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    • I am glad Dave is safely back and you two have found your comfortable orbit again. It is quite delightful to read how the two of you interact with the comings and goings - you make it seem rather fluid and I'm glad for even a small level of fluidity in situations like yours.   I had pizza last night, too! Yum!   I'm very happy for the books, I know how excited they make you and it makes me excited for you. Do enjoy them and feel free to share the joy, it's always lovely to read happy things from you.
    • I very much understand just how loud the sun can be. If it weren't for all my plants in the windowsill, I'd have the blinds drawn at all times. Alas, my outdoor garden is not set up and so everything is inside (4 jalapeno, 1 purple bell, 1 green bell, 1 tomato, 5 mini roses [which came all bunched together in 1 pot and I separated them], peppermint, English ivy, bloody sorrel, Gerber daisies, and aloe vera). My stepdaughter calls me a bat because I prefer to be in the dark at all times   Also, I am very glad for James and his wisdom. He sounds a delight and I'm glad he is in tune with you enough to know what you need for support.
    • June 14: 148.3 June 17: DNW, vacation June 24: 148.3 July 1: 148.0 July 8: 150.5 July 15: 151.7   I'm going the wrong direction. Oops. I was off track Friday-Sunday due to the Man's surgery and then my travel. Starting today, I'm back on track! I have noticed a bit more bloat in the belly region but I know I'm dehydrated and haven't been eating the healthiest (focus on protein and fiber) so hopefully it'll drop off quickly and I'll feel less puffy. I've got meals planned/prepped for the week and a gym plan in place (with my gym buddy AKA Stepdaughter).
    • I have a spreadsheet where I'm tracking my goals and weekly averages. So far this month my averages are within my goals, but my daily variances are huge. Right now I'm aiming for >6k steps and <2k calories. My averages last week were 6750 and 1930. But I only actually had 2 days over 6k steps and I had two days over 2700cals.    So while I'm not way off base overall (and the scale is showing that since my weekly average weight was down 1/2lb from the prior week) i would really prefer for it to be more even.
    • Sunday July 14   I took a lazy day off. Lounged in bed reading until almost 10am then got up and moved to the couch 😆. I did make it downstairs to lift some weights at some point. If anyone is paying attention, yes, I am totally dude-bro-ing my weight sessions and skipping leg day. After I build up some consistency I will add a leg day, but my legs are already disproportionately stronger than my upper body and I want some guns. Plus OrangeTheory classes tend to have a lot of leg/glute work so I figure it evens out a bit   In the evening we had a couple of friends over to play the Pathfinder card game. We started a new version with new characters. I picked a goblin fortune teller, which is very different from my dwarven war priest from the last one (unlike another player who picked the same druid as last time 🙄)   Steps for the day were low, but calories were good   Steps - 4500 Calories - 1425 Weight - 208.6    
    • I had planned on doing the burger I got with a lettuce wrap instead of a bun and broccoli. Both are decisions I'd be happy with (I actually love broccoli) but forgot when I actually ordered and got a bun and sweet potato fries, which are amazing but not worth 450 calories when I'm already going over
    • I don't think so at this point. I've just completely lost the thread. Plus I have no imagination anyway so heavy player led just isn't good for me 😆 And I think it should be wrapping up pretty soon (ish....time is relative when you're only playing like once a month).    We'll see. One guy we had come out to look at the damage said he can do the two outbuildings for very cheap (on the sides, not as part of the roofing company he works for). Worse case scenario we use him since they're just outbuildings and don't need to be done perfectly.  As for the tree, it's not in danger of hitting anything except maybe a chain link fence. It was actually other trees, that aren't as badly damaged and don't need removed, that dropped the limbs on the outbuildings. And no matter what, we're fine. Hubs and I are DINKs and well established in our jobs/fields so this won't be a financial hardship, just annoying 
    • Agreed.  'Heat tourism' is already dumb, and this has now reached TidePod levels of stupid.   Speaking of heat, we're set to break records today in my little town, breaking the 100 degree (38C) mark on the thermometer. It's not just that the air is hot (it is). It's that the air gets hot so early and stays hot so long. Also, the sunlight just seems stronger than ever. I only go out into the sun for a few minutes here and there, but I have an active tan line around my ankles (from my shoes) and wrist (from my watch) and even at my neck (from basic crew-neck shirts). This all seems insane to me, and yes, I'm now considering weapons-grade sunblock. I've also drawn the blinds in the apartment. It's lovely to have all the natural light, but it was getting to be too much and too loud. Georgia and I went through and closed the blinds in the Library over the weekend, something we usually only do when we want to activate Theatre Mode for watching a movie, but it was warranted. The sunlight is strong and it's loud. We talked through adding tall bookcases to the Library to permanently block the windows, since we already were discussing how to manage the draft come wintertime, but we had left the windows visible for the view for now. Perhaps this is the new climate reality.     I slept for about 5 hours, finally. I'm at work and all is well enough. I am tired, but doing it. I have 20 more pages of philosophy to read, still.  All will be well.
    • Really happy with my outfit yesterday. That shirt turned out the best of all the tie-dye that I did, and the pants were fun, and comfortable and delightfully swishy.  I did get some looks that seemed less than impressed, and one lady did make a comment about me wearing a dress. Mind you, she made that comment while taking the picture for me and during our protracted discussion of future plans for the bell choir.  Also had a few people make positive comments.    Happy with what I got done yesterday. Food was cooked, laundry was washed, did some more chipping away at the living room.    Figured out what I'm going to do next about cat litter. The trays that are used with my litter box are costing me nearly $70 every two weeks. Found out yesterday that there is a reusable tray for the box! So, I can keep my fancy self-scooping box, but also drastically cut back on the upkeep cost. There are also bags with liners that can go in it, so changing it isn't going to be any harder. Excited, but wish I had looked into it more sooner.  Going to look into different crystal litter options.    I had the early start (5am) this Monday, so no walk before work. I'll hopefully be able to leave early too, but not counting on it.   Goals for this afternoon: Portion food Tidy up around tv Trash and recycling out. Fold laundry?
    • Haha I am the queen of lists aren't I hahah thanks for that reminder 😂   Yes, roxy has constantly reassured me that wanting to be alone is nothing to do with how she feels about me.   I do know that but of course it's good to hear it as well.   We love each other so much. But we are both dealing with a lot. And I think we need to speak often about our needs.   She needs time alone. That's absolutely OK!! I respect that and will do all I can to ensure she has moments of peace.   Then when we are together it's better and we can enjoy it more!   Thanks TG I am honestly just baffled at how I haven't drank. The urge has been enourmous tbh. It's been fucking hard!   Car is partly sorted. A friend loaned me half which i paid to the dealership. They have given me 28 days to pay the rest. Which is doable as I do have funds coming in.   Xx
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