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    • It is more important that you take care of yourself and not get mentally stuck than it is that you spend an hour on the forums making sure everyone else is okay. Our friendship is not based on you taking take of everyone else, you have worth and value and are appreciated for who you are as you are.  💜   
    • Sorry for the double post, but just thought about this. I planned to do pistol squats every day this month, and that lasted all of a day. Today I realised that's it's been nearly a full month since that decision. Do you want to team up on this; I'll do my daily pistol squats for my knee if you do your daily kneehab?
    • Consistency is the most important thing, so if working out with your wife makes you more consistent at doing the thing I think you've probably got plenty of time to tweak the specifics.
    • My wonderful fiance once said   It me, found my challenge on the last page this time.   Things at work continue to be crazy and quite frankly, I'm not convinced everyone's fully realized I'll be gone by the end of the week. Most people joke about how I'll be gone, but my employer just gave me a new case to see through. This morning of Wednesday, when I'm leaving in 3 days. Also my replacement did not, despite her original statement of intent, show up a week early to learn the ropes before she officially starts next week. Thus, I put my foot down and said I'll finish this one last major legal document I need to see through, then focus the rest of my time in prepping files to be handed over; come Monday, I'll show up to get paid, hand off my cases to the new girl and say my goodbyes. Doesn't sound like I really got through to the man in charge, but that's his problem. I'm on my way out and I've been acting like this isn't the case for far too long if you ask me.   Now, let's update that list Sort out my proof of address papers Translate my latest energy bill Have the translation stamped and certified by a fellow lawyer Mail everything alongside my passport pictures (already have those) Get an acceptable birth certificate The certificate has been issued and we checked with the Scots that it's good enough to satisfy their kink for fresh blue stamp ink. My parents are visiting before their trip to Armenia and Georgia (using the offer I got them for last year's trip to Jordan they never had) so they brought me the physical paper.   Let my accountant know when to terminate my tax and insurance ties Call and ask if I can suspend my bar membership instead of requesting a release. Ask what happens with my trainee. Pull the trigger on tax and insurance termination. Take termination papers to the local bar association.   I just signed and stamped the papers for my trainee, who's showing up later today to pick them up. I also issued my monthly invoice towards my employer. I'll be notifying my accountant to pull the trigger on Monday. Have my cats transferred to their new home Relative to Case 5 below, I'm meeting the friend (who's supposed to look after my cats) tomorrow, introducing him to the girl from the office who'll see his case through. I aim to also ask him about the cats, but given how late we are into this and how many things he's still got pending, I've made my moves so I have options to fall back on. I contacted the guys next door, who are also gradually moving out, to call for a goodbye meeting this weekend. I do plan to ask those staying behind if they can look after my cats, at least for October till my man returns from the trip to see his dying grandma. If that falls through as well, I have a third person that's offered to drop by my flat every couple of days to check up on the cats, until a more permanent solution can be found. Last but not least, seeing how well my parents seem to be getting on with the cats during this latest visit, I'm thinking of bringing up the topic of them possibly having them over at my hometown at some point. Finalize the sale of my car Receive payment Do the transfer of ownership paperwork Hand over car, keys etc I'm told it's as good as sold. Still, not striking this out till it actually is. Pack my things Sounds like a problem for next week's D_R Make arrangements regarding household bills Still not done this, but there is time. Wrap up my personal cases Case 1 Make sure someone checks my mail and notifies me when a certain letter arrives. The rest can be done online and remotely. Notify my client I'll be living in a different country? Still waiting for the letter, still need to sort this out as part of arrangements for my mail and any bills that are still coming in physical format. Case 2 Re-check the lawsuit I've drafted Get the payslip required Mail it to be submitted Make sure a copy of the submitted lawsuit is properly served to the other party Sort out a subsequently required mediation process Let my client know I'm leaving Appointment was done and it went good, now the papers have officially received a number in the office and assigned to someone, so as far as I'm concerned, it's off my hands. All I need to do is keep checking up on them and adding pressure to make sure they'll see it through instead of leaving it on indefinite hiatus. Case 3 Figure out the process and how it involves the client's sibling (see Case 4) Inform them of my departure See if I need to do something else or if I can hand this over No progress made here, but I really should make a call sooner rather than later. I'll try to get it done within the day, likely when I'm gone from the office Case 4 See how this client is involved in Case 3 See how the 2 pending cases before the court of appeals can be technically handed over to another lawyer Inform client of my departure Hand over case documents Same as Case 3, it's kind of a package deal really Case 4 Call the Courthouse employees and ask what happens in this procedure Inform client of my departure Hand over case documents Think I'm doing this next week when I'm gone from work. Case 5 Serve the papers I've submitted Make sure the lawyer I have in mind is indeed interested in seeing this through If so, bring them in contact with client Make arrangements (they both already know I'm leaving) As mentioned, made arrangements for tomorrow. Quite frankly, it's so last minute there isn't really an option for anyone else to see this through, so I'm just handing the papers over and going for a post-work drink. Case 6 Ask Courthouse employees about the technicalities of a lawyer change at this stage of the process Add some final missing papers into the case folders Inform client of my departure Hand over case documents Between my parents still being around and wanting to go out for dinner tonight before they depart, and having to call Case 3+4 clients after work today, I'm putting this on my schedule for tomorrow. I'll mail the guy, he's quite talkative and bound to call me, so I don't have the social mana to handle everything in one day.   Doesn't feel like much progress, especially since I haven't taken my foot off the pedal at work, but striking out stuff and updating now does give me a sense of progress. The work thing also means I have less resources to tackle my personal non-work issues still pending, but at least I'm trying to sort those out too in whatever capacity I am capable of.
    • I often have to fight myself to go to social gatherings, and I almost always come away glad I went having enjoyed myself.
    • Rest is a vital part of muscle building 💜
    • Sorry to hear about the anxious day; I hope that today brings you more calm and a quieter mind.
    • Yeah, I'll take a solid B!   Thank you! I spent a lot on Tuesday, but knocking out all of those little days of a quid here, couple of quid there, does add up as well. I worked out the other day that if I can save £1.50 every day by not buying a bottle of coke, that's £550 in a year that I'm better off by, and that makes it feel rather more significant.
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