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Found 6 results

  1. Intro Looking through some of the quests a lot of them require you (me) to log stuff, and (sometimes optionally) share it. So I figured I might as well start a battle log and post what I do here! I'll try to keep it short, simple and basic to make it easier to follow through with. I joined NF and the NFA late yesterday, and today I started working on completing my first quests. Didn't log my drinks today, so I'll start a proper food log tomorrow, taking notes of both my drinks and my food! But I did snap a couple of photos of my food with my phone today, so I'll start by sharing those Day 1 Food log Breakfast Sugar free, fat free, vanilla flavored quark mixed with home made kefir (if you don't know what those things are - think vanilla greek yoghurt ) Fresh raspberries I picked myself this morning Some chopped up almonds A big cup of black tea Lunch Cauliflower rice Fried eggs Veggies Sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds A glass of water Fitness log 40 minute walk (approximately 3.2 km/2 miles) 20 minutes jog (approximately 3.8 km/2.3 miles) Completed Quests Fitness: Learn how to modify movements for you Fitness: Read over the Workouts FAQ and Getting Started and Leveling up Modules Fitness: Walk a Mile in My Shoes Join the Nerd Fitness Academy Mindset: Join the NF Academy Facebook Group
  2. Hi! I've been away for a while, and came back wanting to post some pics in my challenge thread and Photobucket now wants me to pay almost $400 for the right to embed my pictures in forums? I thought that used to be free, then hopped up to $400! That seems like an option for professional bloggers and instagrammers, maybe. What's a thrifty rebel to do? I'm willing to pay a bit, but for $400, I could . . . I dunno, do something much better than that. I could buy 5 BB-8s! How do you link and embed your pictures, pros and cons? I'd prefer something with the option to keep my account/library private, but post pictures outside without providing a link into all my stuff for anyone. Does that exist?
  3. Hi, I'm Amelia! My introduction post is over here. This is my battle log! This will record both food and work outs. For the food log, I'm going to log the food on my iPhone and upload the notes here. In the beginning it will be general food recordings to work on accountability and habit creation. My long term goals: Walk more (in the USA, car capital of my life) Do one real push up Do 10 real push ups Run a 5k Run a 10 k Learn parkour Figure out and take parkour courses/training. Take rock climbing classes Learn to like vegetables Stop drinking diet coke. 1. Food - 70 points per week Eliminate french fries and potato chips in my meals. I don't eat either of those foods any more. Stop snacking on candy in my day to day life because I don't eat candy! Eat at least one green, orange or red vegetable a day. And no future me onions and vegetables in tomato sauces doesn't count. 2. Exercise - 30 points per week NF's Beginners Strength Training- The plan is three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. (​So far I've completed last Friday and this Monday. Yay me!) The three Boss secret moves to watch out for... Unhealthy Eating Assault. Critical Attack. Airport and train station snack counters that are filled with miles of candy cakes, cookies, bagels. I will be able to defeat this secret move by equipping my tool belt with healthy snacks and enabling will power mode. To do this player must procure alternative snacks before arriving to the boss scene and equipping the pants check feature. Pants still too tight? Will power engaged. Failed to do either? Lose 10 pts. Final Temptation Binge Attack. Critical attack. This boss move is usually seen right before the player leaves a destination for the last time. Player will need to engage foresight mode. To do this player must use her inner-eye feature to see that there will be future opportunities to sample local cuisine. Fail to utilize foresight, lose another 10 pts. Procrastination Strike. Semi-critical attack. However, this boss move can be used repeatedly to deplete the player’s stamina. Player will be able to overcome this move with a dodge-and-go combination move. To do this player must evade the procrastination's attack by engaging in some type of physical activity. Failure to dodge-and-go will lose me 10 pts. Each week I'll tally up my score. If I reach 100 pts for the week then I won that week's boss battle! Yay me! Finally I'm including my "before" pictures even though they're not before they're actually right-now pictures. Because here in Wonderland that's what people seem to do.
  4. Main Quest: Lose 4 pounds Starting: 209.4 pounds Goal #1) Walk/Run 18.6 miles I signed up to be part of a running club. But on a personal level I am going to work on this, very slowly. I am also challenging myself to run in the afternoons as I prefer to run in the mornings (but I’m usually too tired to run!). So my goal is to run with the group on the following dates: April 19 April 26 May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24Stats: +1 STA, +1 CHA, +1 DEX Goal #2) Axe Lifting (5 pounds) and Push Ups So in my past challenges I have tried to do pushups. Real push-ups. Last week my trainer asked me to do a simple triceps’ exercise. I could not for the life of me. Turns out my triceps are too tight. It hurts a lot to even stretch them. So I’ll be working on those now. I believe I can push myself to do the following. Every other day 3 Reps of 5 Push Ups, then every other day 3 Reps of 5 lifts Every other day 3 Reps of 5 Push Ups, then every other day 3 Reps of 5 lifts Every other day 3 Reps of 10 Push Ups, then every other day 3 Reps of 10 lifts Every other day 3 Reps of 10 Push Ups, then every other day 3 Reps of 10 lifts Every other day 3 Reps of 15 Push Ups, then every other day 3 Reps of 15 lifts Every other day 3 Reps of 15 Push Ups, then every other day 3 Reps of 15 liftsStats: +1 STA, +2 STR Goal #3) Hunt more, bake less I am cutting down my carb intake and upping my protein intake. According to myfitnesspal.com my carb intake should be 220g but I will be lowering it slightly to 200g. And then my protein intake is 91g but I will be raising it to 100g. My calorie intake will stay the same (1800 calories). I will take cheats this time not on the calories but on the carbs/proteins 3 cheats 2 cheats 2 cheats 1 cheats 1 cheats 0 cheatsStats: +1 STA, +1 WIS, +1 CON Life Goal) Grooming Working on myself is very important this year. One thing I realized is that I am so scared of taking pictures of myself. I hate when my boyfriend tries to take a photo of me. Everything. I start crying with every photo. So I’m challenging myself, 1 photo a day for 42 days. No cheats. Finish reading FBI Careers 42 Days of PhotosStats +2 WIS, +1 CHA, +1 CON
  5. THE AMAZING ASSASSIN ALPHABET 6-WEEK-LONG CHALLENGE OF AWESOMENESS Greetings Assassins! We have an additional (totally optional but highly encouraged) bonus challenge for you this round. Thanks to a suggestion by Anim07734 we've come up what we think will be a pretty epic (and fun!) adventure for us all! WHAT IS IT? The Amazing Assassin Alphabet will be a collection of photos of all of you performing exercises/holds/poses that represent/mimic/form the letters of the alphabet. HOW DOES IT WORK? Go check out the spreadsheet and sign-up for a letter. as many letters as you want - UPPERCASE and lowercase letters are considered separate letters - Up to two Assassins per letter - If you're sharing a letter with someone, write down the exercise/pose/hold you plan on doing (so there are no duplicate poses)... If you're not sharing a letter, feel free to keep your move a secret until the end. - At first, only sign up for one letter; if there are open spots after one week feel free to sign up for more Set up your camera and take a picture of yourself performing an exercise/pose/hold that forms the shape of your chosen letter. - Unique locations and outfits are encouraged but not necessary - Exercise/pose/holds can be as easy or as challenging as you want - You can include props and other people to form your letter - Have fun Post your photo in this thread. WHAT'S THE DEADLINE? You have until the last day of the challenge to submit your photo to this thread. If you don't make the deadline, I'm sorry, but you will be punished severely. Possible consequences include (but are not limited to): absolutely nothing, pictures of Chunk doing the Truffle Shuffle spamming your thread, and Nuala using you to test her new whip. THEN WHAT? I'll be collecting, saving, and editing the photos together into one big alphabet poster. Then... I dunno... sushi anyone?
  6. Ok, I know some of us kind of discussed this, so I'm just going to go ahead and get the ball rolling! So the idea is that we take pictures of our walks each week - hopefully nature walks, but obviously that's not always possible, so I would say if you take a pretty picture in the city, it still counts.. as long as you were on a proper walk! Every week, submit your best photo in this thread, and someone who's smarter than I am can set up a poll to vote on the best. You can't vote for your own picture. And you do have to be on Team Velocity. Sorry, lurkers. Hopefully this will inspire us to make the effort to go on some really great walks! Also, feel free to add to or edit my 'rules'... they were just off the top of my head Go team Velocity! We rock!
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