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    • Thank you for this comment. It helps that my brother also finds him exhausting. I was grateful to Mr Harriet for taking him on a long bike ride. And a car trip up a mountain.     Thank you. That's what I'm doing now ❤️      Hello darling. I'm sick, but okay. I've had the cold I got from my brother for long enough that it has turned into a sinus infection. Alas. But I'm not unhappy.
    • Skipped #4 and #5 and probably won't go back to do them later (just not feeling it), but here's this one. Not thrilled with how it turned out, but drawing all the trees was fun.
    • If you don't turn yourself inside out to manage fragile men and our feelings, who will Sil? Who will?!     Sometimes I see people from way back when and they're exactly the same, and I get sad that they didn't grow with me. Probs they grew in ways I can't see and it's mostly my view of them that didn't grow, but still makes me feel sad sometimes when I'm reconnecting.      How dare you make lifestyle decisions that don't implicitly comfort him that his choices are best? Lol      Jesus, that's a demanding task, and for a worthy cause too
    • Sneaky exercising officially gives you a level in Rogue. I don't make the rules.
    • I'm a little upset about those pants, they came out so beautifully that they're giving me clothing compersion, and that's the only word that will accurately describe my emotions atm. However god does kill at least one kitten every time someone uses poly neologisms, so, RIP kittens but those pants are amazing.
    • Your blending on those pumpkins is puuure autumn. It's been fun/impressive seeing your sketches develop over the last few months. How'd the soup turn out?
    • One of my first projects was a dobby hat knit flat. It was basically a big triangle. Not very flattering. But in the advanced search, you can go to filter "attributes" -> "construction" -> "knit flat". There seem to be some great options now.   You may have to learn how to seam though. It's not difficult.
    • Monday October 7 The Kennet Trio by AugustBorne I repent in dust and ashes for enjoying beetlejuice 2 (please enjoy any art you like, this is me being silly). I watched Beetlejuice 1 for what turns out to have been the first time and it had so much heart. I somehow thought the sequel movie was a sequel to the cartoon series and it did pass muster as a live-action adaptation to a cartoon. Not that Beetlejuice 1 was such a cerebral masterpiece that 2 failed it, 2 actually nailed the vibes perfectly. But the heart of 1 and the weird poly-family ending was so delightful, and 2 couldn't touch that.     Interesting weekend with me sorta burnt out from an insane workweek and still trying to keep an aggressive pace with hobbies and coming up with not enough brain cells to function. Side-effect of having medical support around executive-function and me still learning skills around executive-function fatigue management. Sunday I took rest seriously and laid low, but still managed to get a light workout before attending a "book club" get together. Did I have an alarm set for a goodwill auction I was watching that went off in the middle of things? Yes. Was it surreal extracting myself for a quick Goodwill shopping moment, in the middle of a spirited "book discussion"? Possibly. Was there a shy late-comer hanging out by the discarded clothes and phones that i had to step around to place my bid on goodwill, and meanwhile realize that this fellow was a "straight" gent that i distantly knew through my former in-laws? Maybe. Life can be very strange, but I got a New World Celt Tartan with tags on for $17! Last Mayo Clinic trip of the week coming up on Thursday/Friday, and I'll be running a panel discussion on Friday while working from the hotel. Pray for me, now and in the hour of my teams presentation.
    • Hats don't need to be knit in the round, if you don't mind a beginner vibe. You knit (or crochet) a rectangle that wraps around the head and goes a fair bit above it, seam it up into a tube, then gather one end of the tube and stick a pompom on it, and you have a bobble hat.     The seam and gather is a bit lofi, but whatever, it's a homemade hat. Beginners can do it with a simple rectangle.
    • I think small circumference knitting will frustrate you if you have never knit before. I feel that you will have better luck with a flat pattern to start. Can I tempt you with a doctor who scarf, slightly reduced in size for sanity?   https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/super-reduced-original-doctor-who-scarf  
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