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    • Sorry to hear. I also don't do well at funerals, but mostly because of panic attacks.   Don't ruminate. We have enough suffering in the present without summoning it to us from the past and the future.       No worries at all. 
    • I picked out a bunch of nude and clothed pictures with arms or sleeves for reference and did a figure study today. It's a bit fluffy in some areas. That's something that happens when I start with a line drawing and paint on a layer under it. In addition, the fingers were a bit weird and are difficult to read. And obviously I didn't spend much time on the legs and feet lol. I could sharpen it up, but that would take a lot more time and I think doing more, quicker studies is probably more valuable than spending multiple days on one piece. So I want to share even if it's imperfect.  
    • That actually makes a lot of sense. The fact that opening locks is locked behind a chunk of story is actually frustrating. 
    • The fact that employers can lower wages and let workers make up the difference with tips is morally disgusting to me. I understand that you might not want to let that anger in to your mind, though, especially since you can't really change the whole system. Much equanimity to you. ❤️ 
    • Week 3 Monday No walk, but I did get to work a couple minutes early for my meeting. Veggies. Morning candle, but I forgot evening. Did some roped climbing at the gym. No cardio, which I realized on the way home might mess up this week because of the holiday and friends visiting.
    • A) bodhran b) i can steal one with a back from the other room if i need to.  c) thanks 😄 the visible progress felt pretty good    🤘solidarity.    I can do the jewellery and the scarves and suchlike. That is about it sadly   oh, in other news. I found my noise cancelling ear plugs! Finally. They where i thought they where. Not like id already been through the drawer looking for them 3 times already or anything.  i am still claiming sock gremlins or something.    ok, ok 😆 hmm, the colour is a smidgey big off. It is brighter in person. Dont have the energy to play around in the photo editing though
    • Tuesday 2   Training: sauna and glute workout Study: painting and German Chores: various Mindbiscuits: a bit! Today was another full day by my standards. I'm managing to stay busy, and alternating sedentary activities like painting and German with light activity like walking, sauna, and housework. Doing pretty well for now.
    • Ah. I switch around a lot anyway. Except, as you say, when doing jigsaw puzzles. Then I ossify.      Thank you! I'm practically Finnish.      Thank you!     Okay, that's good to know. We're on the right track.     I'm right at the boundary of normal/overweight. Want to lose more mostly for pain, fatigue, and aesthetic reasons. 
    • Week 3 - Monday 1 Hp hit on inner demon! With a scroll (I kind of passed out)... Also a chance for a bonus movement on the board to get closer to the money reward.  10 mins meditation or be in Bed before 10
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