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    • Hat a nice thing to do with them. Ive seen some really cool hanging decorations made from origami animals recently.   
    • At least you died doing what you love. ❤️ 
    • Right, well I'd like to develop a posture that doesn't cause my stomach to stick out a lot and that relieves some of my back and knee pain and makes walking more efficient. And yeah, I'd like bigger glutes for aesthetic purposes since I'm not in love with my current flat wide flabby look, or the way that trousers fit so badly because of it. I'm vain and racist and classist like that.      I don't know what the reason for the theoretical disactivation is, but a few days of activation exercises and some focus on using them when I walk (and focusing on a more neutral pelvis which also seems to *allow* me to to use my glutes more) and my walking feels a lot less strained and inefficient. There cannot be that much difference in strength, so maybe it is just a more functional way of moving for me.     So why is it I get so tired standing or sitting up without support? Just muscular endurance? Surely that's not totally unrelated to strength?
    • Ok, "in my grasp" is a wild overstatement, but I used to know like a tiny bit. But then the knowledge was indeed dragged into the depths of my brain, to be lost forever in the memory dump. 😄  
    • Thanks, it was great! Forest bathing, ocean meditation, delicious food and anime + videogames to round out the evening. Truly a delightful day.    ~~~   Uh, well, I messed around on my phone instead of spinning yesterday morning but I did get out for my ride. The weather wasn’t very friendly, it was spitting rain but not enough to actually help the plants, not even what you’d call drizzle, and still hot! I mean, “hot,” like low 20s, but still.    I got a bit grumpy because there was a trio of other cyclists that kept passing me and then  I’d take it slow, stay behind someone taking it easy for a while, let them get out of sight, but I’d inevitably catch up to them again so like. I’m not travelling slower than you, Broseph. But the couple times I took advantage of us all being at a road crossing together to take the lead, they immediately put on a burst of speed and pass me going all aerodynamic position and working hard and then like 200m down the trail it’s back to around 5% slower than I wanted to ride. Look, I’m sorry I like to slow down for road crossings and take it easy when I’m passing folks out walking the dog. I may be a chubby 40-something woman but I’m not actually slow. Fortunately, they were heading out farther than me and I didn’t see them on the way back.    I had a lovely time at the rocky, rainy beach. Didn’t see much wildlife (sometimes there’s huge jellyfish here!) but it was so restful. Too restful, maybe - I tried to meditate and kept drifting off. Not sure whether to give myself a star for that or not, haha. I thought about stopping by a native plant nursery 15 minutes away, but I stayed kinda long at the beach, and with that plus weather worsening plus the thought of plants bouncing around in my bike basket for 90 minutes plus the fact that I don’t have a lot of room in the budget, I decided to skip it. There was a lovely little wildflower in the park, though, that I’m gonna see about adding to my garden eventually. Harvest Brodiaea, Brodiaea coronaria.    I was thinking as I rode, I’ve actually been managing to get out on the rail trail once or twice a month this year. Usually I manage once or twice a season at best, and sometimes just once or twice a year. It makes me happy!   Pics under the cut     Week 2 Roundup   Exercise: 🌟🌟 Meditate: 🌟 Fun money: 🌟 Home & Hobbies: 🌟   Bonus   Adventure: 🌟 Forums: 🌟 Photos:  🌟 Tour de Fleece: ❎❎❎❎❎❎🚴‍♀️   Running total: 24 🌟   Now time to get those damn tomatoes in the ground!
    • Not just people! But still weird.   Why is it that some lessons refuse to stick? 🤔 Congrats on the unsuspension!      
    • Oh no I copied the pics same as usual... Wonder if it's something NF, browser or search engine related... Not that it matters, what matters is that your son is okay, that's really scary!!
    • Today was very, very hot. I walked to the gym, stood on my hands, walked back, lay on the floor and died. Since then I've been a zombie waiting for the thunderstorm to arrive.   5 points for a great morning start though.
    • Thanks! 😄   Truly!   Ooh his books are sooo pretty, I didn't know he did sculptures! They look fun!   Super helpful to see how the bodies move, especially when the anatomy is not typical.   Wait, which is the third! I need to know before I delete my question from the list. 😄
    • Kinda... Your posture is mostly passive. Unless you're a baby who can't up their head, elderly or have disabling diseases strength won't be a problem. "Proper" posture is also not so easily defined, and there's not even much correlation between pain and poor posture. Most of our ideas about posture are not medical, but classist, racist and cosmetic. 🤷‍♀️   I can see how yoga can work really well for posture! It provides a lot of movement variability, a full body stretch, a lot of twists which are great for upper body mobility and a lot of different positions of the pelvis are used which I bet help in settling in that neutral position.   You have glutes my dear. And I'm not convinced they're even that weak. 🙂 Glutes are extremely important, but there's also huge amounts of fitness propaganda surrounding them. It's easy to get fixated on one body part, but something like posture needs to be looked at from the feet up.   Besides, I'm also not even sure it's possible to tell if your glutes really are lazy without a proper physio assessment where they look at the timing of how you move. "Feeling it" is not always a good indicator of what's happening in the body. Maybe you feel it more in the hamstrings because the hamstrings are in fact weaker? Or in a more elongated state? Or because they were previously injured? Or because your brain has decided for whatever reason to focus in on the hamstrings?   If strength training works then awesome! But I doubt it's the max strength percentage effect, that is going to be tiiiiiiny percentage. Your bones provide sturdy pillars for your body to rest on, while fascia wrap your muscles up to make the structure even sturdier with minimal effort. The stabilizer muscles will work a bit but you don't need to squeeze anything to just stand. Even shifting the pelvic forwards or backwards takes extremely little force and you can have perfectly relaxed glutes to do that. (If you struggle with this movement and/or pelvic floor issues then it could be worth looking at specific rehab protocols.) I wonder how much the effect is due to strength gains, and how much due to simply moving your body?   Having said all this, I'm sure you'll benefit from working the glutes, you can't really go wrong there! And if you find something that works, keep doing it until it stops working.
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