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    • Oh no!  So sorry to hear you scalded yourself.  Burns are no fun.  Minimizing scarring is mostly about moisturizing, preventing infection, and keeping it out of the sun.  You can cover both the first ones with an antibiotic ointment such as bacitracin. 
    • My brother has apparently gone full dad mode which is just funny when you have their whole history to compare this moment to.   They had gifted one of his step-daughters concert tickets, but since she is a young teen that meant he got to be chaperone.  First key and obvious point, he isn't a fan of that performer.  Second is he has always had a more conservative dress style for himself.  He was telling me about being back with the wall of dads who were silently bonding in misery, raising strengthening cups of beer at each other and watching their girls.  Apparently the style for the girls is very 1994 right now and basically 'it was bad then and its bad now" but the boys.  Oh the boys.  "These young men, I'd say late teens/ early 20s, were wearing lace shirts.  Just lace shirts.  Nothing under the lace shirt.  Oh and the 90s!  you remember those stretch chokers that were so popular for the girls, well the boys wear them now.."   I just nodded and chuckled with him while thinking "and? what's your point?"   I was that person in the clothing that prompted the "kids these days" thoughts.  Did he forget that?  🤣  Also, it was a concert, not work, not school, not church.  They were dressed for the environment and all the important parts were covered.  But then I extended that thought one more level.  My brother lives in a New England city.  He and his wife are country music fans and go to concerts.  They also dress for that environment, western boots and such.  How is that different?   What is different is that he understands and likes his version.  Its just amusing from the outside   Anyway, I was personally cheering on teens and young adults expressing themselves because why not?  Have fun and explore your world while you have the time and energy!  He was just miserable because he disliked the music and was tired
    • I did all the fitness things I meant to do this week.  Yay!  And just realized, right now, in this very moment, that the 5k is next weekend.  I guess I need to corner my run buddy and get her to the route tomorrow or Monday.  She's a planner and wants to do it once prior.  Do understand, dear nerd reader, that she knows this area, she as been there many times over the years, she has just never run it.    Quick check in with the rest of my tasks   meal planning;  i actually plan to sit down and work through it today and tomorrow costume:  I did draft and make a successful test muslin skirt.  On to fitting two for the top.  Crochet has been put on the back burner for a week or so, I managed to be a dope and stress the upper back muscles by looking down to much and sitting to still for too long.  Massive noggin strained by back. 😆  should be back to it today or tomorrow. sidequests:  the idea is living in the back of my head and tracking all the things I hear about.  Did not get to that meetup, but there will be more
    • Hard to answer for me. I already know those first two by heart... 😅 Well, mostly at least.   Have you considered actual a capella songs? Like The Flying Pickets' "Only You" or The Housemartins' "Caravan of Love" or anything by Pentatonix?
    • Totally thought I'd updated here more recently! I've finished at my current workplace... crazy. Had good fun leaving drinks with a few people then had some fwb time - wish me courage as the next time we're both free is on like three weeks 😅 though interestingly the married fb has now got back in touch. Much shock.   So I think last update was for Tuesday, Weds was wfh and free evening so I did some house admin/crafts - did physio and no scrolling. Thurs in the office, infiltrating another team, went to the pub with them as one of my quartet had close covid contact so we couldn't rehearse, and then bcuz fwb was in the pub I was weak and binned off my mate's show to get some (she understood!) I'm pretty sure I still physio-d while teeth brushing and didn't scroll as late. Oh, I will give myself a bonus though as not only did I get accepted as an honorary member of that team, someone I just met that day said to me 'you're so strange and I love it' 🥲 which I think deserves a point. Then yesterday was LAST DAY, and drinks after which were fun but didn't do crazy late bcuz yeah, fwb time though they left pretty late last night so I did not physio, but at least didn't scroll!   Wednesday: 2pts Thursday: 3pts Yesterday: 1pt Total: 37pts   I'm off to learn some spicy macrame in a bit, and then the ex's bro's wedding. What a curious and fun life I am enjoying!
    • 30 seconds wide arm circles - 🐝  (typical shoulder warm-up exercise, did 30s forward circles and 30s backward circles)
    • Excellent plan.  I also remember the Blerch.  You can do it!   do it for Jan
    • Day six:   ✅🔁🔁🔁✅🔁 Goal 1 -- Intentional rest 🔁✅✅✅🔁🔁 Goal 2 -- No commute 🔁🔁🔁🔁🔁🔁 Goal 3 -- ::Sigh:: 🔁✅🔁🔁🔁🔁 Goal 4 -- Nope ok…not much to Saturday. Hope you have a good one!
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