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    • 2024 - Year of Progression Word of the Year: Consistency  Sleep: 10 Hrs Water: 2/4 Weight: 244.2 lbs   Meals:  9:00am - Coffee 11:00am - Coffee, Small slice of pizza 2:00pm - Diet Soda, 1/2 sandwich, chips 3:00pm - Coffee, 1/2 PB Sandwich 6:30pm - BBQ Nachos   Fitness: Lifting Day .5 Mile Treadmill Lifting Circuit 1 1 Mile Treadmill   Language: 0 Portuguese Lesson 0 Spanish Lesson 0 Japanese Lesson   Reading: 0 min   Meditation: 5 Min   Notes: Unexpectedly was wiped from lifting and could only walk for my cardio. I suppose something is better than nothing.   Training Notes: 2 Positives -  - Went up on all lifts  - Getting close to next phase of squats and deadlift 1 Negative -  - Legs were shot after main workout so just had to walk for cardio.
    • It is really fucking wild to go from having watched random episodes of Stargate SG-1 to then watching the movie with different actors then to starting the series from episode one. My brain is confused. 
    • Interested in HGH, Peptites to facilitate your gym work out? the time is now. reach out lets have a conversation
    • Def seeing both sides. It can lead to a lot of "I've had a hard day; I deserve this overpriced petrol station cherry ripe." Or, like yesterday, being literally too busy to stop and snack, which also isn't super sustainable. Lately it's been a mix of both 😅
    • This. We adapt and evolve and we keep going. 
    • On the one hand... OUCH   On the other.... this is kind of funny. Not very funny, because it sounds like you hurt yourself and that sucks. But a little funny. 😁
    • Be very careful with this.... you might discover that after improving the way you use the spaces in your current house, it's actually great and you don't need to move anywhere after all.  (Yes, we did that with our house. Genuinely by accident. Ooops?)     Men så trevligt att bli påminnd om hur lika norska och svenska fortfarande faktiskt är...  
    • 1. That is very fucked up and shady and should be mentioned to anyone who comes in to interview for openings, so they at least know what they're in for. 2. There's a very good possibility this is illegal. If I was in your position, I would investigate this.   And I'm sorry you've been forced to lose respect for a person you work with. That's a painful thing, and it really adds to the stress levels in the workplace. In a service job, that's especially bad. I hope you find a solution soon, and that it's one that gives you peace with your work environment again.     If your paycheck really ends up being less than what you are legally owed for your time and work, I hope you can find a way to do something about that, that you can live with. I respect your efforts to keep an open mind and to not judge her (I would not be able to!), but if she is paying you less then what the law entitles you to, then she is exploiting every single one of her employees and she is stealing from you, and that is wrong on so many levels, not the least of which is that your work is what keeps her business alive.    I will spare you the rest of my reflexive rant against employers who take scam their workers. It's very vitriolic and not in any way understanding or open-minded about it. 😇   And yeah... this is not what my very pious parents and other family members would call "good Christian behavior". They'd be horrified and start praying for her integrity if they knew.
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