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    • Sounds about right.   I tried the new hair products I bought and...I hate them.  It has a strong sickly sweet smell that I just don't enjoy.  I was so disappointed, but prepared myself to just endure it because I had spent the money and couldn't be wasteful.  I mentioned to my husband that I don't care for the scent, and he just casually said return them.  Like I am a villain who doesn't put up with substandard hair care products that don't make me feel confident.   So I did and bought something else to try -- and did a sniff test in the store before I bought.  The store clerk assured me they have a 60-day return policy, so I can return any of the products that don't work for me.  Sophie of Gavaldon would be so proud 😂
    • That's interesting. Anti seizure meds are used off label for severe mental illness. I learned this from Chris Palmer, who is using keto (an anti seizure intervention) for mental illness. Interesting work he's doing--he's trying to tie all the chronic modern diseases back to metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction. Doesn't work for CFS, though, AFAIK. There's a metabolic component, but it's not straightforward. Alas.   Are you going to learn to play hymns on organs? If so, I would say the secrecy aspect needs work. I hope you enjoy it thoroughly, in any case.
    • The Body by Dessa   Most of your body is water.   Also, most of your body is oxygen.   Most of your body lives in darkness because it is  the part of your body inside your body.   Some of the water that is your body will leak out  through your skin at the gym.   If you removed all of your DNA and piled it on the coffee table,  it would weigh about half a pound.   Your body is yours for as long as you’re around.  But it will last a little longer than you do.   Your body comes with thumbs that don’t seem particularly special  until someone explains them to you.   Your body is a space suit. You are not viable outside of it.    Your skeleton is a puppet wrapped up in its own strings.    Your life is a brief parole from non-existence.   Most of the cells in your body aren’t human. They’re microbes, technically not yours at all.   Your body is the holster for your name. You will have to share  your name with many other people. You will probably share  your body with some people too.   There are only two alternatives to death. But we haven’t discovered either of them yet.    
    • Friday September 20 King Nothing by 00Aquila00 Mayo trip 2 of 3 completed! Easily the worst Mayo trip so far, apparently the psychiatry department is having a turf war over treatment methodologies, and yesterdays appointment was purely an exercise in department politics. Laura is escalating while she reviews local non-Mayo options - psychiatric care is such an intense discipline with patients often unable to have a perspective on their own care, and Laura is weirdly in the psychiatric department for Fibromyalgia (FMS) treatment instead of mental health care; apparently some psych meds are effective on FMS that normally are used for anti-seizure or antidepressants. The realpolitik part of my brain thinks that these psychiatrists aren't used to women needing care while also having a voice, sorta preferring The Yellow Wallpaper as their treatment paradigm.  Copying @Harriet and launching a secret project. So far I've ordered a hymnal and I'm scouting local practice opportunities. Stay tuned for loud shit. Anniversary date night tonight!! Seeing the Twin Cities' darling Dessa play on a small stage here in Milwaukee and I'm pumped. She'll likely be rocking material from her 2023 album and some poetry from her "Tits on the Moon" collection. Liam and I both struggle with live performances generally (anxiety/boredom/cost), and when we first saw her in 2022, we were still masking/distancing while Laura's health was extra-shitty. Still worth it.  Nora Brown was put on this earth to torment me with unquenchable jealousy, What is this actual child doing, shaming all mankind like this?? Opens with a modern clawhammer take on "East Virginia", then at 5:00 there's a gut-wrenching version of "John Brown's Dream" on pre-1880's gut-strung Banjo. This hurts to watch, in the best way.  
    • I concur. I'm glad he likes the Hobbit. He's an equine of fine judgement. 
    • Oh wow, that's a lot of jellies. I like your sketch, the loose style works well. 
    • I love these! Very cute.        I feel you. Social media in leggings sounds like a great idea but then it's late and the day is gone and the social media has an odd aftertaste and was not satisfying. Nothing wrong with yoga clothes though.
    • Oh and I spent another few hours on the candidates. Mr Harriet and I are largely aligned on who is the most interesting, but his co-director has other ideas. But she was too busy to read their publications, so she is judging by the research proposals. Mr Harriet insists on paying for my editing and other work. So now I can buy LEGGINGS! Which is what an exhausted villain needs. Leggings with pockets. That's what I want.
    • Thursday lifting - no - I need to address the trend here.  I've had good momentum this summer and I do not want it to slip now. 1/4 Calories - yes - doing well this week. 4/7 Kneehab - no - I don't know what to do about this. 0/5   So, this week is not going so well.  😞
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