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    • That is mostly true, but I find it motivating to think of something to at least title the challenge.  Just calling it "unchallenge" or "me doing more of the same" makes it really hard to find motivation.  The actual content of said theme doesn't matter so much as having something creative to do at the launch.  I need some hype      Getting ready to start the second half at a run     Actual birthday doesn't happen until the end of the challenge, but unlikely we will do anything major.  I already got my gift, which was my tattoo that we had done during the pandemic (I got my present early because the pandemic was depressing and I needed something nice)   Thanks, it will be tough to top the first half, but I am going to make a valiant effort   I imagine that by the time I get that old I will just go ahead and live that long out of spite     -----------------------------   Some good progress so far.  I didn't have any sugary snack until today, when they had a bunch of treats after church for father's day.  Yesterday we had some Korean style BBQ for dinner and I stopped eating after about half of what I usually eat because I was satisfied and Ghostess actually asked me what was wrong.  She thought maybe I was feeling sick or something    besides the win of stopping when I was full, I still have enough leftover for another meal   Exercise is mostly good in that I went to the park on Friday, but I haven't done my planche leans even once yet.  It is just so hot here that I find myself not wanting to anything in the evenings.  I may need to rethink this and maybe do it in the mornings that I don't work out or something   Piano practice has been happening but I haven't picked a new song to work on yet.   Aside from the normal challenge stuff, We had to take Ghostlet to the dentist yesterday because his wisdom teeth are coming in sideways and putting pressure on his molars.  He got one of them taken out yesterday but it was really tough and they had to grind away a bit of bone from his jaw to get it out.  Today his face is so swollen it looks like he is hiding a baseball in his cheek.
    • That sounds brilliant. Rest of the challenge looks solid too, but mindfulness of the little posives and finding things to be grateful for is so powerful. 
    • Critical stuff is done, and most of the bonus.   Bed is made, and I actually got the cover on the weighted blanket.     Dyed my hair for the first time too. Well, once in high school. Before and after pictures.   I look miserable in the after photo, but that's just exhaustion. I'm really happy with the color, just totally tapped out right now. Typing this while sitting on my bed and debating how badly I'm going to break the sleep hygiene rules. Hot and tired and the only (current) ac is in the bedroom. Wanna get a snack, then stay on my bed to practice Spanish and watch stuff till bedtime. 
    • Sometimes writing it out is all you need, sending not required. ❤️ I think you tend to be more honest if you don't.
    • Following as always, I'm always amazed at how much you accomplish each challenge (and how you manage to stay sane some days but that's a whole nother matter)  
    • Yeah I'm not looking forward to it lmao. No more looking at the scale and pretending I didn't see what it says. 😬
    • these are on my bucket list as well! Someday....
    • Yikes if this isn't the hardest part!
    • I honestly thought of you when I did that ❤️ ask and yea shall receive   Luna being Luna...I swear she keeps me so entertained, Mystic, her regal majesty.   I hate that I don't remember if I ever posted about DK, I had to say goodbye to him back in April I had him from the day he was born, in a laundry basket on my bed...his mom was my ex's cat that she refused to get fixed until she had one litter of kittens. My middle son was living with me at that time and stayed up all night to watch the kittens be born, he is still a huge animal lover...DK was the runt, the last one born, and the one my son picked after saying to me "It sure would be nice to be able to keep one of the kittens"...just stamp sucker on my forehead because I can't say no to my kids. He is no longer hurting and that's the important part!   I took a ride by myself last weekend with the group of women we ride with...when D was off playing bus driver, this is me and a friend of ours that takes good pictures     Thank you! I'll be cheering you on as well!!   Thank you for being here  I can't wait to catch up with you!     and I'm very happy that you are ❤️    Off to catch up with everyone!  
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