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About maniclucky

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/10/1990


  • Rookie

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  • Location
    West Lafayette, IN
  1. Do you still practice Aikido?

  2. Thank you everyone. I suppose now I'm in time to start a challenge. Now to track down some goals...
  3. Finished my first real 5k. The Rebellion 5k to be specific. Completed with a time of 30:33. Now I have 28 tick marks on my arms (the track at the gym is 1/9th of a mile) and a sense of accomplishment. Also, I am finally capable of doing a pullup. Two woots for me.
  4. The way i understand it (I don't have fitocracy), you 'score' a tabata by how many reps you get on the very last set.
  5. 1) Getting to zone out of everything for a little while 2) Easy to mark improvements 3) Seeing some of the cool shoes that other runners wear (Its winter, I'm stuck in the gym) 4) Running to the point where the tiredness of running stops being a thing 5) Watching the world rush by on my final lap sprint
  6. In bujikan, we (or at least many of the people I've trained with) tend to be cheeky bastards that prize pragmatism. We regularly go over that fact that if you get the chance, you should run. Discretion, valor. We also often train where the end of the technique is 'figure it out'. Above all, when I'm helping the new guys, I tell them to just move. I'm not great at it yet, but I know those that are and I have no doubt they could handle themselves. I've heard how a student was promoted to 1st dan (blackbelt) because his sensei heard the story of how, while working as a bouncer at a bar, he stopped a guy without himself or anyone else getting hurt. After hearing about it, his sensei called him on his cell to let him know. We're told in class that a black belt just means that you can use the things you are taught in a real fight.
  7. Hmm, that wouldn't be Bujinkan (hi Spauracchio). Hatsumi-Sensei is the 34th grandmaster of Togakure ryu, and the first of Bujinkan. He brought 9 schools of japanese arts, several of which being ninjutsu, together and called it Bujinkan. With this he opened it up so that those not living in Japan could learn it.
  8. Hello, my name is Willis Banks. I'm 21 years old and overweight. Have been for... quite some time. 6' and ~200lbs . I came to college and lost some weight, but now its time to actually work at it. I train in bujinkan budo taijutsu and aikido. I try to go running (I do enjoy it), but half the time I'm too lazy to do so (honesty sucks). Truly my worst enemy is my picky, disgustingly american eating habits. As shallow as it sounds, I'd like to look good. I'm not so much worried about muscle (I'm sure I have some somewhere...), but I want to not be fat anymore. And to be able to do a pullup, the desire that led me here. So, goals. Be able to do a pullup (I fully recognize that this is a fairly short term goal, but I've got to start somewhere) 15% bodyfat (My scale for these things is nonexistant. If someone could tell me a reasonable amount of time to achieve this, that would be great) Eat less like I do (a squishy goal for a squishy starting point) I suppose that will do for now. Mostly I'm here to eat better and convince myself to go forth and exercise. That's me. It is now that I notice how much I have abused the parentheses. An odd example of how my mind works I suppose. Digression - I'm done now. Thanks for having me and thanks in advance for potential help given.
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