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    • Such a busy day.   So much driving.   A big meeting in one city. Then drove to another for therapy.   Home, cup of tea, leftovers for dinner, and The Sopranos.   X
    • How do I do it? I'm new here, thanks!   Ooh it's now showing up to change it! 
    • Oooh, I have a 3 day weekend (4 technically, but Monday does not count because that is Next Challenge time) so should easily be able to fit in walk and/or run.  Wasn't really on my radar, but it does seem like a good idea. And the DMs do it again! Magic, I tell you.
    • Morning   Waked and baked this morning, got the kiddos up and off to school. Came home, took the dog out for a walk, ate brekky, did chores and worked out my upper body.    I laugh at myself bc I used to say "I strength trained" but I only use 7lb dumbbells. But last week I used 5lbs, so 7lbs is an upgrade I guess. My goal is to use 10 lbs weights.   Lately I've really been into fitspo and am excited to gain muscle and tone up! I've been watching bikini prep videos and I have a goal to compete one day. I've also been watching the biggest loser, it's really motivational for me.    
    • Week 4 water goal 3/5= 0 points started feeling sloshy, and tired of drinking that much this week mornings 4/5 = 250 points Strength bonus goal unlocked = 200 points Bonus tracking food  3 days = 200 points total points for this week= 650 total for 4 weeks=1,850   If I hit both my water and morning goals I will manage 2,350, which is almost a win.I will have to track food to earn  the bonus to give me a complete win.  I haven't tracked food so far today. We will see how it goes. I'm not super feeling it. I will  see if I can find the energy at least get a second level win Godzilla seems to have unlimited energy. He just keeps fighting. And he is stronger than any other opponents the Incredibles have ever faced. Elastigirl is fighting valiantly, but she is also growing weary. Does she have the stamina to stay in this fight? Can she find the energy and strength to vanquish Godzilla? Only time will tell.  Scoring goals coring less than 1,500 :Metropolis is destroyed:Godzilla wins 1,500- 1,999 Godzilla is still fighting. The Incredibles have done some damage, but Godzilla barely notices 2,000- 2199 Godzilla is getting wobbly. He has slowed down his rampage.  2,200 -,2,549Godzilla is fading. The Incredibles have managed to slow him down . He is no longer throwing buildings and cars, and seems a bit wobbly on his feet 2,550+ncredibles win.  Godzilla flees and will never again return to Metropolis    
    • I'm still alive. I've just been chilling and doing whatever I feel like (youtube, video games, short walks). Plus my brother asked for 10 illustrations for a work project. He said I would have two weeks, but then he procrastinated, then he broke up with his terrible new boyfriend and has been distraught for several days, so I got the prompts today and I have three days left. Well, two days now. Mr Harriet is back in Seehausen (south of Munich) because he is now completely addicted to cycling and cannot cope without it. But he fell off his bike and called an ambulance today. He will need stitches and a scan. I found some mental health and life advice videos on youtube, and recommended them to my brother, who then went and bought a module (an online mini course, I guess) on trauma from the maker, and recommended it to me. So I bought it, too, and am watching it. Maybe I will learn something.   I am reflecting on whether I have been mistaken about what is in my control, and what is not. I still have lingering thoughts that I may be lazy and could have tried harder. But whatever. I need a path forward, which means I need a plan that *works* not a plan that is righteous. I am thinking about small things with immediate feedback: walking and stretching reduce my joint pain so I can sleep better (my pain has gotten worse, extremely gradually, over the last several years. Snail style stealth attack). Switching between different kinds of leisure (listening, reading, watching) could help my mental fatigue and be nice. I might look for sources of input other than health and diet content.
    • A little about me.    I'm cupcake and I'm a stay at home mom, happily married with 2 kids. I just discovered this awesome site! I'm a recovered anorexic who is now into fitness and good nutrition to gain muscle. I have been working out with light weights for 2 weeks and am loving every moment of it.    Stats 5'3 Cw- 140 Gw- 130 but look toned   I come from an anorexic forum and am just tired of trying to starve myself, then I binge and it's just not good. I have a good grasp now on my nutrition. I eat 1800 cals, get 23k-25k steps a day and workout 6x a week. 3 upper body days and 3 lower body days   What to expect:   Day to day chats about my life and how my fitness and nutrition is going. I like to post 2x a day, morning and evening. I weigh once a week for my sanity and am aiming for .5 lb loss a week.    I love watching bikini competitions for motivation to keep working out.    That's it, wish me luck I stick with this and do not relapse!
    • I admit, I gave a brief thought to rhyming with binoculars on Friday and just wasn't feeling it. Will jump back in soon though, you guys are all doing amazing stuff!
    • Thank you for this comment. It helps that my brother also finds him exhausting. I was grateful to Mr Harriet for taking him on a long bike ride. And a car trip up a mountain.     Thank you. That's what I'm doing now ❤️      Hello darling. I'm sick, but okay. I've had the cold I got from my brother for long enough that it has turned into a sinus infection. Alas. But I'm not unhappy.
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