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Found 10 results

  1. I am wondering if anyone is out in the area near Groton CT? I am presently trying to train for the tough mudder i signed up for and needless to say the only shape i am in is round... so i am looking for other like minded people intrested in getting into shape to contact me and we can work something out to keep us all on track and postive and not to lose motivation.
  2. Dundundun... I have a girlfriend! I met her on Tinder, and we went out several times and have been texting in between. After our 4th date, we agreed to drop the number from the front and add 'ing' to the end. She is totally awesome, very funny, sweet, loves her nephews and mine. She wants to come with me to the gym starting in a few days. We are going to get hot together!
  3. I fell off my workout horse months ago and just cannot seem to get back into the groove of things, so I figured I'd try to find someone near me who can help keep me accountable to myself and to them. Not sure what my odds are of succeeding in this as the NF forums seem somewhat small compared to others, but it never hurts to try. I would like to meet a fellow rebel who is at any stage of their workout goals, whether that be just starting or well established with years of steady habit building success under their belt. I just need someone to meet with two or three times a week for a run, or some circuit training, or some weightlifting, or yoga, or whatever. I don't care what. I just need to get moving and build some habits. I would appreciate the help enormously as I'm tired of being squishy and tired, and I'm already staring the beginnings of health problems in the face. I need to get on top of them while I'm young so I don't spend my life with hypertension and high cholesterol. If anyone is interested, don't hesitate to contact me or leave a post saying to contact you.
  4. If you're in Utah and need a Ranger buddy (pun intended) I'm looking for 1+ people to form a group of motivation and support to reach our fitness and life goals. I'm willing to travel, video conference etc to assist with out of town members!
  5. Hey Lincolnites! Anyone here workout @ Prairie Life Fitness on P St? Looking for a old blind lady to my Deadpool.
  6. Hello! I am looking for a partner(s) that can join me with on my Epic Quest to slay an Archdemon (aka my bad eating habits) for this challenge and many more challenges to come! Age/gender doesn't matter, just as long as you are an active rebel in the forums and someone that needs a companion or accountability partner in return. I am struggling with food addiction, binge eating, overeating, depression, sciatic nerve pain due to a herniated disc, and lack of motivation. I also lack accountability and consequences (aside from that dinner binge that will pile up on my butt). Most details about me can be found on my profile page, but here some basics. I am a 36 y/o mom that works a full time job and I have been struggling with my weight since I was a small child. I have only been within a healthy weight range 1 or so years out of my entire life. I am about 80 lbs overweight, but I am considering going by body fat% or body measurements from now on. I have recently cut out sodas from my daily diet, as well as sweetener from my coffee. Right now the only exercise I am able to do is walk (due to the herniated disc) and I have just started the Walk to Mordor challenge. Aside from all that fitness stuff, I love video games, anime, drawing, watercolor, sewing, cosplay, and good ghost stories. Hoping to meet some awesome folks for the journey!
  7. Hello, My boyfriend is running his first marathon in a few months... as someone who dislikes running and has no ambition to ever do the same, I'm more than slightly ignorant on the subject. What can I do to support him during his training and the race itself? What did you partner do for you that was (a) awesome or ( sucked? Apart from waiting at the finish line with a blanket and some beer, that is
  8. Hey all, I'm looking for a person (or people) to keep accountable with, online only works as well. I do a lot of exercise classes and am now trying to get into weightlifting, body weight exercises, and so on. I find that with weights I'm very ignorant, though I am trying to rectify that, and am worried about hurting myself. I also get tired really easily or get caught up with other things (I'm a husband and a father, my time isn't as free as I'd like) and tend to make excuses for myself about why I can't exercise. So if you'd like to exercise and have someone help you keep accountable as well as vice-versa, let me know. We could even form a small group of accountability partners.
  9. Dear Monks, I am currently participating in my first six week challenge with all you most excellent nerd fitness folks. I'm a ranger with Monk inclinations and our next mini challenge is to reach out and find an accountability buddy within another guild with a common goal. I am in most desperate need of yoga to center myself, calm my raging anxiety, and stretch out all of my muscles from weight lifting and the pavement pounding of a good run. Won't you be my neighbor in this endeavor? My goal is to spend a minimum of one hour this week practicing yoga. We can break it down into whatever measures that you want. I was thinking of 20 minutes for three days this week, but, and this is important, I'm flexible. Ha, did you see what I did there? I'm most familiar with Ashtanga, but you are the Monk so I will go with whatever form you prefer. Any interest?
  10. Hi there! Sooooo it sounds cool when I say, "I live in Dubai and work as a freelance photographer and yoga instructor." Life here can be pretty difficult, though, and I've been developing a lot of bad habits here. What really sucks is that before I moved here last fall I was in the best shape of my life. I was lifting, running to train for marathons, eating a very careful diet, playing on volleyball and dodgeball rec leagues, hitting the gym, and had a boyfriend that was an athlete, too. And now I find myself surrounded by mega-brunches (these are no joke, they cost up to $170 and have unlimited gourmet food and alcohol), oppressive heat (exercising outside doesn't last long here), enabling friends that aren't very active, obscenely expensive gyms (not happening on a freelance job), unable to find local/organic/paleo food at the grocery store, and an injury from my last marathon keeping me from running. And I admit I have used all of these pretty well as excuses for getting out of shape, especially since it's the same story for almost every one else I've met here. But last week I found new motivation: I started my divemaster training, which means I'm in a bikini almost every day and could really use a little more confidence. My friends say I look 'fine', but after gaining about 15 pounds and losing most of the muscle I had built so carefully, I'm realllly frustrated and can't stop thinking about how much better I know I could look. I'm going to need help, though, so if there is anyone out there that wants to set some goals with me and do some check-ins, that would be amazing. None of my friends here have any interest in this sort of thing, so I could really use an accountability partner. Anyone out there interested?? Please?? Lauren
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