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    • Yep, same dish, but mine is made with large-flake oats and cooked a little drier, until pretty much all the liquid is absorbed, so it looks much more textured. Also I always have it with raisins and brown sugar, yum!   Yesterday I also remembered a little bit of pumpkin spice paste that’s been hanging around the back of the fridge since last fall. Still good! I will have to make up another batch soon, though, there’s only one or two coffees’ worth remaining. 
    • I went out of town for the weekend, so that threw everything off.  I should be able to get it tonight; I will report later.     I'm calling a Mulligan.  Tracking has been really problematic, for all for all of my goals.  I'm going to try to stay in touch here, and do the best I can to stay consistent with things, but I'm not worrying about percentages until next challenge starts up.  There's just too much going on right now, and I need to devise a better system if I'm going to not only consistently do the things, but also consistently report on them.    
    • Ooh that is the worst.  almost as bad as when they try to jam all the rest of the story into the last chapter of the book.    i have several series i am not starting yet as i need book 2 to come out first
    • Way to go. Sounds fab.     awesome music choice by the way. Love hozier. 
    • Yep.  That feeling when there aren't enough pages to cover how much story is still left. 😫
    • I heard about this and I think it’s such a cool idea! I might give it a try in the new year, I’m on a Spooky Classics kick right now with Le Fantome de l’Opera in progress and Carmilla waiting in the wings. 
    • Many vids of live alligators  in actuals bar rooms?
    • 😱nooo. I hate it when that happens. 
    • I just finished this one yesterday and it was really good.  Fair warning:  it is not a standalone, so I am now anxiously awaiting the sequel.
    • Today was slow but nice. Pretty washed out (still have the corner of a headache).  Kind of have that fuzzy post migraine feeling so took it easy today.   went for lunch with my brother and picked a healthy (grilled) option as i still cant exercise in any meaningful way.  poked around a few charity shops and managed to score a new long sleeved top, Black with orange botanicals on it, Which will be good for the winter.    rehomed one of my old and very worn out jumpers i had been keeping in the bottom of my chest of draws “just incase” to my mother (for gardening). So one less thing i never wear in there.       
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