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    • Apple -picking is a workout!  I loved learning about the socks! That is so clever!
    • What would have caused the inflammation?
    • That is so awesome.  I love the sense of glorious freedom.
    • We had a similar situation.  The insurance company claimed the roof was not damaged, but the indoor damage from "wind driven rain" was covered.  However, the indoor damages were less than our deductible, so the payout was zero.  Whomp, whomp.
    • Ahh, I think I'm probably way too rigid/structured to be able to do something like that, but I'm glad you're having fun!
    • Last couple of days have been weird.  I got hid with bizarre cravings last night.  I very specifically wanted a warm brownie sundae and loaded cheese fries and nothing else on earth would make me happy, not even something close like brownie ice cream and nachos.  After hours of deliberating how to make it happen, (including googling the menu of every local restaurant and drive-thru and checking a local bakery) I made myself eat something else.  I didn't eat particularly healthy, but still less than the calorie bomb that it would have been to go to the restaurant for what I wanted.   Then this morning, I didn't want to eat at all.  I couldn't even think about eating.  I sipped at a coffee at 8am and couldn't make myself eat until 1pm.  I ate soup and a yogurt and then a normal dinner and skipped dessert.  So weird.   My other goals are going pretty well.  I am applying some habit stacking tricks from Atomic Habits to make my shoulder therapy a little more automated and reduce the mental barriers to getting it done.  I had heard of habit stacking before, but the book breaks it down a little better so that I understood it and could apply it.  I always felt like I didn't have any routine habits to attach new routine to, but there are a few I can use for cues, like getting up and heading to the bathroom, having a cup of coffee, clearing the plates after eating, finishing the school day, etc.   In a side note, I didn't know that Nerd Fitness got a shout out in Atomic Habits!  It was the section about finding your people to support your habits.   Portraiture is coming along.  There are few days that I only do the minimum 10 minutes of drawing.   Most days, once I get started I go for 30 minutes or more.  I might try stacking that after dinner to distract from wanting a dessert.   I've been researching how to care for my wavy hair and I already saw a huge difference  in shine and shape just from changing how I handle my hair while washing it, which is huge.  I want to try some new products, too.  Finding a way to fight the frizz would be huge for my self-confidence. 
    • I muppet flail my limbs around a lot and do several step ball changes and box steps. Sometimes shuffles and kicks. A lot of jazz hands and again, muppet flailing. I don’t dance woth intention, but just kinda move like a kid and pretend I am a magical princess with a unicorn best friend, much like I did when I was 8 years old. So no one will ever see me dance and think “ wow!” But maybe like .” Wow..okay ….”     😂  
    • OK, looking at that list and it will be SCANDALOUS if i don’t do even one set of physio today. Going to get on that now.
    • It's pretty wild! I've only watched recordings of the Critical Role live shows, but if/when I get caught up, I'd love to see one in person. It always looks like there's such a crazy energy and I'd like to experience that at least once. I'm glad you had a good time!   He's amazing!
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