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    • Also I got another cat (Norrell was lonely, we have a little girl now, about a year and a half old. We thought she was a kitten because of her size but she's just tiny)   Annnnnd got some fish    
    • Also, the Challenge 0 thing....I'm doing essentially a hard reset. The Atlanta trip is next weekend (leaving Friday after work) which coincides with when the next challenge here starts    For finances the first thing I'm doing is finishing up debt payoff, I have like...$2500ish to pay back. That'll be done by February. The intent is to still be putting some money aside for the move    The other big thing I need to do is get the car refinanced into my brother's name because he's the one driving it and his event over the birthday weekend scared me. If he does something in that car it'll be on me because the car is registered in my name. That's what happened last time soooo...yeah gotta fix that   Fitness is the other thing bc again i really hate my body right now and I want to be fit and strong. For that I'm using dumbbells and walking and I actually found out there's a rock climbing area here so I'll be checking that out
    • Heyooo I'm posting so late I'm gonna wind up just moving this to the new forums in a week oops   Soooooo I'm Maggie, some stuff has Happened and i haven't been around here consistently at all. Quick catch up:   Not really relevant, but have adjusted my lgbtq+ identity. Still asexual but am also definitively lesbian, also genderqueer/nonbinary. Still don't care what pronouns people use for me. Been experiencing what I guess is considered dysphoria. That's been interesting.   Turned 28. Had a really, really, really shitty experience involving some sexual harassment but I think i handled it pretty well.    Diagnosed with Bipolar 2 but I think that was before I fell off the forums. Currently managing that decently with meds   Going to Atlanta pride next week Got my hair died for the first time   Next month will be one year at my job, I do all the customer service at the insurance agency I work for. I'm very good at my job.    I like to paint and craft and go to the beach, I want to visit the mountains.   The weekend of my birthday, my brother attempted to attempt suicide (he had a plan, but part of the plan was interrupted, so he called to tell me he couldn't figure out how to proceed) so he was briefly hospitalized and is now on meds and has appointments with a counselor...I'm hoping things improve because home life has been abysmal of late   I have plans to move out in 2026, moving to New York (I'm in Alabama right now) to move in with my girlfriend. That's mainly a matter of finances and saving up   I'm also making plans to visit new york either next month or in 2025 depending on how the timing works out    My main goals are fitness and finances and I'll be addressing those some more later on but just wanted to make this catch up post 
    • It is a magic bookstore, so I assumed the magic bookshelves and magic-induced climate control in general was a part of the concept.
    • But how do you keep the books from getting damp? This is potentially distressing. Please tell me there's magic bookshelves.
    • It’s time for a Weekly Review! Saturated Fat: I’ve been hitting 18 grams most days this week, but today I got 28. We had giant ice cream cones! Worth it! Fiber: approximately 20 grams a day this week. I’m pretty happy with this, because I didn’t use any supplements this week.  Strength training sessions:  I got one good one in this week. I’m not stressing about it because I’ve done a lot of heavy lifting around the house for fall cleaning.    Not: Brooding- Oof, I was MOODY this week. I blame hormones and not spending enough time on self-care.  Not weighing in- RIGHT ON No Perfect weeks: I forget this, and then I remember when I review the week. I need to put this on a post-it on my bedroom door so I see it when I face the day   What I loved about the past week: I got a LOT done this week. We’re getting a lot cleaned up and starting to see some of that streamlining we keep talking about doing   What I’m looking forward to next week:  I’m really looking forward to finishing an art piece and finding out if my high school reunion is canceled or not. I’m kinda hoping it is. The weather is cooling off too, which makes me SUPER HAPPY!   Turns out we definitely have two leaks. One is coming from the outside, which will be fixed. One is coming from the dishwasher, which hopefully is also an easier fix. Sigh. I’m not thrilled but here we are. Calling the plumber tomorrow!
    • This is my plan for tonight and it is keeping me going  
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