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Everything posted by Morrigainz

  1. Feeling fat and sluggish today 15 more minutes and I can go home and bust it out!
  2. Can someone explain to me the difference between the different kinds of deadlifts? Conventional, straight leg, romanian, sumo, suitcase...I tried looking at them on YouTube and many of them just looked the same I'm clueless!
  3. Wooo this looks fun! I love zombies! I wonder if I could swing it...I live in MI.
  4. Yep, I've been at this for well over a month now and I've only lost 1.6 lbs. Don't get discouraged! Just remember that no matter what the scale says, you're improving your overall fitness!
  5. Well, I wouldn't always do the same isolation exercise. I'd work a different part each time. But the most important part is definitely the compound movements, on that I know we can all agree
  6. When I first started running I would always listen to Infected Mushroom's album "Classical Mushroom" but it doesn't give me the same oomph that it used to. I listen to ASOT basically every time I run now. But I really want to make a new playlist.
  7. I've started lifting heavy recently...and I only have access to a gym a couple times a week so I do a fullbody workout every time. Something that includes a squat movement, a hip hinge movement, a push movement and a pull movement. Apparently, you can do all this in less than an hour and get a decent workout. If you want, you can add some isolation movements and/or core stuff...but I found on Wednesday that I was pretty beat - I could only do 3 db curls O.O As for what to do on off days, I run, I do stairs at work (very challenging for me!) and I bodyrock once or twice a week (www.bodyrock.tv).
  8. Nick Cave to work out? Interesting choice I like NIN, Bad Religion, sometimes Apoptygma Berzerk... For running I usually listen to the State of Trance Episode 200 by Armin Van Buuren...although lately I've been looking for other good running tunes.
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