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    • But how do you keep the books from getting damp? This is potentially distressing. Please tell me there's magic bookshelves.
    • It’s time for a Weekly Review! Saturated Fat: I’ve been hitting 18 grams most days this week, but today I got 28. We had giant ice cream cones! Worth it! Fiber: approximately 20 grams a day this week. I’m pretty happy with this, because I didn’t use any supplements this week.  Strength training sessions:  I got one good one in this week. I’m not stressing about it because I’ve done a lot of heavy lifting around the house for fall cleaning.    Not: Brooding- Oof, I was MOODY this week. I blame hormones and not spending enough time on self-care.  Not weighing in- RIGHT ON No Perfect weeks: I forget this, and then I remember when I review the week. I need to put this on a post-it on my bedroom door so I see it when I face the day   What I loved about the past week: I got a LOT done this week. We’re getting a lot cleaned up and starting to see some of that streamlining we keep talking about doing   What I’m looking forward to next week:  I’m really looking forward to finishing an art piece and finding out if my high school reunion is canceled or not. I’m kinda hoping it is. The weather is cooling off too, which makes me SUPER HAPPY!   Turns out we definitely have two leaks. One is coming from the outside, which will be fixed. One is coming from the dishwasher, which hopefully is also an easier fix. Sigh. I’m not thrilled but here we are. Calling the plumber tomorrow!
    • This is my plan for tonight and it is keeping me going  
    • Week 4 Roundup Main goals Seek and defeat evil: 🌟 Patrolled the nearby woods and defeated several minor demons Regain spells: 🌟 Lesser restoration: 🌟 Buff the party! Protect the party coffers:  Side Quests: 🌟🌟 Satisfy the Alderman: 🌟   Bonus Patrol the Hinterlands: 🌟🌟 Rode out to the Labyrinthine Grove and wandered some of the lesser-walked back trails, then consorted with friendly ghosts on the path home Long Rest: 🌟 spent time spinning and listening to restful music 🌟 Flower bed maintenance    ☕️ 4/5 💪🏻 4/5   Running total: 36 🌟   Cutting sugar from my coffee and tea isn’t happening reliably on Mondays, but it is happening reliably one or more mornings and evenings so I’m counting it. The goal is to mix things up so sweetener becomes something I’m more comfortable taking or leaving. I also decided to take a star for the maintenance I did on the front flower beds - I initially planned to dig out a third bed, but I barely had enough dirt and native wildflower seeds to put a fresh layer on the two beds I have partly established so I’m just going to focus on those for another year. Last year, almost nothing came up. I think it’s because we had a warm spell in late January-early February, so things germinated, and then a hard freeze (around -10C, which is Very Cold here).      I didn’t fit in a dedicated strength workout as I usually try to, but I did some bodyweight and dumbbell exercises in between life stuff. I also ran twice, 5k after work on Thursday and a very slow 8k at the medium-far lake where I always get lost on the trails on Saturday, and fit in a short yoga practice after Thursday’s run. My foot hasn’t been bothering me basically at all! I’m a bit worried about jumping from 8k this week to the 11k trail race I’m doing on the 26th, but I work hard to be in the kind of shape where I can just do it, even if I end up walking a fair bit. But like. The 8k run in the Labyrinthine Grove was preceded by a 40-minute bike ride, which does take some energy even on a flat rail trail, so probably by race day I’ll be up to the challenge.    After my forest run, I stopped by a Halloween craft fair in the neighbourhood. I was looking up the directions from the lake and read that they’d have a professional photographer on site and suddenly felt so Rong in my plan to just show up in my running gear, maybe with a weird art t-shirt over my tank top, when probably lots of people would be in costume or gothic finery - I almost bailed on the plan! But a potter whose work I adore and don’t own yet was going to be there AND they were offering a little discount for newsletter subscribers who wished them a happy birthday and the lure of a 10% discount was huge. I was definitely underdressed compared to most people, but one artist recognized my shirt and we chatted about how great that artist is while I was picking out stickers. There was so much amazing stuff! Lots of reclaimed skeletons and insects, gorgeous miniatures, nerdy shit, even a couple artists doing flash tattoos! I’m still riding high on the dopamine hit from seeing so much awesome art! I overspent my budget…I had some cash and had made a plan for how much to spend on my card, but I used some cash at a stall where the card reader wasn’t working and then didn’t have enough cash for the mug…so I charged that and then was like “ehhh, might as well spend this cash!” I recognize that I have not been succeeding at my budgeting challenge, but if you can believe it, it’s still helping a lot and has made a noticeable difference. This challenge I should only be over by a tiny bit, much better than my first try.    Anyway, here’s a few pics from my run as well as most of the craft show haul (if you’re on my IG you’ve probably seen these already, haha).      Came home to bake a cake and host board games. Most people wanted to play Legendary, which only goes up to 5 players (we had 6 in attendance). I suggested a few things for a second table, but no one was that into other games so in the end I decided to set up my paints on the second table. It worked pretty well except that Legendary is extra hard with 5 players and the two novice players were a bit disheartened. I did some good work on My Little Zombie, though.        This week my chamber choir is back into rehearsals for our winter shows. I had asked the choir director if it was possible to get the music ahead of time…he finally sent it out at like 8pm Saturday when our first rehearsal is Monday at 7, so I guess I’m not going to be able to show up with the notes all learned. I’m only singing in one December show, though, so I’ll have extra time since the two shows are alternating Mondays through October and November. 
    • I have just eaten an apple under an autumnal tree. Not that autumnal, but I'm doing what I can here.     Welcome to the kaffeeklatsch. Hot chocolate is definitely good for mental health.     Well, that is adorable. And cats do indeed have the right attitude.
    • Oooh yes please! I enjoyed seeing your white dragon over in the West Marches!
    • Those pants are fun! Your outfit and nails are making me smile and it looks like they’re doing the same for you, perfection!
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