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    • Def seeing both sides. It can lead to a lot of "I've had a hard day; I deserve this overpriced petrol station cherry ripe." Or, like yesterday, being literally too busy to stop and snack, which also isn't super sustainable. Lately it's been a mix of both 😅
    • This. We adapt and evolve and we keep going. 
    • On the one hand... OUCH   On the other.... this is kind of funny. Not very funny, because it sounds like you hurt yourself and that sucks. But a little funny. 😁
    • Be very careful with this.... you might discover that after improving the way you use the spaces in your current house, it's actually great and you don't need to move anywhere after all.  (Yes, we did that with our house. Genuinely by accident. Ooops?)     Men så trevligt att bli påminnd om hur lika norska och svenska fortfarande faktiskt är...  
    • 1. That is very fucked up and shady and should be mentioned to anyone who comes in to interview for openings, so they at least know what they're in for. 2. There's a very good possibility this is illegal. If I was in your position, I would investigate this.   And I'm sorry you've been forced to lose respect for a person you work with. That's a painful thing, and it really adds to the stress levels in the workplace. In a service job, that's especially bad. I hope you find a solution soon, and that it's one that gives you peace with your work environment again.     If your paycheck really ends up being less than what you are legally owed for your time and work, I hope you can find a way to do something about that, that you can live with. I respect your efforts to keep an open mind and to not judge her (I would not be able to!), but if she is paying you less then what the law entitles you to, then she is exploiting every single one of her employees and she is stealing from you, and that is wrong on so many levels, not the least of which is that your work is what keeps her business alive.    I will spare you the rest of my reflexive rant against employers who take scam their workers. It's very vitriolic and not in any way understanding or open-minded about it. 😇   And yeah... this is not what my very pious parents and other family members would call "good Christian behavior". They'd be horrified and start praying for her integrity if they knew.
    • Stronger muscles to keep the pelvis in that neutral position definitely helps, as does being mindful of joints and pelvic tilt in general. For me personally, once the muscles reached the level of strength they needed to keep my pelvis in neutral, making them stronger didn't seem to make that much of a difference to how easy or difficult it was to maintain that angle. At this stage I just need to pay attention to it, and once tilted into place the pelvis tends to stay there. Because, yes, muscle memory is a thing (although there's science that says it's in the brain and not the muscles, but whatever), and the hips and pelvis have learned where I want them to be and they have indeed started to default to that.     And this how I know you are both younger and a lot less overweight than I am  
    • Your lasagna looks fantastic. We put a layer of spicy pepperoni under the top layer of cheese when we make ours. Freaking decadent.    Enjoy!
    • Thank you! She’s basically trying to figure out ways to keep them from us now that she has enabled tipping as an option on debit and credit purchases. It’s been a frustrating, high stress week. I’ve lost a lot of respect for her and that has been hurting my heart a lot.    Thanks, Mistr! Yes, they absolutely are kitchen scrub pads.  I hope things resolve with her too. I am doing my best to release attachment to the outcome and let it be what it is. That is difficult, but seems to be the only way forward that I can live with.    Massively. I also got paid for a map I drew which I put on the Visa and that covered off my recent art supply splurge plus a bit more which was nice. And today I discovered that I actually got a small refund of a few hundred dollars from the CRA which I will put on the Visa as well, and it will be *poof* as if our trip to Regina hadn’t cost us anything. I was stressed about that and the Universe has taken care of it. Thanks, Universe. I am not going to rely on random money to happen, but it is lovely that it did this time. I am so grateful.    Thanks, Scaly!   Thank you for this insight. I always appreciate learning from you.    Yes, very much all of this. In the same way that the Breakthrough helped me realize that I am mirroring my mother’s failures at communication, trying to figure out why I am so upset with Sonjia has turned up a few things (obsessiveness, feelings of being taken advantage of, etc.) that need to be examined and released. Comprehension and non-attachment is so difficult.  I am feeling challenged by what I perceive as her greed because it potentially impacts what I could be doing to change my financial situation if these (very increased) tips come through. So her struggles to make sense of money mirror my own. This is all money I haven’t ever had although it stands to be a few hundred dollars a month. I could do a lot with an extra few hundred a month: pay for my remaining dental work, pay off debt faster, invest in some better fitting bras… it would be a boon, for sure. But it’s counting chickens before they hatch until she figures out how she’s handling it. In theory I should be getting a cheque for my wages tomorrow that should include my share of the tips that came in since the system went live two weeks ago. We will see what happens with that. I will try to hold my centre and accept anything extra as bounty, because it really is, even if what comes is less than what the law entitles us to because she’s being weird. I really, really hope she’s not going to actively scam us, but she’s said some things this week that reflect really poorly on her, including about possibly dropping our wages now that the increase in tips is happening which is poor stewardship. The stewardship thing is a point I am really stuck on: she professes her Christianity loud and proud, but certainly hasn’t seemed to have our, her worker’s, best interests at heart since this changed two weeks ago. This is a failure of being a good steward and any charitable virtue and it makes me heartsick because I expect better from her. It’s been a mess, my Dragon. Such a rough week.    I thought you’d like the shirt. I think it’s fantastic. Thanks for the compliment. I feel like I am looking more like I want to lately, which is nice.  Sending love back. ❤️    Thanks, Dearheart! ❤️      Hi Friends!   It’s Canada Day here so I have the day off and it’s been slow and lovely. We went to brunch at Bryon and Nicole’s, then I came home and played Coral Island for a bit while Dave worked on their deck with them for a few hours. I popped out and got groceries - we needed a pretty significant restock. Now I have lots of produce options and feel much better about that. We got our meet order as well so the freezer is very full. Then it started to rain so Dave came home and we have been hanging out in the living room for a while now, him playing XBox and me wandering around the forums. It’s been good.   Game on Saturday night was pretty awesome and then the Sunday game was also great. I love it when that happens. I have a lot of Worldbuilding to do for my game now as my Druid is taking a level in Warlock and I suddenly needed a Patron that makes sense as an agent of change in the world. So hopefully all of that comes together the way I want it to. I am going to sign off here now that I am caught up and go work on my hedge maze. I can get a solid few hours in this evening which should take me much farther down the road toward completion.   I hope that you have something crisp and juicy today: a snack, a sound, a breeze…. Thanks for being here! ❤️ 
    • Made my bomb lasagna today ❤️ it looks amazing. On the side we will have a dill salad kit that I got in reduce.  Now I can taste how the Walmart one compares to the Costco one.     It's oddly quiet around the neighbourhood. I'm guessing because it's Canada Day and people are out and about. It made for a very boring people watching session with Luna. I cleaned my seat in my car in case I got poison ivy oils all over it and I rewashed the clothes I wore during the mud run and at the cottage. Hopefully that's good enough and it's gone now.    
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