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    • back leg rsises 🐝 clenchies 🐝
    • That's good to hear.     I don't mind cables. Beehives are just cables. But my main problem is that hand knits stretch out considerably, so I don't suppose these would look good except for that initial photograph.
    • Core (toes to bar) 5 reps, then immediately squat (BW) 5 reps. Did that 4 or 5 times over the day.   Feeling a bit sick. Early night tonight.
    • we are having the most immense storm here at the moment. Defiantly opening storm season with a bang this year. Lots of lightning and incredibly heavy rain. We have had to have the lights on all morning because it was so dark.    Just realised I've kind of let most of my goals slip a bit …oops?   having guests over has completely thrown everything out of whack too vis a vis trying to not inhale treats 😆 it is difficult to say no when we all go for ice cream.   so. Trying to get back on track a bit. Put some stuff in the rehoming box (which felt good as it was stuff i wanted shot of but the family was of the opinion i should keep. I am taking the villain option and just slinging it in the box, guilt free)   am going to try and get the clear the tbr book shelf back online. Have made a small pile i want to read through next. I struggle to tandem read things (my brain does not work this way) so that is clearly a dead end option (but i tried it, so now i know). just finished Phantasma (amazing book btw, highly recommend) so i am going to to pick a soft back to dig into next.  using the book as as daily gratitudes has been nice. Is quick, feels positive and also less of an afterthought when it’s in its own book. Haven't done the first journal entry yet. Suspect I'm kind of putting it off slightly (chief procrastinator here).       
    • Uh, super smelly product is the worst. The brand ive found that works for me i can only buy their unscented line for this exact reason. 
    • Actually, what i found helped was ditching the brush and either switching to a wide toothed comb or finger combing when it was wet whilst conditioning it (i avoid combing when dry). Solved the issues with tangles and frizz so fast for me. 
    • Ooh, those are cool. My brain is going “oh my god that would be such a complex knit. Look at all the cables and beehive!”    awkward hip dimensions are a pain. Have been trying to find a new pair of shorts all summer that dont look utterly horrible. So far no luck
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