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    • 2024 - Year of Progression Word of the Year: Consistency  Sleep: 15 Hrs Weight: 237.3 lbs. Water: 1/4   Meals:  11:00pm - Coffee, Cereal 2:00pm - Diet soda, Chicken, pasta 5:00pm - Diet Soda, PB Bar 6:00pm - Diet Sods, Turkey wrap   Fitness: Rest Day   Meditation: 5 Min   Notes: Worked 4 hours today, on a Sunday, to prepare for an early morning Monday meeting, just to have it canceled. Done with the whole arrangement.   Put out some more résumé’s Sunday, hopefully I get some traction somewhere else.
    • Saturday was a minimal day as predicted, but it rained all day so no walk for me.  I did get some costume testing started. But is was a low emotional day, probably increased by the reactions and the rain, so I just had to role with it.  Did finish up a video game and spent way too much time scrolling.   Sunday was better.  Grocery store adventures for meal prepping.  Problem: one of my favorite snack chips was on sale.  time to test myself on portion control.  Got in a decent run...  took some pics along the way.  dramatic effects of a lingering storm.  Good kite day   The colors were practically glowing in the grey morning   Monday is going to be a playground workout, in the brisk autumn weather that made a sudden appearance.  Actually preparing the planned lunches, chicken and mushroom pasta loaded with veg.   Bonus: I spotted a new Meetup game group starts this week.  I think I would prefer to be in at the start, so must go rsvp and plan for Wed evening social time
    • I didn't check in at the start of this challenge as I was away, but I did do measurements at the time, and wanted to update now I've completed another goal (and the one that's probably been on my mind the most... unsurprisingly if you know me but at all...!)   Goal #1: chin up: I think maybe I've stalled a bit on this - will look in the next challenge to up whatever muscles I need plus work on getting lighter (see also goal #6) Goal #2: measurements: yep, did at the start, much of a muchness still which is OK Goal #3: bang 50x: I only gone and done this, wahooo!  Goal #4: will: this was corrected, signed and returned - the only thing outstanding is a letter to my executors which I've started but want to finish and put in like google docs or something so I can update as needed (but they'll have access to view) Goal #5: job: starting next week! Goal #6: 11st: mainly - am drifting between just under and just over but have also been completely not counting calories so I'm OK with that. I'm probably going to put calories back into next challenge as it'll help goal #1 Goal #7: books: well now there are four on the bedside table... just going to keep working on this one! Goal #8: crafting: as goal #7, more gets added but I'm not too worried - I'm working through as and when I feel like it/need things, and the 'bigger' items like the hoverboard are kinda done   So I should have goal #4 completed by next challenge, and the others are kinda ongoing-y things except goal #1 which I think will take more work. Overall I'm very happy with my progress this year as we roll on into Autumn ❤️ 
    • Yeah, the former. It’s like, ‘omigod thank you SO much-ah!’ With your mouth open at the end.
    • It sounds like you’ve had a really busy and challenging time! It’s great that you’re staying on top of your physical therapy and tracking your progress, even if it’s a bit overwhelming. Logging your workouts and noting any pain will definitely help when you meet with your PT next week. Regarding your Invisalign, it can be frustrating when things don’t go as planned, especially with the added uncertainty about the timeline. I can relate to the struggle with TMJ treatments; sometimes it takes a bit to find what works best for you. If you’re considering options like Botox for TMJ, make sure to discuss your experiences and frustrations with your dentist or injector—they may have insights or adjustments that can help. Hang in there, and remember that it’s okay to prioritize self-care during this hectic time!
    • That is an elegantly simple plan.  Following
    • FINAL WEEK IN MY CURRENT JOB! I do have a lot to get done, but also feel OK about it - I really want to front end as much as possible as Tues/Weds I have the all-day quarterly planning meetings and I don't want Thu/Fri to be awful, esp as I'm on site both days and likely to be chatting a bunch Saturday we had chorus coaching from an actual west end performer - she was in the original Avenue Q and did some amazing stuff with us. Much excite for our competition next month! I did my physio while I was there, and am giving myself a bonus as there were SO many snacks and I was really very sensible. Annoyingly though I did start scrolling for a bit before remembering that I should not be.   Yesterday... omg guys, as of yesterday I have completed my roadmap goal #3 🙌 so I am definitely giving myself a bonus for that! Did my physio before I left and did not scroll when I got home, woop for full marks!     Saturday: 2pts Yesterday: 3pts Total: 26pts
    • If you want to study bible then this is the best website for you nybiblestudy
    • As fun as it could be with being an outside in a tight knit group when you are an awkward introvert lol.   Made it home alright! 
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