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    • Good call. And glad you're okay from that close call too!
    • I find it easier to activate my glutes with Romanian dead lifts than with "regular" ones. So I warm up with the Romanian ones.   Or the one-leg deadlifts. Those are very glute centric!
    • I forgot to mention; I'm doing decent in the delay before screens challenge. I'm not doing anything to track, it's more just a mindset. I do better when I don't try and track all the things (that just makes me want to rebel) The idea is more and more I will just choose other things before doom scrolling.   I was going to track my water today. I have a clear water bottle that has ounces marked that I used. Only I misplaced it somewhere today. But I have been drinking water   I went on a walk today with my friend, and then did some weeding in the garden. 
    • Good for you for stopping the bingeing. It is super hard. You are right there is no miracle approach. Persistence and just practice and learning from your mistakes is the best plan.   I did better when I slowly eased my calories up. I did have one dinner, and then my birthday where I just ate whenever. I was planning to go into deficit in July. But, when I think about it, I start feeling like I better eat all the stuff now, because I won't later. Maybe I'm better off just staying in maintenance.
    • Tired and sore but had a mostly good day. (Reminder to self….do PT stretches in the morning before coffee)   🏋️‍♀️ Today was an upper and core day at the gym.  The trainer did have me do sled pulls which I think I am paying for now. Hopefully rest and ibuprofen will help.  I did talk a short walk today but again, still just struggling to move long periods at a time without limping. Lots of fatigue happening, and limping isn’t the best at conserving energy.  I did track my meals and water today and I am trying to not get attached to the number on the scale today.  It was higher than I would like to be and I am trying to remind myself that it may not get better for a bit while I am unable to move well.    🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Had some good chats with my minions and the hubs.  Not too much going on this week until D&D this weekend.   💸 Balanced the checkbook and avoided spending money on eating out for dinner.  Instead we had salads.   🌻 Migrated my stack of post it  notes for Scum and Villainy into Notion today and set it up for the rest of our group to use, so I didn’t get any world building done.  French lesson is competed and I made sure to water the plants today. Recruited minions to help with dinner and dishes as the combination of PT yesterday and then the gym/walk today essentially sidelined most of the day.    
    • I second all of The above. Well put @Harriet
    • Week 2 Monday Not off to the greatest start. I did go to the gym (for the first time in 2.5 weeks mostly due to being sick) for cardio and a little bit of bouldering (took it pretty easy). But no candles, walk (pretty normal for Mondays due to morning work meeting), or veggies.
    • I'm in a good space, and also I'm home and home is good.   I left work early and did the Errands Thing, then took the violin to a repair guy (who also does lessons). I thought I was just going to drop it off, but he was messing with it, saying it didn't need as much as I thought, and we talked as he worked. Star Trek and phd things, and music things and it was just really lovely and he asked if I played and I said not in a million years and anyway I would have to start from scratch since the head Injury and what's the difference between fiddling and violin anyway (his lesson chart said he teaches both)?. I old him if I took lessons again, I'd probably want to do he cello and he asked why when he had such a great violin and I said I liked the to e better. He handed me an instrument from his workbench and asked what I thought of it. I bowed it gently while he worked and man, I just kind of loved it. It's a viola, and apparently a viola is tuned just like a cello, but an octave up.    I told him I'd think about it and also I need to take the violin back in a couple days for returning anyway.   It was a nice visit.   I had dinner at the loft and just chilled for a bit until leaving for the new Dogsitting meet and greet. They're nice, but a bit farther out than I want, and I like them and the dog and the setup. They have interviewed a few other sitters and said they would let me know, and it was actually a relief. Thank you Universe.   I got home and made tea.  I am done for the day, and philosophy and everything else will have to wait. I did some scales on the violin and it was nice, and reading music (basics, but still) didn't make the world spin. I played twinkle twinkle little star from memory, and it felt nice.    I'm going to drink tea and watch Bridgerton and knit.  It's a good day. The universe loves me and wants me to be happy. ❣️  
    • Sending good positive thoughts that the PT can hook you up and avoid some of the expenses of appointments. 
    • Another tactic is to work the hamstrings until they fatigue and then do the bridges. The idea here is since they are tired you a force the glutes to work. My trainer does this frequently when we are working on big lifts so we don’t recruit the wrong muscles. (Which I love to do cause I’m lazy lol)
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