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    • 1 more sleep until I get to go home to my person and doggos.    Today is going to be very long. I've been up since 5:30, there's a couple thinking meetings today and we have a party after work that goes until midnight usually then I think it's an hour drive back to the hotel.     
    • Hey Sal! How did your weightlifting class go? 
    • I think the minis are wonderful! Way to go @Jarric and @Sovalis! I love the serendipitous use of light blue -- it almost seems as though the dragon and the wizard might be teammates in a party and not opponents (a low-level Philosopher-Librarian can dream).  I am definitely looking forward to when my greying hair goes ocmpletely white and resembles the wizard's gorgeous mane. Also love that our Wizard is traipsing through the grasses, as we herb-gatherers are.   I felt like garbage starting yesterday afternoon, and slept, and still felt wonky this morning, so no gym. But I did five squat holds while unloading and loading the dishwasher this morning while I was trying to get my head on straight for the day's necessary tasks, and this is good. I have tea, and the morning is happening as mornings do.  ❤️   
    • Another day of mini painting, another hex down.   Here's the one I finished on Wednesday, for those interested:    
    • Hard disagree - that is definitely amazing. Would love to see it when it's finished.
    • Thursday - W2D4 Yesterday's adventure was asking for a pay rise at work. I think it went ok, nerve wracking as it was - if you don't ask you don't get though. Will be at least a few weeks before I find out if anything's going to come of it.   Went for a gentle run first thing. It felt good, which is handy as I have Tough Mudder at the weekend and I really just wanted to take it easy and not injure anything.   Work was super busy - I'd only had 2 days off but I spent all morning clearing e-mails and working out what the hell I was supposed to be doing first. I did however get a new AI toy to play with at the end of the day, which I'm hoping will eventually make my life a bit easier.   In the evening I did very little - chilled out, watched TV, a bit of mini painting, and watched the latest episode of Taskmaster. It was nice and chilled.   No money spent, updated here, calories tracked at 2,847. mini painting done for West Marches - 4/4  .  
    • Oof the caffeine. But probably a good place to start and ease into it. 
    • It was definitely an experience! I sort of wish I'd got more involved with the community before I went - I've since joined the High Rollers Discord and it would have been cool to get to know people a bit before I went. Still had a fantastic time though.   Thank you! He was fun to paint.
    • Pull (pull ups, no weight, normal technique) 11,12,13,14,15 reps Core (toes to bar) 5   Busy at work, with kid stuff, and fixing miscellaneous problems -  but still managing to keep up with exercise.
    • Rested after work and didn't feel well, then had a late supper of tomato and rice soup. Slept well, but still feeling wiped out and "off" this morning.   No gym, because I'm not really moving much. Unloaded the dishwasher while the kettle boiled this morning, and incorporated 5 squat holds.    Saw this but of lore and thought of @Ranger Hal: In British folklore, brambles (blackberry vines) are associated with protection and boundary-setting. It was believed that passing under a bramble arch could ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune.  
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