works when that is all up and running Looking forward to checking out all your challenges tomorrow and getting stuck in!
  9. Congrats on your first run! Your wife was so right about running against other people making you faster!
  10. Hi everyone! I've been on a NF hiatus for... reasons, but yesterday I was spurred to come back by having a 90s PB on my 5k! I ran it in 28.23, which isn't that fast I know, but it's the fastest I've ever done. Means a lot to me to be able to share it with you all. Peace out nerds
  11. Woop woop! Tomorrow is my birthday! So to celebrate, I shall be allowing myself to cheat on my junk food goal and enjoy some of the fancy chocolate my Mum sent for me! I still plan to get out for a run (if the weather is nice!)
  12. Also I received a fitness tracker for my birthday (which is tomorrow, but I opened my presents from Mum while I was at home for the weekend). Now that's motivation! I'll be sure to let you know how it affects my workout motivation over the coming weeks!
  13. DAY 23 - Paleo day! Sweet potato hash, apples, black coffee, green tea, fish and peas - No junk food - Exercise - BBWW 3 sets - Uni work - WOW I actually did some! Spent an hour going through and neatly writing notes from a lecture earlier today whew
  14. Congratulations on making progress on those projects! Good for you!
  15. Great work on turning in your thesis! Are you a member of the Nerd Fitness Academy? I am not but am considering becoming one, I've thought about it more and more recently. Also Gone Girl - book or film? Both are great Well done on looking after yourself as well (shark week suuccckkss) and for defeating those aliens!
  16. I enjoyed catching up on your story! Sounds like a good day with LiF - slow progress is important with this, as with everything.
  17. Indeed - just feel so much better about life for the weekend spent at home! Full update coming up from last Wednesday until yesterday - I keep a challenge spreadsheet on my phone so I can update it whenever I need to and then use that to update my thread DAY 17 - Not paleo - No junk food alone - Exercise - yoga video - No uni work this is a theme for my update DAY 18 - Paleo! This was a challenge, because I was with a friend and we went out to lunch. However, I managed to order what I think is a paleo meal (obviously, this will not have been as strictly paleo as it would have been if I had made it myself, but I am really pleased to have had the experience of eating paleo in a restaurant, which is obviously a challenge in itself and a situation that I will encounter more and more the greater the proportion of my time I spend eating paleo-only foods!) I had roast chicken thighs, sweet potato wedges and a pea salad that involved peas, chilli and various seeds. I am glad that I felt full and satisfied, even though the fries were calling to me! - No junk food - Exercise: 5km run - No uni work (Also I was out with my friend for a day of shopping and seeing the Avengers at the cinema which I loved!) DAY 19 - Not paleo - No junk food alone - No exercise - No uni work DAY 20 - Not paleo - No junk food alone - No exercise - No uni work DAY 21 - Not paleo - No junk food alone - Exercise: 5km run and a personal best! As I said before, I am hugely pleased with myself for this. It has been a long time coming, but I knew early on in the run that I should do well because the elements were right and I felt good - No uni work DAY 22 - Not paleo - No junk food alone - No exercise - No uni work (However, this was the best day - I hung out with Mum, walked her dog and watched Tangled) Mammoth post there. Been a busy few days at home. Haven't stuck to my challenge as much as I would like, and I am down one workout for week 3. Pleased with myself on the whole though
  18. I know what you mean, Cheerful Dame. I feel like my diet/fitness goals are really going well, I'm at about 80-120% of where I should be for each of my main three goals but my life goal is just getting forgotten and procrastinated and not achieved. Barely hitting 50% for that. If my Skype worked, I'd suggest that we could Skype each other for an hour to make sure we get something done on our life goals? Any other ideas?
  19. How are you finding the app for the Misfit Shine? I've heard reviewers are generally finding it a little "buggy" (at least for the windows phone version I will be using when I get myself set up)?
  20. I've been terrible at updating of late! But don't worry friends, I'm still keeping on with the challenge, have just been spending a lot less time on my laptop of late, going home to visit family and stuff. Feel very physically and emotionally rejuvinated after a long weekend at home. Hopefully I will put together a full update tomorrow. Also I got a personal best time on 5km running! And also managed to get my time below 30mins for the first time ever!
  21. It's up to you whether you post your full workout. I tend to just say "BBWW" or "run" and keep the full details on my spreadsheet I keep for each challenge. There's more accountability if you post the full workout though, I suppose, but it's really up to you! I agree that this website is quite the good procrastination station for me - have to be careful to limit myself to 20-30 mins or else all my time disappears!
  22. I've been measuring high knees with a timer - doing a minute of high knees after every set of BBWW. Hope it helps and have a good day!
  23. Great job staying away from those treats!!
  24. I'm sure it isn't too easy - as long as you feel like it's an achievement to complete the challenge then it is probably set at the right level Hope so brave up to speaking to your crush next time! No more hiding in the woods!
  25. Good work everyone! Is anyone doing the minis? I added some high knees to my BBWW today.
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