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    • My sleep has been pretty erratic too.  I can't seem to find a balance between over and under sleeping.  Maybe it's seasonal?
    • How long is the jump start portion meant to last?  Because that sounds like a pretty steep cut for as much stress as you are dealing with.
    • Skipping the reuinion was the right call.   Neither tea is the wrong call.   I see nothing but good choices here.
    • Oh, I had heard of it too, I think.  It was a monastery, right?   Congrats on your second marathon 🤭  So what is your next training goal?  Or is it too soon....
    • #8 Hike   Would love to through-hike the Appalachian Trail and end up at this terminal summit in Maine.  
    • You are so right.
    • Intake for the day   Brekky- 2 cups of loaded coffee, 1 peice raisin toast with pb, 2 eggs with hot sauce Lunch- Yogurt and granola Snack- 1 loaded coffee, 1/2 can tuna with hot sauce, 2 ritz crackers  Supper- Bowl of cereal   Total- 1409   Afternoon   Came home from the dentist and paced for an hr, then had lunch, a yogurt bowl and a coffee.   So let's have a chat about body image. I do not like my body. I'm chubby and decided I want to concentrate on weight loss as well as my fitness. Hubs and I agreed for me to lose 20 pounds (140 to 120). So I'll be sticking with 5 lb dumbbells and my interval training, but will eat 1400 cals.    I just want to gain confidence. I've been 140-145 most of my late teenage years and adult life, with a few times getting to 130 from yo yo dieting. I want to lose weight the right way this time, no starving, no binging as a result of starvation and working out.   ----------   Pacing till I have to get my kid from school. I feel great! I thought I'd feel sluggish from working out my legs and jogging but nope! And I have energy 😁   ----------   Got my kid from school, did homework with both of them then chilled with them in the living room for a while, then paced.   I'm craving pot. I gave it up a week ago after 2.5 years on it cuz I don't like high feeling anymore. I used to vape it to help with my depression, but I realized as I get mentally stronger, it causes anxiety.    3 years ago I had a mental breakdown. I heard voices that whispered and yelled at me. I was having religious delusions and thought it was God speaking to me. These hallucinations landed me in a mental hospital where I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar and major depression. I am on 3 meds to help. But this past week I have lowered the dose of my antidepressant and in 6 months, will go off of it completely! I don't know if I'll ever go off my antipsychotics but we will see. With my meds, I lead a normal life now.🤎 This is why fitness is so important, I need those endorphins! And why I want to lose weight, to be healthy and strong mentally and physically. ☺️   ----------   When hubs got home I had a hoot of pot. I don't really like it anymore but I do go through withdrawl from it still, so having a hoot in the evening helps alleviate the symptoms. I do have one right before bed to help me sleep tho. But my end goal is to just have it at night before bed.   For supper, I made the family hamburger helper, but bc I hate it, I get a bowl of yummy mini wheats cereal. I loooooove cereal!! So this feels like a cheat meal cuz I get a good sized portion of it that works into my calories.   Cleaned up and got the kids their snack of fruit then into bed. No snack for me tonight.    I think I'll start weighing everyday. I like to see even a tiny loss each day (most days). It's a victory before the day begins. And if I maintain or gain, I'll remember that no matter the number, I am changing my body with working out and eating right, so I don't go into a downward spiral like I used to. And it helps keep me on track each day. I am more careful with my diet knowing I have to weigh the next day! I'll still enjoy special occasions tho, like Thanksgiving coming up, I'll enjoy a big plate of food and a peice of pie with ice cream 🤤    Ended with 26.5k steps!   Alright nighty night!   Edit- Couldn't sleep cuz of hunger so I had a fruit bar. Maybe 1400 is too low? I'm used to 1800, maybe I should go down to 1700, then 1600 and so on?
    • I bought a journal for tracking my goals, and it arrived today! It's so clean and bright! I almost hate...to....use...it...         I'm not going to my 25th reunion. I have bad vibes, y'all. There's a group of really creepy guys going, that are really into drugs and then there's a lot of talk that it's going to be a wild night of drinking and partying, and y'all...this sounds like a Mid-Life Crisis Party, and maybe I'm wrong, but maybe...I'm absolutely right. I'm not a wild party person. I'm barely a party person.  Also I'm really hormonal right now and I'm just kinda having ALL  the feelings, so  let's avoid broooding... I think I'm going to make a cup of tea, and look at templates for tracking goals and get some ideas. And I'm going to make some colorful marks on the first page or so that it doesn't feel too perfect anymore.    Ginger peach green tea or herbal mint? Decisions, decisions..      
    • An idea occurs to me. More spoilery than most of what I've said about Super Supportive  
    • And Boe, and Victor and catspace. And Gorgon's crickets and Kibbie's trip to the museum. And Stuart pelting him with forest litter before introducing him to one of his mothers. And the whole "I watched you watch your sister die and you don't know it" dynamic. And even the nightmares, because that boy should be having nightmares after all this shit! And damn straight the adults are worried about him! And Stu knowing how to offer the help he needs, and him accepting. The gym stuff is cool too.
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