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    • I am rehabbing my aerobic capacity. Help! I am seeking suggestions from the scouts and scout-minded people.    I am a lifelong runner. 5ks are my thing. I was sick last year and my aerobic capacity is still struggling. I like steady-state running with a brief sprint at the end, but it has become apparant that I need to do something else to regain aerobic capacity. I finally took my friend's advice and started doing sprints.  I've started this: 30 seconds all-out sprint, 1 minute rest, for 10 iterations. Sprints cover the same distance so I know I am maintaining speed for each iteration. Once a week. (I've done 3 weeks so far.)   By sprint #3-5, it certainly "hits that spot in my breathing". My recovery afterwards was a bit better this third time, hoping that's adaptations starting. My other running day is a long run (=5k).    I appreciate thoughts and suggestions. I can give more detail if desired. 
    • Stronger muscles do make it easier to maintain good posture... but maintaining good posture doesn't necessarily strengthen them. If anything, proper posture tends to make life easier for our muscles, especially the ones around the shoulders and back.    The best posture help I've ever had is from yoga, which isn't really know for creating spectacular strength gains.
    • He is fine now. A little salty that he spent $400 on repairs a couple of days prior, but otherwise quite keen to start car shopping. The previous car had many problems. So though he's not happy about having to pay for a new one, he's at least excited to get to try another model. Apparently car shopping is fun. 🤷‍♀️
    • Yeah... I know. It's weird, and there's a strange trade-off with the loss of all the hours I spent sleeping. I could have done so much reading during that time.
    • I guarantee you that you're already plenty strong enough for a good posture. Don't be mean to random body parts! They're not lazy, they're optimized to do as much effort as needed.   EG has great suggestions, introducing movement variability and being mindful about how you sit and stand and lie down and switch it up is a great start. You can't really undo what you do 99% of the day with a few minutes of planks.   Well, with a caveat. I do think that sometimes exercise can help. For example ring rows which deeply stretches the pecs can make it easier to put the shoulders in the right position. But that's still not about strength gains, but about reducing resting tension in the pecs.
    • It was nice. But weird. People do that every day? I don't understand. Doesn't feel right.
    • Yikes. I hope your son is okay and that any lingering injury (physical or mental)  heals quickly and fully.
    • More sleep is good. I unintentionally had this myself just now, and it's strange what an impact it has.
    • Finally, yes. In hindsight, actually watching the entire presidential debate was a questionable decision. I was already sleep deprived, and that train wreck of a shit show did not help. (I'll stop there. Political commentary should happen rarely, and only in spoilers.)   I slept in today, very late, and plan to meditate this afternoon. It is also workout day, so I should make an effort to make that happen as well.    
    • When I was working I accepted that the list would never, ever end and somehow it was helpful knowing that I could never finish it. Instead I made sure to keep it up to date and prioritized and when I'd come into work I'd pick something from the top. It was a lot of work to keep the list prioritized as I dumped every single thing on there, but it worked really well. Alas I haven't found a way to translate that to my private life as nobody relies on me the same way and there's nothing at stake. But I'm trying to do something similar here.
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