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    • Oooh, good luck with the job interviews! And the plumbing, also very important!
    • Tiny goblin sounds completely reasonable. 
    • Monday   Training: IHT Study: A little painting and German audiobook Chores: just washing my hair and taking some packages back Mindbiscuits: I forgot to reflect before painting, and was interrupted during painting by a phone call, so I didn't reflect immediately afterwards, either. Alas. Fatigue doctor says hypoxia results look good--I'm responding better to low oxygen than many of her other patients, which she takes to mean I am capable of making fresh mitochondria.  Though my heart rate remains high and not very variable. I get to see the charts on the machine. I can tolerate lower oxygen or longer periods each time. She mentioned that she thought I might have problems with detoxification. "Detox" as a term is often used as a cover for wellness nonsense, so I am going to research actual detoxification (the liver's transformation of environmental pollutants, harmful plant chemicals and normal byproducts of metabolism into safe molecules that can be eliminated) and try to find out under what circumstances it might function poorly and if it could be a cause of fatigue and if it is likely in my case. 
    • Hi, Sov! Looks like I've been missing out on a lot, but a speed read catch up shows that you are putting in the hard work and it is paying off. Super impressive, well done!
    • I've had a couple of slightly productive days recently.      Thanks, possum ❤️      Thanks! I wonder what I would actually like? Saving energy is so urgently important to me that I don't really look forward to outings at all. 
    • Looking good! And I watched England, too. Glad they got through, might be a second favourite after Germany (Harry Kane plays for Bayern and England is just a natural second choice for me given that Australia doesn't really play soccer).
    • Sorry I was absent last challenge, but I am here this time! Inexorably drawn in by your on-point alliteration!
    • Ahhh the fawn is adorable with its spots. 
    • Thank you AP. It is ALWAYS great to see you ❤️   Yes, you are likely right there. I think i am constantly so worried about hurting feelings, and i do feel under pressure to be 'strong' for my mum and sister. Which is laughable really, as I am the one who cant bare to talk about it.    I might try to call her this eve. It is overwhelming for me though at times. I wish it wasnt.    Thanks a lot for helping me see it a different way   xx
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