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    • Greetings, fellow spider-hunter!  Be gentle with that ankle! You do not have 7 extras.
    • Hmmm...I looked back at my brief food tracking log, and it seems like I did very well with minerals and B Vitamins, a bit low on A, C, D, E, and K. May take you up on your offer later, thank you for making it. For now, I think I will start with baby steps and add 1 glass of milk into my day. And maybe go back to tracking on week days (lots of free time sitting at a computer, so easy enough to do) not worry about weekends for now, and see how things go.    Sorry to hear about the insomnia but glad that Restore Balance was a success.    This all makes me happy. May you enjoy the Day that you have already Won.
    • A little bit of good food goes a long way for nutrition! I drink whole milk for calcium (becuase brain and neurology things!) but I hear that almond milk (or even a few almonds) packs a big punch too. US folks have iodized salt, which helps for iodine, but is crap for sodium intake.  The truth is that the US diet is packed with sodium in processed foods, and if we were to eat non-processed foods with a little iodized salt, we'd be fine.     A multivitamin is always an answer, and a tempting one. The problem is that it is very difficult for the body to absorb the nutrients in a vitamin. After I read your post last night, I logged my meal: a salad of shredded kale, broccoli, and red and green cabbage (i think there's a mix of this available in a bag, no farm share required!), some cucumber, tomatoes, cranberries, and pumpkin seeds. I sprinkled black pepper on it and drizzled olive oil and red wine vinegar over it (becuase prepared dressings make my head spin). This alone was most of the nutrients on the list, and then when I logged the 1.5 cups of navy beans, it added protein and fiber. A tall glass of milk helped with calcium, of course. All this is to say one simple meal went a long way in covering the bases.  If you want to talk about this, DM me and we'll find a time to chat. I am happy to strategize ways to find simple food and help it fit into your life in supportive ways that are stress-busting, not stress-boosting. [We all have too much stress in our lives!]     Good morning, Friends. What's in the air? Who knows, but the insomnia is real.  I went to bed at 9 last night, but didn't fall asleep until nearly midnight. I wasn't stressing or worrying or scrolling or anything really. Just went to bed and thought some thoughts and the next thing I knew it was midnight. Okay, Universe, that's better than 1:30 (like the night before) or half-past three in the morning (like the night before that).   I woke up at 6:30 and had a dicey moment with the head. Spellcasting Level 1 RestoreBalance was an easy success, and it took 30 minutes of sitting in the dark, letting the day do its thing without me. When I got up, I put on my gym clothes and made tea, still not caring about the clock. Restore Balance tends to have these spillover effects: the head is better and I am at peace in my heart, and all the things tugging at my sleeve are ephemeral, including clock time, which is an illusion anyway, more of a group-hallucination than an actual thing.   I left the building around 7:15 and morning downtown traffic was really thick. I decided to walk around the block which would give me a 40' hill at the end before going in the building. I walked a mile on the track and then went to the rowing machines, which were all populated. Okay, Universe. I skipped the rowing, considered weights and just skipped that too and made my way to the steam room and sauna. In the locker room, I chose a new locker. I know it won't make any difference: the people who broke into my locker at whatever various location I've had before would also break into this one if I left things. But it felt like a better placement for me, and so tomorrow morning I'll ask the front desk to change my official locker assignment. I still probably won't leave anything in the locker overnight, but it's all good.   The feeling that I had already won the day hit me as I walked out of the locker room. This is good; this is the Way. Back at the Loft, I logged in just in time to answer a few questions. All to the good.   I have a lot going on tomorrow, but that's tomorrow. Today I pick up the farm share and that is about it. I plan on going to the butcher and picking up shrimp, or maybe salmon, depending on what looks best. The soup pot beans are a delight, and I'm glad I have them. I hope you have a beautiful day. ❤️   
    • Woohoo, well done!   I vaguely know what this is as a sewing term, but I still can't help but picture this as you brushing butter across the fabric. I guess that's one way to oil your machine.   Oooh, that would be fun! Best of luck in your search!  
    • A good feeling indeed, although it was a struggle. Will not be adding to rows next week. Could maybe add to bench, but I won't. I figure there's no point on rushing to max out just to have to drop back down to where I'm at now.   Wednesday - had a productive Spiritual Direction session. I mentioned to her how smoothly sessions are going, and she commented that she thinks it's because of all the introspective work I'm doing in between sessions. Which kind of makes me think I could do this without her, but I like her and being in Spiritual Direction is an ordination requirement, so continue on we shall. She does some Franciscan Spiritual Discipline coaching as well which appeals to me, but it's more time consuming and there just isn't room in my schedule for it right now. But it stays on my "hopefully someday" list. Missed with my Guiding Bolt attack, which is frustrating, but reminding myself that a productive session is more valuable than a fake attack against an imaginary monster.    Helped my neighbor after work for Bless points. Got some class reading done in the evening after game prep. All in all, a good day.   Today's plan - nothing urgent on my desk at work, so going to finish up a few small things and then hopefully dive into class work. Lunch break - head to the library for more class work. On the walk over, maybe lecture myself a little on the importance of staying up to date on assignments because doing two weeks of work in one is not fun.   My quarter horse is handling solitude better than I feared he might, but he's still looking lonely, so going to bump getting a second horse a little higher up on the list. Would like to get some fence work done before introducing a new animal, so after work the plan is to clean the chick brooder, put one row of decking down, and then start pulling up fence posts that are still there from when I tore down the interior fences. In the evening, game prep, maybe a little more class work depending on how much I've gotten day earlier in the day, start clearing my desk off so I have room to run Forbidden Lands tomorrow, and then a chapter or two of fun reading to close out the day.   It's kind of feeling like a lot at the moment but taking things one step at a time.  I did a bit of snooping on the county calendar, and I think the board meeting to approve a new position is Sept. 26, which is a bit of a longer wait than I had hoped for, but at least I can put it out of my head for a couple of weeks and focus on other things. It's out of my hands for now, so no use fretting over it, right?
    • Did a bunch of adulting phone calls yesterday: Annual vet appointment scheduling for 3 of the 4 cats (4th just went in May, so she's set for another 8 months) Called the screen repair guy since we have a loose panel on the lanai Chatted with the sprinkler guy since that is still ongoing (REALLY need to get the bit of lawn stuff done before he comes to repair, since that has an impact on what he'll be doing)   Also trying to coordinate some social things with the new(ish) neighbors. We've hung out with them a few times and I think we could cross over into being actual friends. There's a Beer/Bacon/BBQ thing downtown this weekend so I'm playing Cruise Director to see if folks want to go. Cross your fingers that it doesn't just pour down rain. I'm not typically one to take the lead on social things, so yay me for getting out of my comfort zone.   Did a bit of sewing yesterday and wound up mostly frustrated with the lack of light in the evening and wound up needing to rip out a lot of seams. I should just bust out my hiking headlamp so I can see WTF I'm doing. Hrmph. I'll tackle it again after lunch when I've got a minute. Note to self: Basting is your friend.   I've been going down a bit of a vintage sewing machine rabbit hole lately. My machine is about 10-15 years old (ish? I don't really remember) and makes for a good daily driver. I'd love to have something from the 50s/60s that has more metal parts, is all mechanical, and can handle more sturdy materials (canvas and denim, for example). I do a fair amount of bag making and having more durable fabrics will make for better bags, but my current machine bogs down a bit or outright refuses at certain times, so I'm up to my eyeballs in research. FB Marketplace is a giant haystack in which I'm searching.   Also, I still want a rower, though I still don't know where we'd put it... And I'm poking around the craft cutter/laser cutter spaces again. They're just so cool. Hubs thinks we could use one. I'm not sure it's worth the $$ or the space at this point.     Morning brain dump complete.
    • The hardest part is when we realise she's misinterpreting something, and her mind twisted it into the most negative thing imaginable, to NOT use reasoning. Even more so since it pretty much happens on a daily basis... 😕   Thanks! Plenty of interesting things there.   Well, she still talks to us about everything that happens, so we haven't pushed her away yet. 😅 Knowing that she's smart (and pretty much having that on paper now), seems to have been a stress reliever. Even though the results weren't a surprise to us, the "certainty" of it, seems to be a support for her now. And while it's primarily beneficial for us as parents, knowing that it's hypersensitivity and not autism, is going to be really helpful. We can shift the sharing of personal experiences from me to Mrs. Movieman and have them be more applicable. It'll also allow her psychologist to be more focused in sessions, and it's an extra angle for the people from the Student Guidance Centre here to help her when they're monitoring her in school. The referral from the psychiatrist will also help in making sure the Student Guidance Centre still provides follow-up when she switches schools next year. They apparently have a tendency to "wait and see" when a change in schools is involved. Not with her. She'll need extra follow-up even. We have a year to give her all the mental anchors she needs to get through that change. And there'll be enough follow-up to continue from there...
    • When I want to add colors I add yellow and orange along with the red ones. Hubs does a killer chili with red, yellow and orange bell peppers in it. So good. As soon as the weather breaks, I'm going to ask him to make some.   In this particular recipe, it has mild green chiles so it's got some complementary green already.
    • Yes!!! Time home alone is the best - so glad you're getting some. Also a thought I had, might it be a good step to do some of the cooking/cleaning chores together? To be clear, nothing wrong with expecting hubs/minions to do some stuff on their own, but it occurred to me while reading your update that when my sister and I lived together we used to blast music and clean the whole place. Sometimes it was fun, sometimes it was still just a chore that needed done, but at least with both of us working it all got done quicker.   Baby steps indeed.
    • I know. I think I actually said ooooo the first time I saw it.   I mean, we are laughably overbooked, but what I love about the both of us is how we are approaching it: Yep, got too much going on, and everyone keeps adding stuff to my list, sure, okay Universe, let's go. And then we also do all that and end up posting pics of us having a great freaking time, like that's why the gods made us.  HighFive, fellow badass.
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