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    • So how about that narrative update? I don't recall where I last updated, but quick summary: They made it to the village of Barovia (I had started them by Krezk despite Death House being in Barovia because I wanted to explore the other side of the map first) They killed a vampire spawn under the chapel, and received an invite to dinner at Castle Ravenloft. They returned to the Burgomaster's house to find Ireena missing. On the way to the castle they visit the Vistani camp and get more context for their personal and group readings from Madame Eva. At the castle, they encounter numerous monsters and NPCs (including their ally, Pidlwick II), and work their way to an exit route via the teleportation brazier. They bamfed to the Tsolenka Pass, where the cold took a toll on them, as did the short lived trust of the prisoner they extricated from the castle, resulting in exhaustion and bitter feelings. When they made it to Krezk, passing Rictavio on the road in search of ancient legends beyond Tsolenka Pass, they accepted the mission of saving missing children from the werewolves . They massacred the residents who hadn't gone on a hunt, brought the children as far as the Abbey, fought several shades to have a place to sleep, and found they couldn't sleep (except one who had been too busy praying over the dead to do any looting at the den). Exhausted and still escorting several children, they stopped to speak with the Abbott who deemed Vasilka ready to be escorted to Castle Ravenloft, and he spent an hour casting Raise Dead on a child who didn't make it through the fight with shades (it also had become a shade in the night, but a Guardian of Faith zapped it before it could attack... due to being undead and re-killed, I opted for the soul to have been prevented from returning). While preparing to go down to Krezk, they group was interrupted by Strahd slowly descending the staircase, addressing them, and hopefully being very aloof and unfazed, maybe even unimpressed, but amused? Hard for me to say. But the twice exhausted cleric nearly used Hold Monsters with her amulet if not for the rested cleric insisting she NOT start a fight when he is presently not attacking. It was soooo fun. XD   Thanks for reading! Maerad
    • @electrictrailrunner that is so smart. what did you use that was safe for your face?
    • gotcha, thanks. smart to prevent bots & scammers, for sure.
    • Yes, I don't remember the exact numbers, but I believe you have to be active on the site for a little bit before you can upload pictures.
    • so weird, i don't see it! maybe it's something that unlocks after i've made a few posts?
    • Hi, you can call me Bailo! I've been on a fitness journey, and I was looking for somewhere to share my goals and help cheer other people on. This forum looks awesome, I love that you have monthly challenges that are somewhat self-lead.  I love to dance Zumba, do yoga and stretches, a little weightlifting (mostly freeweights), kayaking, and lots of walking and hiking. I'm also trying to re-teach myself Tae-Kwon-Do through YouTube videos and online resources-- I earned my black belt when I was 13, but it's the kind of thing where you should really start from the beginning if you go a while without practice, so I'm starting with white-belt forms. Even though I have a lot of fun doing these things, sometimes I have a really hard time motivating! Especially since I grew up with the stigma of being a nerd, and always kinda felt like fitness wasn't for someone like me, especially since all my friends hated working out so much. I've been on web forums since... jeez, at least 2007, so it's cool to see sites like this still alive and well! I'm excited to jump in.  Nice to meet you all.
    • Not a stupid question! Not sure on mobile, but on pc you can go to your profile page and there's a little blue photo icon on the bottom of the profile photo you can click on.   ETA: Just checked mobile, it's roughly the same. The button is just in a slightly different spot (to the left of the picture a bit)
    • this is probably a really stupid question, but how do i change my profile photo?
    • Meals/ideas for next week:   Monday - Tuesday - Walking Taco Casserole Wednesday - Steak + air fried potatoes + corn Thursday - Chicken thighs, garlic herbed orzo, green beans ** before Friday - make chicken noodle soup and bread for The Man on Friday for dinner/Saturday for lunch. Also have crackers available. Ensure there's egg whites and bagels for breakfast (choices matter) for Saturday morning should he want food. Prep all veggies and have shredded chicken on hand for Saturday's dinner Saturday - quick bread if none leftover and creamy chicken gnocchi soup
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