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Everything posted by Nolondil

  1. So, just defeated the Wimbledon HM, and smashed my PB by about 4/6 minutes depending on how i measured my time (App vs. course finish time)... I've already posted it on the W00t page - http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/52514-chairmandavey-used-run-it-was-super-effective-new-5k-pb-parkrun/?p=1249971
  2. I thought I'd restart this thread instead of making a whole new one... but I just got back from the Wimbledon Common Half Marathon. At first I wasn't expecting much in terms of time, because it was a trail run which wasn't closed to the public, so we were sometimes weaving around cyclists, walkers, and dogs. Sometimes the dogs ran beside us, but the fact they went faster and looked happier began to grate somewhat... Either way, it was a pain to get to but I'm so glad I did, I felt amazing, and smashed my PB! Old HM PB: 1:31:38 (19th Aug 2014) New PB: 1:27:47 (Course result, 13.33miles according to my app), and 1:25:48 according to Nike+ - either way, I'M BUZZING! To knock so much time off my PB is unexpected, and things are looking good for a sub-3:10 marathon... maybe with a bit of training a sub-3:05, which means I would qualify for the London Marathon based on ability. Now: PIZZA! Tomorrow is the (re)start of being healthier.
  3. I've fallen back into the routine of making really bad food choices, or just eating so much for no reason... I'm not sure if it's because I've been lowering my calories to make up for a bad week, and increasing my training to 'catch up' with the amount of workouts I need to be doing, but I always seem to be hungry, and I make bad decisions when I'm hungry. I've decided to make posters for my room, fridge, and wallet to try and make me think twice... although, I have my half-marathon on Sunday and I'm having a Papa John's pizza for lunch/dinner as a treat/well done, especially since I'll basically be celebrating by myself because my family couldn't come down. After that though, THIS GETS SERIOUS! I need to think of a good diet related goal for the next challenge, that's currently my weakest area. Any advice?
  4. You're right! I do have a tendency to forget the bigger picture - trying to put a positive spin on it, the pizza wasn't even that nice, so next time I'm tempted that's something to focus on! You're right, of course... and I have my half-marathon lined up on Sunday, so I plan to outrun that damned bandwagon! Plus, I've found a marathon I want to do next year (Blackpool, April), and a triathlon (London, May), so I think the aim will be a few 10ks and HMs in Jan/Feb/March and that's my first 6 months of running planned for... having a long term goal is so helpful for me, I already feel refocused.
  5. Arghhhh! Everything was going so well until last weekend, when I went to a conference. I lost my self control and ate ALL the free sandwiches, biscuits, etc. and drank wayyyy too much wine. I looked in the mirror when I got back and I feel and look fatter, back to when I started lingering around NF. Then, last night I'd been to a friend's party and ordered a massive pizza... AND A BURGER. WTF is wrong with me? Any tips for getting back on the wagon? I can't even go for a long run like I normally would because I'm meant to be tapering for my HM next week... I'm also wondering how long it takes to start seeing results with bodyweight exercises - I do kinda feel like I'm getting nowhere at the moment.
  6. I went for one run in Bahrain so in by no means an expert, but even at about 6pm-ish, it's still boiling! Those two miles were the hardest of my life I think, so massive kudos!
  7. Amazing gif brekketechie, it makes it all worthwhile! And Big_Show, how're you adapting to the heat and new area?
  8. Just a quick update: the bodyweight training is coming on really well - when I started I struggled to do 4 chin ups, now I'm banging out three sets of twelve after a 7 mile run!
  9. I do think sleep played a massive part in why I was feeling so exhausted - I've had a few decent nights since then and I do feel better. Plus, I think that for me cutting out pasta, oats, and rice and having my main source of carbs as veg did deplete my energy stores, so I've started to have a bit of pasta with some meals, I've bought some oats to have for breakfast sometimes, and I'm going to look into sweet potato (by that, I mean buy some sweet potato!). I do think I've gotten to a weight I want to be at - I don't want to go any lower and I want to start bulking up, which is annoyingly a contrasting goal to longer-distance running or so I've been told!
  10. **Warning - long post! tl;dr? Y I HAVE NO ENERGY?!** Hi guys, I’m in a bit of a funk at the moment. I was just out on a run that was meant to be 13.1 miles but I had to turn back at 2.7 miles and so only did about 5 miles in total. I’ve felt like I’ve not had much energy at all recently, and there are a few things that I think might have contributed to it, but I’d like your advice to see which is most likely. I’m getting a bit wound up about it because I’m doing the Wimbledon Common HM in October, and there’s just over three weeks left. 1. Diet - I’ve been trying to eat healthy, and an average day looks like this: Breakfast = 3 egg omelette Lunch = 100g of meat, 160g/240g of frozen veg, and a sauce (e.g. sweet and sour, curry, pasta etc). Dinner = same as lunch Snacks = bananas, oranges, natural yoghurt Is this enough? I feel like I’m missing a source of slow release energy, but I’m trying to not eat pasta, rice and bread (because I know I’ll eat too much etc and it makes me feel bloated, and I’m trying to get my BF% down). 2. Sleep - since moving to London on Saturday I’ve not been having a great nights sleep - I mean, some nights I’ve only been getting 4 hours, and even on a good night I wake up at least once. Routine - I’ve been following my workout routine quite well since I got back from holiday, and it looks like this: Monday - Swim (usually 1 hour) Tuesday - run (8 - 12 miles) followed by a bodyweight session Wednesday - swim (1 hr) Thursday - long slow run (12 - 15 miles) - followed by a bodyweight session Friday - rest Saturday - Parkrun followed by slower run home (about 7 miles in total) Sunday - rest Thanks for reading over this, I’d like to get a PB in this half (it’s been over a year since I entered one) and I’d like to feel positive about starting this triathlon training!
  11. I enjoy the recovery section of your goals - I'm sometimes guilty of ignoring that too.
  12. I already use them, it's still really loud! I've got a plan for tonight though - putting my room heater on (without the heating element) to generate a pretty loud monotonous sound which should block out the noises from outside. It's strange for me, I can sleep with some noises in the background - like cars, rain, thunder etc - but I find it really hard when it's something that has a pattern, like music, or talking. I'm glad you said that about the cycling, it's the bit I'm least experienced in - hopefully a fair few spinning classes will help me out with that (perhaps something for the next challenge?)
  13. Today is another achievement - I went to a runners group for the FIRST TIME! Ok, so a few things went wrong - like running for 4 miles to get there, then doing a 10k (6.2 miles) at a fast pace (or what felt like it)... then forgetting my towel for the post-run shower, so having to dry myself with my t-shirt and paper towels... IN A COMMUNAL CHANGING ROOM. But apart from that, I kept up with the mad pace, and I was one of the first finishers, and it seems like everyone is really friendly! Also, I think that because I'd already embarrassed myself in the shower, I got a few glasses of wine bought for me, and so I'm feeling prettttyyyy good. I've had a bit of a confidence boost over the past two days - whether it's from going to two different groups, or because I've been forced into using communal changing/showering rooms twice in two days (basically, more in the past 48 hours than ever before in my life), but I feel a lot more calmer about my move. The only problem I'm facing now is that my room backs on to a busy road, and it really does keep me awake at night - I only managed three hours sleep last night, which I can see will get me down. Hopefully tonight will be better!
  14. Ah, I feel you. Training for a marathon and doing my MA was bloody difficult! I lost 99% of my social life, if I didn't have a part time job I'd not have spoken to other people at all aha! Today I went to the first session of a swimming group. That's a pretty big deal for me, since i'm always embarrassed about being crap at sports in front of people - and that's exactly what happened. Today was breast stroke day, and I've never swam that before. I was the slowest, and my technique was AWFUL. Still, I stuck to it and by the end I was about 1% better. Then, I got invited to the pub with a couple of the guys, and they basically told me they all have weak areas and I really don't feel so bad about it now. I'm going to keep going and hopefully I'll look back in a year and see how far I've come!
  15. Thanks, I will do I think that's where I'm lacking, I'm doing this solo IRL so it's all down to me. Luckily, I'm pretty stubborn, but NF accountability helps so much. I'm going to have to go cold turkey too, which is doubly-hard since my new place of work has it free on tap. They also let us have free Starbucks coffee... I don't want to replace one addiction with another :/ Thanks I was torn between the scouts and the rangers, but it was the bodyweight and bit-of-everything mentality that drew me here. Will be popping into both though!
  16. Amazing theme! I wish I was creative enough to think of something like that. I'm sure you'll smash it!
  17. I can't wait! The big move is today - carrying these suitcases could easily be a workout in itself. My friend is addicted to tea, he reckons he gets shakes if he goes too long without it... still, I reckon it must be better for you than fizzy drinks - especially for your teeth! I'm sure you can do it, my tactic is to just not have any around me (going to be hard in work though, where we can get it free on tap!)
  18. Being a PI sounds amazing (cooler than being Iron Man IMO)... I've got a similar goal with aiming to be triathlete-level fit, good luck with it buddy.
  19. Impressive goals - I've been trying to do some pull ups using a home gym bar, but they're so much more difficult than they look! I have to settle for about 4 pathetic chin ups over 5 attempts...
  20. This might be a bit cheeky, but it'd be great to see what type of recipes you make up to include new veg - I'm always looking for motivation! Excellent goals by the way, I've never been able to teach myself to knit, even though my Nan makes it look so bad ass.
  21. Good luck with the running! And on going back to college, that sounds pretty daunting! I bet you'll smash it
  22. I'm really excited to be starting my challenge - NF is exactly what I've been needing for the past few years, since I know I'm best motivated by people knowing about my goals! Plus, everyone is really friendly, and it's so nice to be able to indulge your inner geek!
  23. I've just read your challenge, moving to Qatar is much more impressive than London! I spent two weeks in Bahrain and it was wayyyy too hot for me to run, kudos to you for giving it a go!
  24. This is my first challenge with NF, and I'm really excited to get stuck in. This challenge coincides with a big change in my life too - I'll have just moved to London to start a PhD, so I'm looking at this as a new start or a blank slate, and a chance to move away from all the bad habits and routines I've gotten into whilst I've been at home over the summer. Logically, my challenge will focus on establishing patterns, routines, and a healthy outlook which I think will be easier to stick to if I make it part of my 'London experience' to begin with, rather than later adapting my life to fit around fitness goals. I need to incorporate flexibility into my challenge, because I'll be working at the uni bars, sometimes until 3am, and I know that going for a swim at 8:30 the next morning just wouldn't happen. Motivation! I'm running the Wimbledon Commons HM in October, aiming to do the Santa Pola HM in January, and I have a target to do a triathlon in 2015. My motivation for this challenge is to get fitter for these challenges, and hopefully smash some PBs! Main Quest: Establish the fitness base to be a strong triathlete. Quest 1 - Fitness: Stick to my weekly workout routine (3 runs, 2 swims, 3 bodyweight sessions) Measurement: A = 44 - 48 workouts over the 6 weeks, B = 38 - 43 , C = 30 - 37, D = 20 - 30, E = <20 A = 3 STR, 2 DEX, 2 STA, B = 80% C = 60% D = 40% E = 0%. Quest 2 - Diet: NO FIZZY DRINKS - I've recently really upped my intake of these, and they make me, my skin, and my mouth feel horrible. I tell myself because they've got no calories in I'm ok, but can feel the negative side effects raging in my body! Measurement: A = 38 - 42 fizzy drink free days, B = 34 - 37 FDF days, C = 30 - 33 FDF days, D = 26 - 29 FDF days, E = <26 FDF days A = 3 CON, B = 80% C = 60% D = 40% E = 0%. Quest 3 - Socialise: Try out the university running and swimming clubs, and if they're not for me, then local groups. If they're not for me, then hey ho, at least I tried! I think this is quite an important goal for me because I've never seen myself as sporting, athletic, etc. and have always felt like I wouldn't fit in teams or sporting groups. This is a prime chance to banish those thoughts and prove myself wrong! Also, they offer coaching sessions and such which would increase my technical ability (hence WIS points). Measurement: A = tried a running and a swimming group, B = tried either a running or swimming group, C = tried neither A = 3 CHA, 2 WIS, B = 66% C = 0% Life Quest: I'm having a hard time thinking of a life quest, because I don't know what my PhD-life will be like - so my current life quest will just be to achieve my three quests. Measurement: A = Achieved 3, B = Achieved 2, C = Achieved 1, D = Achieved 0.
  25. I had the same decision to make as you, I went for the pull up bar... Although I'm finding it hard as hell, I think I made the right choice!
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