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    • I looooooove that you seem to enjoy the lifting so much! How great that you've found your Thing! You're so strong already and will only get stronger 🤩
    • For the fitness portion of things I have this, it's like a planner with daily workouts in it
    • As much as I would like to, I don't think I am ready to start running again this year.  I want to do more of what I spent the summer doing (strengthening a weak shoulder for swimming) but for my feet/ankles/posterior chain.  I think I need to do a lot of auxiliary strengthening before I start running this time, rather than start running, expose a weakness, and try to rehab while increasing run mileage.  
    • Yay!  *plays epic walking music*     I love this imagery!  And today was definitely more like the golden chariot.   I got in an early morning walk and then a mid-afternoon swim and I just love, love where my head was at all day.  Food has been on point and my hair was super cute even after the pool.    I am learning not to go too overboard with all the products I'm trying.  The last few experiments left me with really oily wash day hair (which is entirely counterpoint).  So, I ditched the finishing oil and reduced the leave in conditioner and it looks much better.  Next month, I might try a lighter hold product than the gel, but I'm trying to work with what I have for now.
    • Doooo eeeet!    Well, i mean obviously a orthopedic surgeon knows more about it than I do, but if it's stopping you from doing multiple things you like, maybe looking at extra work you can do to strengthen the muscles in your foot so they aren't so collapsey, as well as stretches to decrease tightness, might help prepare the feet so that if/when you decide to take it up you'll be more prepared. Saying your foot isn't designed for strain is like saying your arms aren't designed for weight lifting because they're not strong. There'll be exercises you can do to make them more capable. Maybe start by googling exercises for people who are recovering from fractures in their feet and see where you go from there...?    Just a thought from someone who got his medical training from the school of hard knocks, the university of life and the kindergarten of making ill-informed comments on the Internet after two glasses of vinho verde. 
    • No one should fault you for having your priorities in order.    Congratulations! Looks sharp.   St. John Chrysostom is apparently the patron saint of preachers, orators, and lecturers, so possibly your best bet. If it goes poorly, switch to St. Jude  the patron saint of lost causes and desperate situations...
    • So, this was several years ago now (I was Phoenix Burning on the forums back then).  I did see an orthopedic surgeon about it and his solution to end the pain was "get a bike".  He basically said my feet were not made for running: hyperflexibility, no arches, etc etc.  I gave him the metaphorical finger at the time and kept trying to run for several more years. I eventually found more joy and less pain in trail running at shorter distances (12k or less).  Then I got distracted from running by taking up Taekwondo for a few years,  and the foot problems returned.  And then Covid hit and I pretty much stopped doing things that are cool.   I walk and swim laps for the most part these days.   My feet are in decent shape after several years of rest, but now I am gun shy to get back to running, even though I very much miss trail.  Around this time of year I am always eyeing my favorite spring mud runs and wondering if I should train....
    • I've just noticed that the man's race number is 2016,the worst year in all of human history. So now I'm not sorry and I'd do it again! 
    • Those poor people. 
    • Thank u for replying and the advice!😃  You're absolutely right,  I've decided to not weigh myself for a good long while. I concentrated too much on the scale with anorexia and I'm tired of it. Have a good day!
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