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    • So I'm a little bit delusional. I overestimate my ability to do things and underestimate the time it takes to do them. For example, I'll hit a new highest weight and shrug it off because meh, my current [stressors, eating habits, etc] is temporary; I can get back to where I was easily. And then I ignore the part where I've been saying that for years and nothing has changed and I should probably double check the meaning of "temporary." Another example: when I studied abroad fifteen years ago (☠️) i could easily walk a couple miles a day so I don't stop to think that my current body can't and really shouldn't do that.    The reality is I'm a couple pounds under my highest weight, walking is a joke never mind any other activity, and my stress level is through the roof. I have high blood pressure despite younger flea always running on the low side, blood sugar issues that never existed before, and acid reflux that makes me question how my esophagus is still intact. It's not pretty. And if I'm going to fix it for real I need to accept that this is my starting point, not what past flea could do once upon a time. No more being an ostrich.    So what exactly do I need to do? I have no fucking idea. Yet.    Week 1: - check blood sugar every morning - check blood pressure every day - track any food with a barcode in cronometer - do the initial assessments on at least two of the GMB programs I have - use my fancy tracking journal thing    Week 2+: - tbd after seeing what info I get from week 1 and also discussing with my nutritionist and therapist  
    • Winnie and I went on a few walks today and went in the water. We also had some naps on the dock it was a good day. I made dinner for my Dad.. We had a kale dill pickle salad kit, shrimp, steak, portabella mushrooms. It was yummy. Afterwards he took me on a boat ride.       
    • You're very welcome  
    • Same my friend JK, I remember when I could do that 😭 (barely)   I love reading ❤️ my kindle list is ridiculous! 
    • I have had this one in white https://a.co/d/2C8PEWX for 7 years and highly recommend it!  I also have the filter replacements on auto ship and a reminder on my phone to replace them because it's enough for 6 months.  Fun fact, bought it when I worked at the ballpark and a lot of 'scents' (which I'm very sensitive to) and 'other stuff' was in the air...it really helped and I never got sick, even in 2020 when some of my co-workers were.  
    • That's crazy that you're having that weather now, then.     Working on it!  I went out to defend my garden against weeds and beetles both morning and evening.  I didn't get out as early in the morning as I would have liked and it was pretty hot already.  It wasn't too bad in the evening, especially because much of the yard is shaded at that time.  My husband has been helping me with watering the gardens, which is wonderful.   I don't normally have to water much, but it has been unseasonably dry.  Even my waterwise plants are drooping.   I have been trying to water myself as well.  I probably need 12 more oz to hit my goal for today, but I'm working on it.   Otherwise, I have been keeping cool, reading S.A. Chakraborty's Kingdom of Copper and working on my current WIP, a drawing of a horse playing in a stream.  The art is coming slow, as I am more or less learning as I go.  In any case, I am pretty happy with my progress so far.
    • I feel this is a good thing? Is the court able to see it?   Wisdom comes from experience ❤️ Glad good things came from this!
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