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    • I guarantee you that you're already plenty strong enough for a good posture. Don't be mean to random body parts! They're not lazy, they're optimized to do as much effort as needed.   EG has great suggestions, introducing movement variability and being mindful about how you sit and stand and lie down and switch it up is a great start. You can't really undo what you do 99% of the day with a few minutes of planks.   Well, with a caveat. I do think that sometimes exercise can help. For example ring rows which deeply stretches the pecs can make it easier to put the shoulders in the right position. But that's still not about strength gains, but about reducing resting tension in the pecs.
    • It was nice. But weird. People do that every day? I don't understand. Doesn't feel right.
    • Yikes. I hope your son is okay and that any lingering injury (physical or mental)  heals quickly and fully.
    • More sleep is good. I unintentionally had this myself just now, and it's strange what an impact it has.
    • Finally, yes. In hindsight, actually watching the entire presidential debate was a questionable decision. I was already sleep deprived, and that train wreck of a shit show did not help. (I'll stop there. Political commentary should happen rarely, and only in spoilers.)   I slept in today, very late, and plan to meditate this afternoon. It is also workout day, so I should make an effort to make that happen as well.    
    • When I was working I accepted that the list would never, ever end and somehow it was helpful knowing that I could never finish it. Instead I made sure to keep it up to date and prioritized and when I'd come into work I'd pick something from the top. It was a lot of work to keep the list prioritized as I dumped every single thing on there, but it worked really well. Alas I haven't found a way to translate that to my private life as nobody relies on me the same way and there's nothing at stake. But I'm trying to do something similar here.
    • Points!   First a large amount of completely arbitrary points because I undid some very bad stuckness:   - 20 base points for finally finishing my game, and not starting a new one! And I was tempted. I was doing an evil, or rather, a very misguided BG3 playthrough and first chose the pure power ending. Which was honestly a bit underwhelming (I suspect this is one that will get some love in the next patch) Then I save scummed to see what the presumably better ending was. And it broke me. I even started to undo the damage, but then I remembered that life is a thing. -10 points for resisting my other issue as of late, which is YT rabbit holes. And as wonderful as Excel e-sports is, I really don't need to watch videos about it.   And thus the new challenge was born.   Other points:   - 3 points for picking my first animal to study for art club and reading about it. I'm picking from a jar of random animals, and I drew the frogfish! That made me very happy, they're some of my absolute favourites! They're beautiful, they're masters of aggressive mimicry and fierce predators. Just look at them go!   Check out the articulation in its "hands"!     Frog fishes have two gait patterns, I believe this is an example of the "gallop".   Not only are they gorgeous, but they're also a very fun case study for the art club, because it's the fish with possibly the most human like arms! I read a paper that compared the anatomies of other angler fishes, both walking ones and swimming one and how they can provide hints about the fin-to-limb evolutionary transition. Interestingly, the shoulder joint of those earlier fish is simpler than that of frogfish. So while I haven't exactly done anything art related yet, I've been enjoying myself and I get points for reading actual papers (as well as I can) instead of only watching clips of them.   - 1 point for watching Kung Fu Panda 4 with minor interruptions. No it's not on the list. But my attention has struggled with movies lately. Is it the greatest movie ever? No. But the fighting animations, architecture and particularly colour and light are sooo good in these movies! - 1 point for remembering to write down random thoughts instead of interrupting my movie watching. Like do I really need to know how many nipples pandas have in this very moment? - 3 points for cooking some of the cauliflower in the fridge that will go bad soon.
    • I think that's why I liked that you said you could change it. I start to write lists like that, and then start to spin because I can't narrow it down.  With your way of giving points if I get them done, it's fine if not everything on the list is done.
    • Congratulations of the great money news! Fingers crossed for more of the same about the taxes.
    • So shiny!   Stealing is the best. 😉 The list is mostly a reminder of things I want to do or need to do. I find it too difficult to narrow down right now!   Probably some, but within a context of actually, you know, doing stuff. 😛    I have no idea what to do with clay! I bought it on an impulse in a book shop. As one does. But I do want to test a theory, which is that the tactility of clay might make it easier to do art. Plus instead of being greeted by a blank piece of paper, you get to smash things first thing.
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